You Can’t Be Half A Gangster = Abundance
That’s a fact. Living in corporate America has dulled my edge and made me a pussy. It’s no
coincidence that my results declined as soon as
I started doing more white collar work. It has to do with the mindset I took on of being very careful not to offend and be PC. Of course, EVERY arena has rules, and I can’t blame the terrain for my mistakes.
Even if I was going all out I was still holding back and that makes the communication not floooow as it should. In my mind I’m going all out. I’m actually NOT.
Now I’m back in the “short term mating strategy” mode and playing like I got nothing to lose again. Fuck it. I can still get shit done and in fact I’m having more fun getting shit done because I’m always in a great mood now. Whatever happens it happens. I’m good no matter what.
Cant be half a gangster. Either it’s all the way or not at all. Fuck it if I lose my job or my friends or any particular piece of snatch. There is always more of everything. The girls that are right for me love what I’m about and that’s all I give a shit about, not adapting to some bullshit because it’s “socially acceptable”. I’m not about being socially acceptable or unacceptable. I’m about enjoying the one life I have.
Yes and no.
but ya lol I just closed a deal with the most slimy services package. I'm gonna get shot when everyone realizes what I did but the deal closed and that's what matters. Can't play to lose. Can't be half a gangster.
That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about living honestly and from the core.
Oh okay.