How to overhype a bar date for drinks?
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 22:40
I typically set dates in a way that I pick them up in the subway station, walk for some minutes to a bar next to house, then take it from there. We usually drink wine(I don't drink beer). I'm trying to find out how to make the whole thing more interesting and adventurous. Thoughts?
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 22:56
Help this man out, gentlemen.
Help this man out, gentlemen.
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 22:59
For this assignment, can we
For this assignment, can we just link to the other 50 or so threads on here that either directly address this exact question, or involve text convos that are good examples of exactly how to do it?
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 23:04
Buddha be nice
Buddha be nice
Fri, 04/20/2012 - 23:07
I'm not trying to be a dick.
I'm not trying to be a dick. He's been on the thread for a while.
You wanna field this one, man? I'll do some followup if need be.
BTW- OP: It's a good question, it shows your head is totally in the right place. Why don't you start out by throwing out something for us. Like try answering your own question first, then we'll go from there. Don't worry about whether it's "right" or not... but I mean, you know what you want to be doing so give it a shot. The guys who I've seen that think they can't do it and then throw something out, actually end up throwing out some pretty decent shit.
You wanna field this one, man? I'll do some followup if need be.
BTW- OP: It's a good question, it shows your head is totally in the right place. Why don't you start out by throwing out something for us. Like try answering your own question first, then we'll go from there. Don't worry about whether it's "right" or not... but I mean, you know what you want to be doing so give it a shot. The guys who I've seen that think they can't do it and then throw something out, actually end up throwing out some pretty decent shit.
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 12:45
I overhype by saying shit
I overhype by saying shit like 'King Arthur used to drink this wine, this wine is going to change your life, this is the best wine in the universe', etc. I just want to hear more hilarious ideas, some guys here are pretty creative
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 17:41
To get the date you don't
To get the date you don't necessarily need to use qualifiers, they can be great but I've gotten alot of my dates/lays without qualifying at all and actually lost plenty where I tried to qualify cause I thought I had to. Here's a couple simple ways I use to get bar dates
*If the girls been working really hard* "Damn. Well the best way to be a white collar baller is a blue collar work ethic, lets grab drinks friday you need to unwind a little"
"So I heard we were grabbing drinks tomorrow"
If the text convo isn't leading towards a date and has become chodeversation I'll just redirect it with someting simple like "Hey, I'm gonna be busy for the next little while, let's grab a drink friday though"
Even off the first text "Hey, its Falc from -----. Lets grab drinks tomorrow"
"Free for drinks friday?" "I can't because blah blah blah" "Make the time girl I'm worth it"
I'm still leading I just don't qualify with anything crazy.
Cazier qualifiers, which some of the guys on this forum find funny...
"Come over. Lets make vegetable stir fries and drink wine with phil collins feel it in the air playing in the backround"
"I have generations of subservient and loyal serfs working my fields. They have procured for us a fine wine specifically for this evening"
*if you've been chatting for abit* "We should discuss this at a subsequent date over wine harvested from the blood of mythical beasts"
"Lets reminisce with a glass of wine and phil collins best of playing in the backround, perhaps over rare cheeses"
To lead from the bar, I usually don't qualify because we've already been interacting so chances are I've been qualified by the interaction itself. I take her home like its the NORMAL thing to do, as if she were my gf and it's assumed she's coming back.
"Alright, let's pay up and get outta here" and then just walk with the girl
"Let's go make some food, you hungry?"
or maybe, if I really wanna qualify "Let's go watch a movie" lol
You could also qualify with shit like Twister, a fish tank, or whatever else, but generally if the girl doesn't want to go bang it's because you haven't taken your dick out or she's too prude. I still think that when you're already on the date your qualifier/selling point should be the vibe and not some adventure projection.
