Hey Manwhore, where do you buy your wife beaters? Looking to get some black ones and I haven't seen any or actively been looking since about 2004 lol
I usually buy structure beaters as well as their boxer briefs
Are you getting these online, tj maxx, Sears, etc.
my google search returned a lot of weird shit
Yeah I pick them up from Sears. Were you on the call yesterday?
Yeah I posted up some brief notes in one of the threads. I got off around the hour mark after the threesome mindset and Katalyst trying to be a pimp by kicking hoes out lol
Aw holmes next time give us an intro buzz I didn't realize you were there.
My laptop doesn't have a webcam and I don't have a headset. I'll make sure to pick one up for the next call. It was a good time for sure, thanks for setting it up homie