Interesting quote about text game from the girl that just left my apt ;)
Fri, 05/11/2012 - 23:50
I was only the 2nd guy she'd met up with off pof, the first guy she met up with was weird and she had to make an excuse to leave after about 15 minutes. She told me that she'd given her number out to several guys on pof but that over TEXT it always got weird.
Text game motherfucking FTW!!
Text game motherfucking FTW!!
Sat, 05/12/2012 - 00:20
That's awesome. Just shows
That's awesome. Just shows how big of an impact good text game can have.
Sat, 05/12/2012 - 01:54
I would think messaging on
I would think messaging on pof is just LIKE texting.
Sat, 05/12/2012 - 03:01
I actually had the same
I actually had the same thought. I think what happens is these guys put on their best face for pof to get the number but then the facade falls apart when they have to be quick over text
Tue, 06/13/2017 - 22:39
2012 lol. Derp
2012 lol. Derp