I think that this is what game is, to a large extent. Each of us, is already the man we want to be, we just don't know it yet, so we are constantly doing shit to prove to ourselves that we aren't. I think "The Game" is simply our path towards allowing ourselves to recognize that we are the man we want to be. Like, there comes that moment when all of a sudden, girls who you aren't even "gaming", in your social circle, literally just want to fuck you. And this is simply because you are starting to become the man that you always felt you had to "try" and be, via "game"...
Anyway, the other part about this, for me, is that I have always said that I want to work on my game, in such a way, that I internalize everything, to the point where there is no difference between "Game" and "Me" - I don't use canned material or anything like that, because I have chosen to take a specific path, with regards to game. I've gone off that path at many points, but I'm always coming back and continually choosing to take a more natural approach. I don't know if it's the most potent or the "quickest" path. All I know is that any progress I make, any successs I have is becuase I deserve it and I can claim OWNERSHIP of it.
But what happens, sometimes, when you get so caught up in the trees, as I mentioend earlier, is that there continues to be built up this idea that we aren't quite there yet- there continues to be this "try-hard" element to our game, that is kind of the hallmark of most mediocre to even advanced pooahs.
But what I've been starting to realize recently is that I'm already "That guy" - Sure, I can always be improving myself, but I am currently the guy that women want to fuck and be around. I don't have to "try" in order to "Express these qualities"... no.... I simply just AM that guy. I can't help it. I can't NOT be that guy at this point.
I would urge you to look at yourself and ask yourself the same quesiton, "Am I already the man I want to be"? The answer will probably be that you're closer to being that man, than you may initially give yourself credit for.
Relax into who you are. There is never anything wrong with approaching and "Going Hard" - but there is a shift that takes place, when you realize that you don't need to "try"... And yes - there is a difference between "trying" and "Gaming" - "game" is always necessary but "trying" isn't.
You are the man you want to be, you just don't know it yet, and I'm not going to sit here and say it's easy or that you can just be like, "Okay, I'm the man I want to be" and *poof*, it happens- No... For everyone this process is different. It may be a very quick process for you, but for me it's been slow, VERY slow, but that's what the path is- it's just a continual process towards recognizing that you are the man you want to be.