why eating quality food is important
Here are some cool articles about "leaky gut" and how digestive health affects mood and inflammation levels in the body. Those of you that get athletes foot, jock itch, and other fungal/bacteria infections this is an interesting read.
What I thought was most interesting is how one of the article explains that gluten increases a certain protein that increases the permeability of the intestines (more toxins leaking in the blood stream) even in those that aren't gluten sensitive.
This is why I am shying away from the whole "does it fit your macros diet". Yes a calorie is a calorie, but the quality of the food should always be a priority.
Ya know I never get sick. Like I don't even remember the last time I had a fever or anything like that.
I wish they did some studies on the immune system and people that practice presence/meditate because it actually makes sense. Even deep breathing has made my digestive system feel better, and I had a pretty bad bacteria infection at one point
yea health is very representive of how well one is attuned to their life. Diet is just one piece of the puzzle, but yeah I have been vegan for two years and haven't been sick once. I used to get sick all the time...no more!
actually found a real experiment outlining mindfulness and increased immunity. Real shit
beargrizz I remember talking to you about not eating meat but didn't know you were vegan. Why do you avoid animal products? I'm really on the fence about dairy products
One of my "mentors" back home is a nutritionist as well. He recommended the diet, and I took off with that shiat! If you look at the stastics, cancer is like 95% more likely to happen in someone who eats meat than does not. But beyond that foo foo stastical stuff, it is simply a much healthier diet. I can tell you I went from literally taking a shit once every two days, sometimes even three, to taking the best shits of my life. It is so much easier for the internals to handle a no meat diet.
Dairy is pointless...There is no benefit to it. Calcium is the argument, but you can get that in other non dairy products. Besides that though it just creates too much mucus and does not get digested easily. I drink a shit ton of almond milk now and that stuff is the shiat!
I wouldn't really even call myself a "vegan." One can be a vegan and have rather indulgent diet. You've seen all of the vegan desserts and shit. Of course I have them every once in a while, but my diet consists of whole grain breads, almond butter, corn tortillas, hummus, greens at least once if not twice a day (romaine/kale/etc...), tofu, celery, beans, nuts, fruit, among others. So its a pretty simple diet. But I can tell you for SURE that there is no loss of protein or any of that balogne. I'm as strong as I've ever been with this diet. If I wanted to I could get yoked easily and this would not keep me from doing so. But for sure, dairy, really has no value when you can substitute.
well thanks Beargrizz for the info, never heard of the connection between cancer and meat eaters before that's shocking. Now say you decide to eat meat or dairy every once and a while do you feel like shit afterwards?
So just eats nuts instead of meat? I must admit, I had a steak earlier and by golly it was delicious. Fuck. I would kill a cow myself to have a steak like that again. Obviously I'd share it with all you guys on my forum but damn.. it was delish. Go Vegas
with dairy, no. with meat, yes.
yeah I'd say that while diet is constantly being hyped up as super important, almost nobody actually knows what the hell they are talking about. A lot of rationalizations that people haven't looked into to see if it is true for themselves. Maybe a pure plant based diet is not right for everyone, but you have to try it before you know for sure. It is perfect for me though, at least for now. This stuff about soy giving males too much estrogen, of course men are going to freak out when they hear about "all the research done on it. But all I am saying is, try it out for yourself first before you make any judgements on it. Its the most natural, ancient, and simple diet there is out there. Cavemen lived mainly off of fruits, vegetables, and nuts....they were foragers primarely, they freaking celebtrated when they killed an animal becuase it allowed them to take a break from foraging. Point is, they weren't involved in "wat food to eat" because they were trying to survive. It wasn't about taste or anything. Kinda of a tangent but the point is I think everyone should try out a purely plant based diet for a period to see if it is good for them....diet is like anything but for some reason we don't see it that way, have to get over any of the stigma and what the "scientists" says in order to really see what works best for you, what keeps you the most vital, what keeps you the most steady, and what keeps you the most durable.....That's really what a plant based diet does, it keeps everything in an even flow, its like a "timed-released" adderall or something, if it gave you alll the energy at once you would experience a serious high and then follow that with a serious crash. That's what meat does for me, in my experience, just like any shitty thing like a milkshake....
it promotes exactly what tyler talks about here "nice calm present energy." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWAOVEicnlw" k my proposal is done.