Buddha, gift to you!!
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 03:47
Making a fake profile of girl to check out my competitions. Came across her profile.
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 03:48
Way ahead of you bro : )
Way ahead of you bro : )
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 03:50
I think she's real. Tineye
I think she's real. Tineye her pics, got nothing
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 03:52
She is real. I've exchanged 3
She is real. I've exchanged 3 messages with her but she stopped responding. Gonna reengage tomorrow if I still have no response.
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 03:53
Although if she is fake...
Although if she is fake... I'd understand why she stopped responding : /
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 03:56
Damn son! you are quick.. I
Damn son! you are quick.. I used her pics for my okc profile.. less than 3 min of launching her pics, i got 2 new msgs.. wtf
It's hard to be girl for real lol
It's hard to be girl for real lol
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 04:12
Got to her the first day on.
Got to her the first day on.
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 04:19
Already fucked her when I was
Already fucked her when I was living in Manhattan. Just kidding
Dude that selective mute comment is WIDE OPEN for a serious crack
Dude that selective mute comment is WIDE OPEN for a serious crack
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 04:37
I'm gonna drive 3 hrs just to
I'm gonna drive 3 hrs just to fornicate this chick. She clicked my profile thru "meet me"
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 05:06
good call.
I'ma wait a day
good call.
I'ma wait a day or so and then hit her with that.
I'ma wait a day or so and then hit her with that.