Alex's FR's
So these last couple of days I HAVENT been approaching..
Like I dont know wtf is wrong with me. My "logical" brain will tell me, "its ok, you only have so much willpower"- but i know thats BS.
So the past couple days I've been moving stuff into my apartment. Ive been organizing things, reading, meditating, doing my drills, and even cooking steak (for the first time in my life) with grassfed beef/eating "clean" basically doing things Super independently since this is the first time I've TRULY had my own apartment.
I've also been going HAM with my workouts pushing myself with cardio probably more than I ever have in my life (besides h.s. sports with coaches screaming at me).
Basically I am making all these independent decisions and it feels really good, but at the end of the day I am coming home and still feeling like shit because Ive been shying away from approaching girls..
Other than my "logical" conclusion about willpower this really doesnt even make sense. Like i have clearly conquered approach anxiety in the sense that in the last week+ i have been approaching harder sets than I ever have in the past (mixed sets, parents in set etc.)
Why is this happening to me now? Is the answer really that I am just being a HUGE bitch? Probably
Please somebody set me straight here.
Aug 31st 2012
I get to the bars at 10:20. I go in and theres this guy painting a gigantic painting of Blue Moon beer. It was like a picturesque scene depicting Blue moon. He asks me if I want to paint im like sure.
I grab a brush and paint part of it. I turn around and realize the chick standing behind me is one of my dad’s tenants- I went to her house earlier that week. So i paint a lil more then turn around tell her i was in her house earlier that week. She looks confused but also like overwhelmed trying to think who i was. I told her yeah i had a beard and she proly didnt recognize me. i was there with my dad. Shes like “OH youre xx’s son!!” im like yeah, shes like oh yay being friendly. Introduces me to her roommate. Roomie asks me if I paint im like nah, i play it super cool talk to her for a lil bit. Then tell her im going to get a drink.
So I leave the hot girl Im talking to to go get alcohol.. Even though i spent my entire last week learning about how alcohol is totally unnecessary for game and is retarded.
I do a lap dont see those girls. Go upstairs. Sit next to some girls dont talk to them.
Go back down. Go to bar next door. Make conversation with doorman. Go upstairs, approach a couple sets. It feels like there’s no point in even describing these sets because Im just in a bad headspace. The only reason some of them even went remotely well is because my outer game is better than its ever been. I ask some girls if they want to play beerpong one of them stops her convo with the other to smile at me before I even say anything. Im like “you wana play beerpong” The hotter one is down i bring her back but I guess these fuckers already started a new game. I dont feel like arguing with the guy (in a passive lame headspace) and tell my girl I dont want to have to beat his ass. She’s like ok they go outside to smoke cigs she tells me shell be back.
I approach a girl in pink she responds positively but tells me shes going to be really rude for like 30 seconds while she texts her friend. Im like ok and watch the band for a little. I comment on how theyre really good. We get into a convo shes really enthused about wakeboarding which is what we start talking about. Im not. It basically dies I feel like im half faking my enthusiasm. It feels like im working.
So I introduce myself to pink girls friend and she goes to talk to some dude. I leave soon after.
I open a 2 set of girls with a dude. They are all initially really responsive. I handle it like a gayass and get blown out. More like i blew myself out.
I literally am being super down on myself. ALL of my mental chatter is negative. I haven’t felt like this in a long time.
i go to my car and decide to head to this house party i was invited to. Get there open these 2 girls pretty energetically. I was actually expecting them to be responsive but they just dismiss me and tell me to leave. I tell them i hate them. Go inside get blown out. Come outside talk to one of the wrestlers he’s like “WHATS UP ALEX!!”
I realize 1st girl i opened that blew me out is actually his girlfriend. We chat a little he tells me I have to put up these pics i took of us a couple weeks ago. So I open like one more girl who my friend actually tools HARD. haha he’s like “do i know you?” after she spews out a full paragraph to him. Shes super butthurt about it. SHes hot. So i open her a little later realize she has a crazy accent going on i ask where shes from. Shes from ireland, i ask why she came here she tells me field hockey *points to teammates
Then she leaves. I dont open anything else i have negative thoughts and I leave.
I go back to the bars sit in my car for a bit before going back out. im trying to pump myself with good emotions. I guess what i forgot was that mind follows body. I literally should have just started dancing in the street i guess i was just too unconscious. And its strange that this would happen after I just recently began eating SUPER healthy and meditating...
