Me: Hey this is your beloved Erik
Jessica rad - 4 mins later: Haha well hello Erikson!
Me - 15 mins later: Hello there mommy lol
Jessica rad: Lmao, sorry erikson sounded way better! Wats up
Me - 1 min later: Just finished running with my buddy. We should go get that mochi later tonite
Jessica rad: Mmm, cant tonight.
Me - 1 min later: Dammit, I was thinking if you said yes, I don't have to cry for 3 hrs tonite
Jessica rad: Lmao, well dang. Im with some friends at farrahs and then im going to body tech
Me - 1 min later: Wat tattoo are you getting
Jessica rad: Im not): even tho im addicted to them, im just going for a friend getting one
Me - 13 mins later: Cool
Me - 1 hr 45 mins later: How did holding hand session go?
Jessica rad - 5 mins later: Not well, he didnt have enough time to do it only for a conseltation. Lame as fuck!
Me - 2 mins later: Fucking is not lame!!
Jessica rad - 31 mins later: Yes it is, unless its in the ass.
Me: I love you!!
Jessica rad: You love me long time?
Me - 1 min later: I just met you... I'm not that easy lol
Jessica rad: Bitches these days...
Me: Huh?
Jessica rad - 3 mins later: Lol nuthin(:
Me: What you doing tonite?
Jessica rad: Right now, i just got home. & am doing homework
Me - 1 min later: Come hang out with me n do your hw
Jessica rad - 5 mins later: Lol i wish, but i still live with the rents and cant be out so late blah blah, yah im one of those young bitches
Me - 1 min later: Are you still in hs?
Jessica rad: Unfortunetly
Me: Are you 18?
Jessica rad: Mhm
Me: Sounds fishy lol
Jessica rad: Smells like it to.
Me: Don't know about that, but u n the ass fucking turned me in
Jessica rad - 1 min later: Lol. Its a big turn on
Me: Tell me about that
Jessica rad - 3 mins later: I like it in the ass. The end.
Me - 1 min later: Love you!!! Send me a pix.
Jessica rad - 4 mins later: Idont have pic txting.
Me: Me so sad
Jessica rad - 21 mins later: Whys that
Me - 1 min later: The idea of u n the ass keeps playing in my head
Jessica rad: Lmao. I take it u like that?
Me: I love it
Jessica rad - 1 min later: Haha. True!
Me - 1 min later: You should be here
Jessica rad: Where is here?
Me: My place
Jessica rad: Which is?
Me - 1 min later: An apt closes to downtown
Jessica rad - 1 min later: Gainesville?
Me: No in space
Jessica rad - 1 min later: Meet me in outerspace. We could spend the night. Watch the earth come up
Me: Lol cute
Jessica rad - 2 mins later: Incubus<3
Me - 1 min later: Come
Jessica rad: Cum.
Me: That can happen now unless I see you
Me: Cant*
Jessica rad: Dont u have hands?
Me: I refuse to jerk off
Jessica rad - 1 min later: Lmao. Me too
Me: come hang out with me
Jessica rad: Icant,
Me - 15 mins later: K