women get insecure when you don't cum?
I've been training myself to last longer lately and so when I ended up fucking this chick on our date...i couldn't cum LOL
apparently this made her really insecure and she was yelling "WHY WONT YOU CUM?"... and started to cry (wtf?). like BAWLING, her salty tears on my cock. that's when she put her clothes on and stormed the fuck out
...should i just have busted on her tits?
Yes girls are very insecure about that stuff lol
For me, it depends on what kind of condom I'm using. I usually can't blow a load with trojans etc. This girl I was hooking up with turned me on to a brand called Kimono. They're a little on the expensive side and I can only find them at Fascinations, but they're pretty badass