Theres this super hottie sitting texting on her phone i walk up to her. Til im right in front of her and just stand there. In my head i was even thinking I need to put my hand out or grab her hand or something. But i didnt i just half assed it and stood right in front of her until she looked up. When she did i said “Ur cute” *smile. Was genuine but she was like “Ok....please dont talk to me” *looks around
She was legitimately creeped out lol. So I walk back into the bar. A homie from camp calls me out as I walk in. I go sit at a table with him and his brother, and friend. They buy me a shot im like ok here we go. Were downing pitchers and shots and im chilling with them. It’s fucked up because I start having fun here. I dont know if its the drinking or the comradery of having buddies with me- probably both. But i finally am having a good time- But it SUCKS because i somehow turn this negative too: like “oh you’re having a good time now because you’re being unconscious drinking. You’re letting your environment bla bla bla”
Its funny how literally ANYTHING can be taken and made negative. Same with positive, depending on your state of mind.
So I spend a good amount of time just sitting there drinking with these guys.
We do a lap. I dont open anything. I dont want to “ruin” the fun im having yet. APPROACHING FEELS LIKE WORK RIGHT NOW.
We go outside and i see some people i recognize and talk to them. Then they head into a bar i go there too. Take a piss and open this girl with bright turqoise shorts. Im talking about how vibrant her shorts are. Date planner drill on her. She’s laughing hard and also like playfully smacking me in the face. Im like u cant do that girl. She is being defiant. I keep talking to her/plowing her friend is there. This girl is pretty drunk. I aks her if shes going to remember my name tomorrow she says she hopes not. Im like why are you so cold hearted. She talks to her friend for a sec i say are u gona ba a jackass or we getting icecream tomorrow she tells me to go fuck myself I tell her shes an asshole.
Wander to bar several blocks away. There’s a cover, doesnt look like theres that many people in there. More so me making excuses for not wanting to go in.
Sept 1st 2012
I went to the tailgate fields by myself. Keep running into old acquaintances- some of them are pretty natural dudes and are good with girls, but they dont do cold approach. I leave
Walk around. I just want to feel at home in this environment. Did about 3 lame approaches but hey. It took some just to go out there by myself with no alcohol. I mean.. Thats something ive never done before. So anyway continue on the path.
Sept 1st nighttime
Got to the bar at 12:30
I was state pumping like a fucker on the way over there. As soon as im in i tap some girl ask her about her getup. She tells me her friend made it i tell her she looks like a hot waldo shes like “Thanks!
They tell me theyre going upstairs I just walk thru to the patio. Arm tap a girl in a conversation with “2 seconds, whats your favorite dinosaur” (she was wearing a dress covered w lil dinos” the guy in the set actually teamed up w me real quick about her lame choice in dinosaur, which i misinterpreted that she said penisaur. Haha. Im like "thats not subtle girl". Her friends leave i twirl her, tell her i want to have a good look at her then im like telling her about how we’re going to the feline rescue center together. We chat a lil bit I think I say something stupid and her responsiveness weakens a tad (I have to remember the whole “turn questions into statements RULE” it is a rule without a doubt and without exception. I was saying things to girls tonight like “will u be m gf tonight” and right after i said it I was just like thats lame as hell. “Ur my gf tonight” is just lightyears better. Thats not even a good line but just shows how much better it is than making it a question.
The convo w her dies she tells me maybe shell see me later she was still friendly.
I open up some asian my kinda dancing and telling her shes “Tearing up my heart” (the backstreet boys song had just played) I say something like “how could u just sit there, looking at me, looking at you, knowing the way you’re looking at me like that girl” her and her friend just crack up and now the guy there is like “how could u do that to him”. I chat with them for a bit im just getting warmed up and reallly not caring about outcomes since ive just been in such a gay funk the past few days. I really dont care and am just feeling awesome for being myself again.
I open some girl in set with 3 guys start talking to her about her iphone case. once again in this scenario i can tell things are going to be akward unless i just fucking take over this girls reality. I just come off bossdaddy while talking to her about iphone cases lmao. She just goes quiet and attentive now faces me. The guys she was talking to are kind of talking shit like “what a great conversational piece", in the background. She’s like “oh dont mind them theyre assholes” i tell her im an asshole too. She pretty much just completely buys into my frame even though im talking about bullshit. For some dumb reason though theres this thing in the back of my head telling me not to escalate cuz im now on display for these 3 guys who were in her set theyre just straight up watching my game now. I know i should have escalated here but whatever not mad at myself at all i just got out of a ridiculous funk and i was NOT opening mixed sets like that before going to Vegas, AND i had been drinking before going to vegas... Booyah muhfuckazzz.
So this girl is super attentive to me until I just make it akward by not escalating on her. Like it was OBVIOUS thats what i was about since i dominated her shit talking about iphones she just was basically telling the 3 guys she had JUST been talking to to fuck off lmao. Like ANYTHING they said she would dismiss them immediately. Literally waving them off.
Anyway i just look past her and its obvious the convo is done she tells me to have a goodnight or something.
I open more. There’s really not many people in here though... I guess because of tailgate but seriously there were very few people out tonight for it being a saturday.