*If the girls been working really hard* "Damn. Well the best way to be a white collar baller is a blue collar work ethic, lets grab drinks friday you need to unwind a little"
"So I heard we were grabbing drinks tomorrow"
If the text convo isn't leading towards a date and has become chodeversation I'll just redirect it with someting simple like "Hey, I'm gonna be busy for the next little while, let's grab a drink friday though"
Even off the first text "Hey, its Falc from -----. Lets grab drinks tomorrow"
"Free for drinks friday?" "I can't because blah blah blah" "Make the time girl I'm worth it"
I'm still leading I just don't qualify with anything crazy.
Cazier qualifiers, which some of the guys on this forum find funny...
"Come over. Lets make vegetable stir fries and drink wine with phil collins feel it in the air playing in the backround"
"I have generations of subservient and loyal serfs working my fields. They have procured for us a fine wine specifically for this evening"
*if you've been chatting for abit* "We should discuss this at a subsequent date over wine harvested from the blood of mythical beasts"
"Lets reminisce with a glass of wine and phil collins best of playing in the backround, perhaps over rare cheeses"
To lead from the bar, I usually don't qualify because we've already been interacting so chances are I've been qualified by the interaction itself. I take her home like its the NORMAL thing to do, as if she were my gf and it's assumed she's coming back.
"Alright, let's pay up and get outta here" and then just walk with the girl
"Let's go make some food, you hungry?"
or maybe, if I really wanna qualify "Let's go watch a movie" lol
You could also qualify with shit like Twister, a fish tank, or whatever else, but generally if the girl doesn't want to go bang it's because you haven't taken your dick out or she's too prude. I still think that when you're already on the date your qualifier/selling point should be the vibe and not some adventure projection.
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 18:03
lol falc is god. That is a
lol falc is god. That is a GREAT answer.
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 20:52
yes falc some gold right
yes falc some gold right there. To get them to my place I have no issues at all, I usually don't even say what we are doing, just say 'Im going to show to the neighborhood', I probably bring back 80% of them back, I usually get LMR ALOT though. Like most of these girls that come back won't have sex even though we will be making out like crazy
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 21:14
#9 Good thread on LMR prevention, scroll down and check Brad Branson's response and also read Manwhore's fucking LMR-prevention bible. The key thing I learnt was that LMR starts before you get home, and I think the problem you may be having is that youre unclear in your intent. If youre beating around the bush with qualifiers all the time and you're more focussed on how clever or funny what you're gonna say is then how much sexual tension is in the interaction then you're gonna get LMR for sure. I personally have failed to do this plenty, I'll get a number, qualify a date on some "take a break from studying" bullshit, meetup, laugh, frolick in the sun, seed a pull with some garbage about a movie and then never bang. On the flipside, if there's sexual tension you can qualify or not qualify all you want, it won't matter as long as you don't do something that shows you're socially maladjusted.
Girls like the emotional spike that dates, makeouts, talking to guys on the phone, etc. give them, especially because it gives them shit to talk about with their girlfriends, but for a girl to let you penetrate her there typically has to be some deeper arousal and connection going on. You gotta make her body go "this guy is the champ, we need his genes, let's reproduce". The funny part is that a girl will makeout, go on dates, and go home with you if she doesn't feel like that. There's a sinister side of that too, which is that girls love having little fagboys that give them attention and validate them. So as funny as some of the shit I said may be, you gotta ask yourself on a primal level what's gonna make the girl aroused, and humour is a small part of that. On the flipside, if you've got sexual tension using some hilarious Manwhore or Falc lines will definitely make the girl happier that her body chose you, and ultimately she can resist her primitive urges because she thinks you're mean, retarded, whatever right, so this other shit is like icing on the cake.
Girls like the emotional spike that dates, makeouts, talking to guys on the phone, etc. give them, especially because it gives them shit to talk about with their girlfriends, but for a girl to let you penetrate her there typically has to be some deeper arousal and connection going on. You gotta make her body go "this guy is the champ, we need his genes, let's reproduce". The funny part is that a girl will makeout, go on dates, and go home with you if she doesn't feel like that. There's a sinister side of that too, which is that girls love having little fagboys that give them attention and validate them. So as funny as some of the shit I said may be, you gotta ask yourself on a primal level what's gonna make the girl aroused, and humour is a small part of that. On the flipside, if you've got sexual tension using some hilarious Manwhore or Falc lines will definitely make the girl happier that her body chose you, and ultimately she can resist her primitive urges because she thinks you're mean, retarded, whatever right, so this other shit is like icing on the cake.
