Had a unreal night at the bars tonight. First this girl approaches me and sits in my booth. Get her number and try to make out but nothing. Then I dance with this other girls whose into me. Approach some brazilian girl who don't speak a lick of english and keeps shaking her head at me. I get her friends to ask her if she thinks I'm cute and then we end up making out, hard. Meet a couple other girls. Then I see the girl who I was dancing earlier and we start talking. Tell her were leaving and I leave with my other buddies who both have girls. Go back to my place, yada yada, a little making out and then we go into my room. I drop the pants and shirt and go into bed. Except she's in there with her pants and shirt. Get her to scratch my stomach and grab her hand and put it over my crotch. She pulls away. Lie in bed, talking. She's not down to take her pants off. I tell her we don't have to hvae sex if she's not ready. She's like I appreciate that. Keep talking, then she wants to get a cab and go back to her friends whose she's been texting. I'm like well I want you to stay. She's like I know, but I gotta go and I know you can respect that.
Fuck. She calls the cab. I bring her to the front door. Kiss some more. She rubs the outside of my boxers. Then I whip out my dick and she like stroaks it for a seocnd. Then leaves. I know she just got out of a long term relationship but that's some gay fuckign shit. I just texted her and told me to text me when she's at her friends.
Sounded like you were a gay. Too accepting of bullshit. Why'd she have her clothes on in your bed? That's just weird. And it's your bed. Tell her the rules. You're too nice dude.
HAHAHA! I've been there before. Mine was gayer than yours but that was pretty gay man. LOL
In a situation like that, her phone is THE ENEMY and must be eliminated. That thing cock blocked the shit out of you. Put it on silent ring or shut it off when she's not paying attention.
Oh man! I was such a gay!!!!
I was very quizzical when she went into my bed with her clothes on. I was like, "what are you doing, are you actually going to wear your clothes in my bed." She was like, "My clothes aren't coming off." and I was like, "okay that's fine"
What the fuck, I let my frame down and acted like a complacient dickless fagalo. Next time the frame is going to be strong as fuck.
I usually say "Why are your shorts still on?" With a weird, condescending smirk on my face like she's being super weird. Or I say something about how we should be matching (I'm usually in my underwear way before the girl lol)