I go outside and open this girl wearing glow bracelets. I sit down next to her and vibe with her and pull her in for a kiss. Im just saying retarded shit and we’re laughing cuz the shit im saying is just funny i dont remember.
I kiss her maybe 3 more times on this bench but its awkward position so i stand her up and spin her. Makeout a lil. I tell her im going to next bar get her #- it starts raining. She runs off w her guy friends, i head to next bar.
Open a girl like “no shit you go to xschool! No fucking way i go here too wtf!” she reacts like it was semi funny but turns away. I go back in her friend straight blocks the SHIT out of me with a karate move. Im like ok lol
Open a girl with bracelets. I was making her laugh super hard so even though i was all up on her her friends were just watching her wide eyed. I go in for the makeout shes just cracking up at everything i say. I tell her ill see her later
Go upstairs and open some chick with some funny ass shit about me wearing expensive watches and her being impressed as fuck. shes giving me anime eyes. But her guy friends (i ask if its her bf shes like no) are like “NO dude. Its not happening” in the background
So i kind of lose my cool a lil and say that dumb “will u be my girlfriend for the night” line. Its not that im saying it with lame tonality it actually comes out authoritatively its just the gayass phrasing of it thats fucked. lol so shes like “no” as i put my arm around her and then her male friend gets up in my face “ITS NOT HAPPENING”
Im like ok, get her name and bounce. I would have stayed in if i hadnt like fucked it up w the boyfriend shit
so I approach more girls but its fucking SLIM pickens man
Roll out to next bar.
I go up and get a water. Open greenshorts girl next to me. She DIGS me. Instantly giggling I wasnt even saying clever shit it was just my relaxed demeanor. Like I wanted NOTHING from her. This is in contrast to how i had been feeling last few days/nights on some approval seeking BULLshit.
Anyway her friend is like telling her to come with her to their friends and shes just standing there looking up at me like waiting for me to tell her what to do. I tell her to go with her friend.
Possibly a dumb move, I only did it because this has worked out previously in a similar scenario where i saw the girl later and she was way more into me because i didnt “take everything when i had the chance” (however you phrase that concept) Todd mentioned it at summit. But basically it was stupid bc i saw her later, but she was in set with some guy and i decided to wait til she wasnt, but then I didnt see her again after that its really whatever i knew she went upstairs but i didnt want to wait in line. She was very cute though. Maybe ill see her again
I open some woman that looks 30 dancing. I talk with her a bit then she offers me her ass to grind up on. I do. Then i say some shit about how theres not many cute girls at the club tonight, she looks back at me like half joking about being insulted, then i say “but then i found you;)” she like backs away from me and starts telling me about how thats the 2nd cheesiest line shes heard tonight and some guy was like “come home with me tonight” to her earlier. Im like ok.... Didnt really handle her calling me out for being cheesey correctly I was like "u think thats cheesey?" - once again with the questions should have just been "im anything but cheesey"- whatever
We talk a lil more then she goes to get drinks w her fellow bachelorettes. She told me she was 26. Either she was lying or she just has terrible habits because this chick looked atLEAST 30 if not older.
I grab some girl who i saw at the last bar “Didnt i tell you i was going to make it rain on you?”
I talk with her tell her chill with me while she waits for her friends to text her. We chat she tells me about how she stepped on broken glass earlier. I rub her arms ask her if she had a first aid kit and if shes ok, and grab her wrist, “or do you need my assitance :)”
I can tell she gets hooked right here her eyes go puppydog. Girls like being grabbed my their wrists kind of firmly. Everytime ive done it. Going to keep in mind
So she tells me shes meeting up with a male friend and makes a point that hes just a friend i tell her ill come with her. We get there she just talks to him i dont introduce myself right away, which i should have, but i REALLY just dont even care im just chilling. I introduce myself to him eventually and join their conversation about mutual friends. He then asks both of us if we want to go back to the bar they were just at. I dont want to do that I tell them it was both nice meeting them and leave lol
I open a few other girls. I want to find my greenshorts blonde from the beginning but im over it and get food at about 2:45. The bar closes at 3.
Im literally just stoked that I got out of that fuck state of mind i was in. NOT going to hate on myself though I am making some huge transitions in my life right now and it must be growing pains. I also was depressed for most of my life so I’m probably just prone to slipping back into that mindset every once in a while. Happening a LOT less though, and I got over that shit in a matter of days. A lot of fucked up shit's happened in my life. Its really cool that getting rejected by women a whole bunch = more fuel to make you give less of a fuck lol. Shit is fucking therapeutic it totally helps me to not take anything too seriously
I wasnt in state either. I like jump started some sort of “state” by making myself sing and dance. Not a single drop of alcohol
Fuck. Yeah.
