Girl: What time are you going into work? Has it been busy?
Girl - 2 mins later: Yeah me too, I'm driving back now but I herd to stop in Ocala to get an oil change.
Girl - 1 hr 44 mins later: Yeah I bought my car there do that's where I have to get an oil change.
Me - 1 day 8 hrs later: What time u go bowling?
Girl: Maybe in an hour.
Me: K text me
Girl - 43 mins later: We are heading out now.
Me: K cool
Girl - 4 mins later: Alley Katz
Me: I'll be there around 11
Girl - 1 hr 35 mins later: What a sellout! Lol
Me - 11 hrs 36 mins later: Loll my b
Girl - 6 mins later: Are you at work?
Me: Nope what's up?
Girl: Oh jw. I wanted to go in but my body is so tired.
Me: Lol how late did you bowl till?
Girl - 1 min later: 1ish
Girl - 1 min later: What re you doing today?
Girl: Wanna wash my car? Lol
Me - 1 min later: I'm having couple dates later. If you promise to be my date, I might consider that lol
Girl - 12 mins later: Hahhaha Wth
Me - 4 mins later: Love I need
Girl - 20 hrs 30 mins later: Hey I need to do my fafsa this week. Can I get our papers please
Me - 3 mins later: Yes my dear
Girl: Thank you sir!
Me - 1 min later: Lei me know when u and Brian home. I need to ask him some question
Girl - 2 mins later: Kk
Girl - 1 day 8 hrs later: Hahaha Wth
Girl: Come over and bring tax papers. Please Brian is home
Me - 1 hr 14 mins later: Be there in an hr just got out the gym
Girl: That's perfect. I'm running errands.
Girl - 1 hr 21 mins later: It's an hour
Me - 1 min later: Jeez lady take it slow...
Girl: Lol I just got home hahah
Me - 2 mins later: You are scaring me...
Girl - 1 min later: Weirdo!
Me: Oops wrong person... But that could apply to you too
Girl: Lol