Tue, 04/24/2012 - 17:25
Wow two great posts falc. I
Wow two great posts falc. I was re reading your how to hype a date comment here and Budda told me I need to make adventures and not dates. But I have a couple questions before I send out some date invites today to a few girls. You use those lines to adventures (you gave a few examples) just seeded in regular text Convo right? Do they work cold?
And what were you talking with the qualifying in texts. I didn't realt get how qualifying yourself for a date would work or the relevance. Can you clarify?
There's an awesome martini bar near my place. I'm a regular there. I go in. Order three martinis of my choosing and let her choose her favourite. Going to hype the shit out of the martinis while staying non-needy. Sometimes when I invite girls out I make it seem like their doing me a favour by coming with me.
And what were you talking with the qualifying in texts. I didn't realt get how qualifying yourself for a date would work or the relevance. Can you clarify?
There's an awesome martini bar near my place. I'm a regular there. I go in. Order three martinis of my choosing and let her choose her favourite. Going to hype the shit out of the martinis while staying non-needy. Sometimes when I invite girls out I make it seem like their doing me a favour by coming with me.
Tue, 04/24/2012 - 17:27
Ohh I think I get the
Ohh I think I get the qualifying part.. Youre talking about qualifying HER before the date not yourself. Like mid text Convo you say "haha *random compliment* we should talk about this over drinks"
Tue, 04/24/2012 - 18:38
Nahh I meant qualifying the
Nahh I meant qualifying the DATE, and as a generalization the colder the more necessary and effective they'll be. Again, what you're doing with the adventure projection is qualifying the meetup with some sort of purpose...conversely, if you have banged the girl 5 times you can text her at 3 am and say "Come over" with 0 qualification, because the meetup has already been qualified by good sex. The adventure projection is all just qualification, and it works AMAZING for girls online who you've never met before because, well, you've never met them before and your meetup hasn't been qualified by the graet vibe or sex you guys had.
Some guys will take this too far though, and qualify qualify qualify away any sexual tension in teh interaction. At this point the qualification clearly becomes reaction-provoking and/or relates you to her as a friend instead of a sexual threat. Watch the new 30 min Tyler vid, he does a GREAT job of explaining this. When you're "on" at the nightclub you can walk up to a girl, stare at her, make some face and then just go "food" and take her out of the club. Another example I can think of is times when I'm making out with and fingerbanging some girl at the club and I'm about to pull, how fucking GAY would it be if I qualified the pull with some shit about my fishtank? The pull has already been qualified by the interaction itself. And I think getting good at this is largely about getting to a place where you have to overtly do less and less to qualify yourself and qualify sex, because you're naturally drawing state from within so hard that your vibe and more discrete behaviours do all the "work" for you.
Some guys will take this too far though, and qualify qualify qualify away any sexual tension in teh interaction. At this point the qualification clearly becomes reaction-provoking and/or relates you to her as a friend instead of a sexual threat. Watch the new 30 min Tyler vid, he does a GREAT job of explaining this. When you're "on" at the nightclub you can walk up to a girl, stare at her, make some face and then just go "food" and take her out of the club. Another example I can think of is times when I'm making out with and fingerbanging some girl at the club and I'm about to pull, how fucking GAY would it be if I qualified the pull with some shit about my fishtank? The pull has already been qualified by the interaction itself. And I think getting good at this is largely about getting to a place where you have to overtly do less and less to qualify yourself and qualify sex, because you're naturally drawing state from within so hard that your vibe and more discrete behaviours do all the "work" for you.
Tue, 04/24/2012 - 19:30
Ohh wow.. You just cleared so
Ohh wow.. You just cleared so much up for me. Qualifying the meetup itself. I don't think I've ever really heard of doing that but do it naturally I guess. I'll be focusing on that a bit more thanks!