Alex.. consider how the wrestler treated that girl, and the response he got.. and the way you treated her, and the other girls, and the response you got.
True, but at the same they already know each other, so she's invested in their interaction. I feel like if i acted that way to a girl im just meeting they would just be like "no you dont know me, go away" or something. Maybe thats just in my head, but yeah im not very good at making girls invest, or at push. I feel like if i do push without them investing theyll just leave
I'll leave more gaps in my speech recently and allow them to talk more, but idk if thats all the investment i need.... Really i just need to experiment more with it
I just read Vince's shit and this really stuck out to me
"stop going for the number, close the same day or none at all."
- (I can get enough attraction from pretty much any girl to give me her #... Julien has a video where he says girls would give their # to a homeless guy lmao. And this relates back to what Katalyst/buddha have been saying. If im not running any active push, or being the prize, it doesn't matter what kinds of awesome texts i pull out of my ass if i was too pull in the interaction. I need to focus more on my PUSH/pull dynamic.
"the victory comes from not the number, but sticking to your own expectations and standards in teh field such as enforcing my own reality rules. ANd from me believing 100% in myself.. having that iam enough convinction thoroughout from the pull to the close to the first minute. Like Julien said, be willing to burn these lukewarm ones now for the definite fucks down the road. Finding that in the long term thee success will come when ur reality and self belief are strong but u can't pinpoint when and exactly where it will happen."
-YES. I need to be the standard. Act according to my own reality. Not allow myself to get dissuaded from anything by chodes talking shit after I just opened a girl they were talking to and now she's not talking to them anymore. I need to literally be DRAGGING these girls around the club. Burn that shit to the GROUND BABY. Like at this point i dont care if its uncalibrated as fuck and im making girls spill their drinks or their wrists get bruised cuz im yanking em around. I just have to fucking do it and own it. "GIRL POUR SOME DRINKS GET THOSE WRISTS IN SHAPE. You couldnt even wear a watch with those pussy ass wrists"
And yeah if shit gets lukewarm, im just going to start being an asshole. I dont care if its uncalibrated anymore, I just want to make some progress or even digress, instead of sitting in "entertaining nice cool guy land"
"extent the interaction, play to win, keep plowing keep the interaction goingg dont just walk off half way thru. until u've burned it. PLOWING AND PLOWING.
continue to develop that willpower muscle ."
-THIS is crucial for me. I am leaving sets, or blowing myself out because I dont want to plow/burn. That shits GAY
I left work at midnight and hit up the usual spot. I go in like lightning. Something about the last couple days and being gay (doing daygame but not approaching everything etc) I was like FUCKIT. And im *PUSHING* right now since I need to work on that. So i go in and approach this girl and her friend (I hug both of them at the same time) and they both react really well to it. The friend of my girl that Im on backs away and lets me do my thing. Im chatting with her being physical and suddenly she gives me this ultimatum that if i want to talk to her i have to buy her friend a drink cuz its her bday. Of course (esp since im pushing right now) im like FUCK that. She leaves. That shit is honestly so gay. But she leaves and I go in to another group instantly touchy and making these girls laugh. This chode theyre with keeps grinning at me super huge and trying to shake my hand i acknowledge him but ignore him. Go back to my girl but she moves to talk to the bday girl. While shes talking to her I pounce on this 2set coming out of the bathroom. I tell her shes fucking cute im going to take her to the zoo. Shes loving it im walking with them. Idk remember what was said here but I make a joke about stalking her and then she's like "idk if i like stalkers" it was CLEARLY a joke, she was just *pushing* back. But her friend hears this and starts hauling ass away from me, grabbing my girl. They dart into the ladies room, im like whatEVER.
Im still out there tho friend comes back out and i grab her hand but she runs away again.
I go back to talking with the bday group but that chode friend keeps asking me how my nights going with that retarded grin on his face. The bf of the girl i was originally macking on comes thru.... super gay it was like these girls were being guarded hard and the girls were like "All of us have bf's bla bla"
Whatever she was giving me sex eyes she knows
So i open this OTHER girl, start getting physical with her and shes totally digging it. shes with 3 friends. the main 2 ones i introduce myself to and we're cool (i actually opened them all together, Then the their other friend comes in and is a HUGE cockblock. For NOO reason. we are obviously having fun and my girl even like shush's the friend but she is such a bitch I dont even know what i could have done besides it resulting in a huge argument. (or i guess cavemanning my girl out of there but i just would have been chased but this is something i should try doing anyway)
I go back in and the cockblock friend tells my girl to sit on the other side of her (so shes away from me). I just watch my girl listen to her and totally just leave from talking to me. Im thinking wtf is she ur mom? I mean this girl was receptive to me but blindly followed her friend. I know theres no point in arguing with girls but I just went to the other 2 friends and told them how dumb that was. They kind of just ignored me and were like "yeah girls are SO silly...."
