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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 04/28/2018

Two weeks ago, I approached a girl we talked and we exchanged numbers. We talked like 15min and agreed to go for coffee. She works in a store in the main railway station of my town, which is a popular place to daygame especially in winter.
My text convo translated in the following section:
Me: Hey, save me under [name].
Couple of hours later
Me: How was your day? I hope work wasn’t stressful.
She: It was fine today!
Me: I send a funny meme, how I thought she would look like after work really stressed out basically
She: hahaha true dat
Me: I asked her, what her plan is after she quits her job? (Background: She told me after a year, she is going to quit her job)
She: I am going to be self-employed haha
Me: Cool, you know already what you are going to do? Are you already having a side hustle?
This text convo happened  within 2 days, then she didn’t answer. After 5 days, I wrote again.
2 hours later
She: Heey sorry, I had some stressful days that’s why I am not much on whatsapp.
I didn’t answer her and didn’t bother to be honest, she still didn’t answer my question, since I had enough numbers to follow up and also I had other things to do so, I thought maybe I follow up in a week, when I have more time. But 2 days later after her message, she wrote me the following.
She: I have you observed at the main railway station, how you have approached women. That’s really disgusting, how you put this show. I mean it is nice and good to approach women but intentionally go to the main railway station and do this as a hobby is extremely ugly (middle finger emoticon)
You shouldn’t have chosen an employee from the railway main station because this (news) can spread like a wildfire. (Weird emoticon face should probably be vindictive) You should better think about it!
My reaction:
Well at first, it really got into my head seriously. I felt bad about it. I had this weird itch in my stomach and wasn’t relaxed respectively my breath was shorter than usual. I questioned everything haha. Should I ever say to my future girlfriend that I do pickup? I felt ashamed and bad, since pickup shaped me to the great, confident person, who I am now. I immediately blocked her. I talked with some friends about this. I was clearly emotionally hurt when she sent me that text but after a good night sleep I didn't bother about her, but it made me thinking.
My take:
Well, obviously she is butthurt, but her reaction seems a bit too extreme, especially we don’t have anything going on, she ain’t my girlfriend! We didn’t even meet and she almost ghosted me. Especially things like „disgusting“ that’s her view, I got several girls, who even encouraged me to continue to approach girls. But her revengefullness in the last sentence „You shouldn’t have… better think about it!“
I didn’t break any law, it’s my right to approach any girls I want!
After this incident I have the following questions:
- What is your assessment of this situation and how would you have handle it?
- Did you tell your girls about pickup in generall? What was the general reaction? How would you go about it?

Thank you for your attention guys!

BobbyBilfiger's picture
Joined: 07/14/2018
Damn that's not cool at all

Damn that's not cool at all on her part lol. 

Don't feel ashamed, you haven't done anything wrong.

In fact pickup is positive at its core, and gets a bad rep from a mixture of 1) guys using it to manipulate women, 2) resentful guys who are jealous, 3) poor teaching and then guys going around malls not knowing the difference between an approach and straight up harassment, 4) some women's movements who also fail to understand the nuance between self-improvement and manipulative tactics. 

If you're on this forum you're probably part of the good guys who want to better themselves and get laid. There is nothing wrong with obeying your natural instincts and desires to fuck women. Women love being fucked by certain men, and on this forum we are becoming those men. What you bring to the table, which starts with the initial approach, is a gift to the girl. This is one of the many things I learned training with Jon and it really changed a lot of my negative attitudes I would sometimes let myself get into. Don't do it.

Don't take a single person' remark or response as an indicator of anything. Lots of women are not nice people, just like tons of men aren't either. 

As for this situation and with what to respond, I'll let more advanced guys weigh in as I'm not totally sure what I would do. 

Good luck let us know if anything changes this is an interesting topic

Joined: 01/18/2012
Gawd it's so nice to have

Gawd it's so nice to have intelligent, well-meaning discussions on the forum again. :) <3 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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Daddyjihad1 (not verified)
Bobby covered the bases so

Bobby covered the bases so let me add where I can

1)You shouldve been more aggressive/assertive. This girl was trying to shame you for doing something that isnt shameful at all. You’re crushing it man, keep it up. I would’ve texted her back and told her to fuck off. Maybe something about how she was cool but this shows what an immature brat she is. She is now out of your good books.