Fuck them. they are dumb.
I grab some girl but this dude grabs her away from me and sits her at the bar since im not forceful enough and kind of expect her to come with me.
I go to the next bar and the cockblocking commences again. Im talking to this girl and her friends KEEP pulling her away from me. I go chill by the bar, some new girls ask if i can take their pic I do. I talk to them and she buys me a drink. I take it with them and she tells me to come dance with her. So now im dancing with the new girl infront of the hotter cockblockee girl. Im dancing with her shes digging it i could/should have gone for the makeout she just wasnt as hot so i didnt.. I see another girl i know she comes hugs me im being a loud ridiculous fucker so shes loving it, I get up onstage with the band and start dancing, point to my cockblockee girl and she smiles shaking her finger no at me. I give her the finger she gives it back lol.
I get back down and dance with some new girls. I go for the makeout but she resists, her friend is like "hahaha come on man!" shaking her finger at me smiling/pulling friend away. im like ok, go back to cockblockee girl, she's telling me she has a bf but were talking and her sister gets up in my shit like "She said dont let that guy talk to me again." bla bla
like SERIOUSLY. My girl is just laughing cuz its obviously not true, then she keeps telling me to leave im like. "NO."
I actually get kind of pissed off here bc this has been like the 3rd or 4th time this has happened tonight. She pushes me away and I Go back in and basically yell "NO" in her face. She trips out and calls some bouncer on me I tell him she was being weird and leave.
I open some more girls that are with their boyfriends and leave the bar.
Next spot. i park outside some house party. Go up to them chat, go inside, not too crazy. My friend calls me i meet him outside 3rd bar. We go in I walk up to chick at a table start chatting her. Shes cool im telling her to take my # so she can come find me later for a drink. She's like I dont want to take mine. Im like NO cuz im tired of taking girls #s. I tell her again to just text mine and this dude at the table grabs my hand and says "ill take ur # bro"
At this point i am just pissed off with this shit. And the way he grabbed my hand was fucking wack. So im like "SHUT UP" yelling in his face. He keeps talking im like "SHUT THE FUCK UP". I know this wasnt the best mood as far as getting the girl but Its just what i felt like doing i should have called him a faggot/bitch for good measure. I leave. I chat with a few people my homie comes over hands me a drink. I dont think that having a couple drinks when im out (when im not even paying for them) is that detrimental to my game
I open more girls. I reopen a girl in pink who i was cockblocked from before. I mention this to her and her friend is now intrigued. I run some push on her hot friend now. She says shes not from here im like "Good, that way, I wont have to see you again." She's like "...You're good ;)"
who knew. So i tell her lets go inside i bring her to where my friend is, and then have a small interaction with him, and backturn her. She leaves. Im really like ok whatever. I have to learn to ride that line. Maybe that was a time when I should have grabbed her and pulled her up to the bar with me. But i am experimenting with what amount of push is the right amount right now and i would rather air on too much push rather than too much pull.
So i go open more girls, nothing much of note besides a girl upstairs who i had met before. Im doing push on her. AGAIN her friends are lingering behind her being weird i mention this to her. I tell her "they dont trust you." shes like "yes, they dont" i make up a roleplay about how shes going to rape me and shes totally playing along with it. Im leaning back and shes leaning in. Im trying to "draw" her in its working. I say some shit about how she wants to fuck my friend really badly. She denies it and tells me she doesnt want to b.c he fucked xgirl. Then asked me if I did.
I tell her yes 10 times at a cemetary. She then leaves to the dancefloor with her friends and tells me shes not going to fuck me now.
lol. So i didnt have to say i fucked that girl, and even after i did i could have pulled her back in. But im really trying to not even do pull right now and see how much i can get away with doing push. I feel like if I keep working on that aspect, it will give me greater success down the road bc im already a pull maniac i could give a girl good emotions til she wants to throw up
Lmao. This was awesome.
You are coming along. Add a little bit of an authoritative vibe and you'll start bringing girls into your reality. You have to somewhat overpower these girls' frames. And at the same time ignore them, while at the same time if it gets out of hand you bring the chainsaw into the room as Brad says, but you do it in a way that's NOT whiny, more like you're calling out stupid behavior in a subtly disdainful way. Imagine a cold chill draft emanating from you when girls do stupid shit.
I met some promoters for xHollywood club last night. They put me on the guestlist and I arrive at about 10:30. As soon as I go in I open some girl dancing. I'm just warming up and trying to get back in the zone since I just got back to LA and haven't steadily gone out/approached in months.
Chit chat and then open some guys, he tells me he's friends with the DJ thats on right now. I open the girl next to him. We talk about different festivals we've gone to, she introduces me to her friends- guy and girl. They're responsive. She gets me to dance, I take her phone and put my name in as "Alex is a Studmuffin", and text myself "Omg ur so cute." She asks if I texted myself I say yeah and she says "good." I tell her Im going to find my friends and be back she says cool shes just going to be dancing there.
In my head I told myself it's early and I just got here, I want to approach more. While this is completely viable I feel like MAYBE if I'm completely honest with myself part of the reason I didn't stay was due to a lack of confidence that I would be able to escalate/close smoothly....
If so, that's totally gay. At the same time it was early and the dacefloor was half empty
As I'm walking thru the dance floor some girl accosts me and demands I take a photo of her friends. Im like maybe if u ask nicer. She does I take the pic. Her cute friend comes up to take the phone I tell her its' blurry,
her: its okay its okay thank you!!! its probly broken
me: what did you drop it in the water
her: probably on the floor
me: every day, as you get out of your car
her: haha yeah!!
me: me too, except now that i took my case off ive been extra careful *pets phone
her: awwwe hahah
I start pretend kissing my phone she tells me im so funny. She tells me where she goes to school i tell her I met an Australian guy who goes there last night. I ask if shes got any cute australian guys in her classes and she doesnt. "Good that means more time for you and I to hang out ;)" *take her hand and put it on my chest she's giggling. I tell her "I'm playing" which was wack bc it was like I was taking back what I said, when it could've been push/pull as in: "I'm kidding, you never could be crazy"
Around this time her friend grabs her and she says shell be right back. I go off and approach more and allow myself to feel good in the moment with the music
Go out to the smoking patio and talk to some people, it seems like everyone is responding to me postively. This is a good sign since people are like mirrors. This asian chick tells me to pee in the bushes I tell her there are no bushes. Im flirting with her her bf comes over, turns out he's the DJ who just spun. I open more girls. I go to the guys bathroom and see the girl from the very beginning of the night and she seems happy to see me. Her male friend, who she has reiterated to me is her 'bff' comes and she tells him this is my friend. They are engaged in conversation while I stand there. I feel like I don't want my rhythm to be set by her/them so I start talking to a chick next to us. They start to leave I ask if theyre going to the dancefloor the guy says "yeah man c'mon let's go!!" surprisngly enthusiastically. I don't follow
I go to the couches to sit for a bit, talk to a guy to my left. When I look to my right the girl who was huddled up in the corner asks me how I am, we start talking and she's into me, I scoot closer. Just as I'm about to escalate she has to go to the bathroom, she stands up and as she's leaving leans down to say bye. Definitely could've kissed her but I don't.
I talk to more people and just have a good time. Have a few more interactions with genuine attraction
I clearly need to go back to some of the basics and put conscientious effort into physical escalation, leading, and push/pull
Still, very good night you're obviously projecting fun non-needy vibes and getting a lot of fun attraction. As you go forward you'll be able to turn that into compliance and lead it somewhere. Like balls on chin
Jan 21
Head to a bar in Santa Monica. Get a water and meet my friend. Open these 2 chicks asking her about the band. We start talking about random shit like furbys and why people at this bar think theyre so cool. I keep talking to her and a few of her friends come by while we're talking she interacts with them. I introduce myself to the birthday boy and start talking to her other male friend. Meantime my friend has been macking her female friend. The guy suggests we all sit on the couch and I oblige. Our conversation continues, Me, the girl, her guy friend on the couch and my friend and the other girl on chairs right by us. We talk about all kinds of things- raves, high school sports, Yellowcard- We're just vibing and I'm enjoying getting to know these people. But I tease her a little about being too clumsy to figure skate and the attraction is there (my tonality). There's nothing in my conversation sexual and I don't push/pull very much. I would have more if we were alone, but I feel like just allowing her to observe my solid interaction with her friends is a good choice.
My friend leaves and I engage the girl he was talking to for a bit, while the other two talk on the couch. My girl announces that she has to go home since she has work in the morning. There's a running joke that her bedtime is too early since she always wakes up super early without setting an alarm clock, and how she's always tired at work. I tell her to put her # in my phone. I tell the 3 of them they are invited to a concert my friend is throwing, and leave as they do. This probly lasted a little over an hour.
Text her while driving home:
me: If ur boss catches you snoring tomorrow tell him the cool guy u met at xBar says it's OK
her: Hahhaa I definitely will let him know I have your support
Tight now schedule a meetup and make it go down. How cocky were you with this chick? Was there a flirty vibe? Did she imagine you at any point balls deep in her butt?