2)Yea my girlfriend knows about pickup and that im on here. Its cool man, girls can be really sweet and understanding about this stuff. Its really about how you yourself feel about it all. Its what you do. Why be ashamed of it? It makes your life and other people’s lives better. 

Joined: 04/28/2018
First of all, thanks for the

First of all, thanks for the answer Bobby!

Well, I just blocked the girl and thought it wasn't necessary to respond, since she wanted a reaction from me. Also, unblocking her forsake of giving funny witty answer, felt like weak for me. So, I let it be.

I know pickup at its core is good, I only felt ashamed on that particular evening when I got that text, because I was emotionally hurt and didn't think rationale.

Later, I was just more worried about the future girls, I meet for the long term, how they would percieve it that I do pickup and approached probably hundreds of girls. Like you said pickup has this negative connotation and obviously, one single person doesn't represent the general reaction of all the hot girls, I will meet. I was just curious of other guy's experiences when they told the girls about the topic pickup.

On the other hand, one of the important skill in pickup is to reframe anything in a positive light, so telling such a topic to girl, is still in your control primarily.

Joined: 04/28/2018
Ok thanks Jihad! Next time,

Ok thanks Jihad! Next time, if something similar happens, I will handle it more aggressive and hold my frame, since I am not in the wrong it that case. Maybe I should have sent her one of my favourite song of Bobby Brown as well hahaha.

Joined: 01/18/2012
I don't go around talking

I don't go around talking about pickup with girls. Lol. Maybe because I was doing "pickup" before pickup, but also maybe because I'm just not an idiot lol. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

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Daddyjihad1 (not verified)
Again, I should’ve clarified,

Again, I should’ve clarified, im bad at that lmao. 

Like I said “my girlfriend”, not any and all girls. No other chick knows that side of me. I dont even talk about it w my guy friends. Also, i never introduced it as pickup. Its kind of lame that way and honestly we do more than pickup on this forum. I even associate pickup with mystery and some nerd hobby. 

And i only told her cause I visit this forum a lot and when you’re in close proximity with someone its bound to come up. 

Funny story, she actually found out cause I accidentally typed an “M” instead of “N” in my search tab for netflix and the first thing that popped up was “Manwhore” - Not the most appealing thing to see on your partner’s search bar lol - And I didnt do the best job of explaining it.... Derp

Joined: 01/18/2012
Yeah I need to make the

Yeah I need to make the transfer to I bet the traffic will go up immediately hahaha


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Daddyjihad1 (not verified)
Personally I love manwhore

Personally I love manwhore and how taboo it sounds but for a larger audience mensexpose does sound better

although if someone reads it as men-sex-pose - You’re still gonna raise flags hahahha - I like both though

Joined: 01/18/2012
Dude, duh. You didn't realize

Dude, duh. You didn't realize that's why I named the new site that? Lol 

I call it new. PFF. Shit's been active like three years now :\ 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Daddyjihad1 (not verified)
Lol ya i know you did but I

Lol ya i know you did but I was thinking you wanted something much more commercial.

Joined: 01/18/2012
Like fucking what..?

Like fucking what..? 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/18/2012
Dude no joke I just picked up

Dude no joke I just picked up Bahaha


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 04/28/2018
I wasn't clear sorry, I meant

I wasn't clear sorry, I meant also, if I have a girlfriend in this case, you still wouldn't tell anything about it despite seeing for months for example?

catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015
Blakondamov wrote:I wasn't

Blakondamov wrote:
I wasn't clear sorry, I meant also, if I have a girlfriend in this case, you still wouldn't tell anything about it despite seeing for months for example?

Dude for this and the original post about this chick, you yourself have nothing to be ashamed of. Like the other guys (Jihad, Bobby, and Manwhore) said This is about self improvement that is what you are doing. IF someone else is emotionally project onto you for something that doesn't have any effect on them, and you feel good/great about this then is not a YOU problem thats THIERS. Don't give it anymore thought. Did you do anything illegal, nope. Did you do something immoral to YOU? no you didn't. Her opinon isn't yours, you live with your opinion a lot longer. Also next time something like this happens just something like that ^