Honestly not all that cocky. I think here I came off as a guy that is well attuned to people and has good social skills moreso than a cocky gangster who's going to fuck her behind a dumpster. The most physical contact I had with her was touching her knee or arm to get her focused on me or emphasize something. I definitely led the conversation between the 3 of us, tried to be flirty enough so she knows I have a dick, just nothing overtly sexual
K text her "And tell him to put me on the payroll. I need the extra money"
me: And tell him to put me on the payroll. I need the extra money
6 hrs later her: Hahaha I'll see what I can do about that
Ok now wait a day and then invite her out to somewhere cool. Be casual about it but tell her she should also bring your first paycheck
Haha alright cool
Jan 22
Went to the same bar as last night. My friend approaches a 3 set so I go in on the other 2, get the once over/rejection face from the hotter girl and the other apologizes and tells me her friend is a bitch. I go to get a water. Walk around for a bit and go back to where my friend is he introduces me to the girl from the 3set he's talking to. We clown on her for being a hipster and buying her clothes at salvation army and she's digging it. She volunteers her # to me when I talk about going out this weekend and says we should all go. My friend pulls her away to a couch and makes out with her. My other friend and I go do some approaches. Definitely not one of my better nights but definitely had some entertaining interactions.
At one point later in the night the original girl who apologized for her friend being a bitch is sitting on the couch by herself so I sit with her and start chatting. Her bitch friend who is w some dude starts staring at us and talking to her boy about us so I stare back at her. She comes over and takes my girl away. In hindsight I think I should have definitely gone back in later when I saw her again but in my past experience when the bitchy friend decides she doesn't want her friend talking to me, there's not much I can do. Still she liked me though, there's got to be a better action to take than nothing
I leave and text the girl who gave me her #
me: If ur boss catches you snoring tomorrow tell him the cool guy u met at xBar says it's OK
her: Hahhaa I definitely will let him know I have your support
me: And tell him to put me on the payroll. I need the extra money
6 hrs later her: Hahaha I'll see what I can do about that
I'm thinking of texting:
"So I'm thinking we celebrate our workweek tomorrow with drinks and you can give me my first paycheck ; )"
Solid text^^
me: So I'm thinking we celebrate our workweek tomorrow with drinks and you can give me my first paycheck ; )
her: That sounds good!
Now set a time and a place. And tell her to be sure to wear her garter holster because the place you're taking her to has a reputation for getting a little rowdy
her: That sounds good!
me: Awesome
me: Lets do 7:30 at xxx
me: Be sure to wear yer garter holster this place has a reputation for getting a little rowdy ; )
her: Will do! Is 8 ok?
me: Ya 8s cool
^last night
I know I have to do a 'feeler' type text to make sure its on. How about sending "Are u driving? I heard traffic is bad" at around 6:30 ?
Yeah parking is a good feeler text.
i usually say "See you tonight, wear something cute so we match"
I think I would detect a trace of neediness in "are you driving?"
Make sure you're dressed like a scrub. Wife beater or similar. You have muskles right?
Don't dress all trendy or preppy you won't even get a handjob
Have you even set up where you're meeting this girl at?
Yeah im meeting her downtown a couple miles away from my place.
in my text : "Lets do xxx at 7:30"
Lol thats funny cuz I was gona wear a polo. Yeah I feel like this place is too trendy Ive never been but my friend that lives here recommended it over this "really shitty college bar where the music is loud as fuck" even though its like a block away. Derp
You look good in a wife beater wear one of those. Black or white or even brown
Haha ok
Fuck turns out this place has a dress code I cant even wear a hat in there
Yo what kind of a spot you trying to take her to?
Ok so turns out the place my friend recommended is the worst place so this is what's happening right now
me: See you at 8, dress cute so we match ; )
her:Oops, already put on a grandma outfit!
me: Lmao
me: Fix it
me: Fuck I had no idea this place was so classy lol (when I arrived)
me: Call me when your close lets go somewhere else there's not even anywhere to sit in hehere's
her: I'm by the la times at a bar called far bar. Want to come here?
me: Actually do u know where 901 bar is
Me: far bar sounds far away lol
her: Where are you?
me: Yo just meet me at 901 bar I don't wana deal w valet and all that again
her: Is it by USC?
me: yep
her: I grabbed dinner downtown and am already parked, can we go somewhere here?
You're flailing a bit. Take several deep breaths and handle this in one move
There's nothing wrong with going to her district. Don't try to be "alpha" here and end up masturbating with your tears as lubricant later
Jan 31
Weird night. I felt like my game was worse (maybe imagined). I open a 2 set and end up talking to the tall one who was cuter. I tell her she can be in my music video she says she isn't sure she's only a web developer. They tell us they're going outside for a bit. Have a few opens that just don't work.
I go up to the bar and ask this chick if she's in line. She's super enthusiastic and I ask her why, she says "I seem like a nice guy"....
I start talking to her after she demands the bartender get me a water. I ask what she does she says "human things" I'm like "ok, eat, sleep, go to the bathroom. Good that confirms my suspicion that your not a vampire". I tell her I am and she pretend offers me her neck and is giggling. She's kind of standoffish though, like when i put my arm around her she backed away like "no no no too far". I tell her I'm going to convert her but we have to go the other way so her friends won't get jealous. Try to lead her away from friends but she's just not having it. At one point she was cracking up because I was talking about the "ratchet hoes" I was with last night, and her friend gave me this death stare. She's like "my friend hates you but it's funny keep telling me"
Idk I think I just have to realize there are going to be weird nights.
Saw the tall girl a few times over the course of the night, the last time she opened me to talk to me. What was weird about this that I thought about after leaving, was that I didn't game her as hard as I should have, because she's taller than me and had short hair and almost looked like a lesbian. Even though I'd be DTF, there's some social stigma of me not wanting to be seen with a chick that's taller than me and has short hair. (personally not a fan of short hair on girls but that doesnt mean I should cut those opportunities off, in this stage of the game where I'm just trying to get experience)
The social stigma of a guy macking a girl taller than him is "massive pimp". I know because I made it up
I can imagine your physical game being a bit lethargic and "heavy". It's got to be quick and light, and before you try to do a wrap-around like what you described, you want to do some quick push-pull with it beforehand. Wrist grabs with some accusatory vocals, thumb war, hip bumps, etc.
Cool, I get what you're saying.
Feb 1
Saturday night was dope. Went to my friends to pregame before we all went to our other friends show at a bar.
I ended up talking to this dude at the pregame about his music, my music, and music in general. After we got to the bar, our conversation was so empassioned (no homo lol) that this chick started eye fucking us and then said something to us while we were getting beers at the bar. We go to the bathroom shortly after, and she's at the end of the hall beaming at me.
Then she walks in on us in the bathroom, continuing to eye fuck the shit out of me. My friend who threw the pregame yells " look at this dick girl!!" and the other guy I've been hanging with tells me Im retarded for saying that (he thought I said it) even though I think he's just uptight since he lives with girls and is probably scared of being judged by women or something
I go onto the dancefloor and put my arm around my girl and start asking her if she likes this band. Shes cracking up and I ask her why she tells me cuz she walked in on me in the bathroom. I joke around about her wanting to peek, I tell her im used to it it usually happens 4-5 times a night. My energy does the work for me. I felt so good and passionate having the conversation earlier with my friend that my energy carried over into this. Looking back on it it actually was like I was doing Manwhore's conviction drills in the convo.
Anyway I'm not thinking at all about "game" or in my head in the slightest. I completely act instinctually and she enjoys the way I am engaging her body.
(2 factors I notice here is I didn't come with the intention of "picking up girls" and we clearly had more energy than anyone else in the bar, so this girl was just drawn to us (also I had a few drinks in me which I haven't been doing)
I leave a few times and come back, or get infront of her to watch the band and hang with my buddies, and she pulls me back to her, and then dances infront of me, I pull her body against mine, but not for too long, and not in a "heavy" way like you described. My energy seems weightless. I go in to kiss her several times but she backs her mouth away from mine with a huge grin on her face shaking her head each time. Sometimes I pull her in by her hips really close and stare her down, which she loves. I put my hand on her face and hold her face (hard to describe) or put my hand around her neck and she melts. I go to find where my friends are and tell her to come to our afterparty, but she wont exchange #s for some reason. She also forgets my name at one point and I pull the Julien, "OK, I don't think I can talk to you anymore" with deadpan tonality and holds onto me and won't let go while I back into the wall. I tell her I'm going to give her friend the address since she is less drunk and they can come to the afterparty. While I tell her friend the address I put my girls hand on my dick and she's just smiling looking like she's in some state of euphoria. Her friend can't see this which I think also adds to the excitement. I messed up here and didn't get the friends #, so they had no point of contact. I should have taken her # and texted her the address. Needless to say they didn't come, but it was still an awesome night, and people I was meeting were telling my friends that I'm awesome
Feb 6
Didn't exactly FEEL like going out, but I did. I get there and talk to friends and then approach. I approach some sets nothing really worth noting, although most of the girls react well to me which is cool considering I wasn't in a social mood at first. After I kind of get out of my head and from barely willing to approach to, Okay I can do this" I start to have more fun but a lot of people have left by this time (Didn't get there til 1 and 2 is close.)
I tell my friend Im going to go open the group of hot girls that I made him open earlier. I'm thinking of going for the 2nd hottest one but he's like no go for the Superhot one, who I told him about when I got there. Def a 9 maybe almost a 10. So I go up and tell her and her friends "2 seconds 2 seconds" to which her friends gladly oblige, and I tell her "Has anyone ever told you you look like Jennifer Aniston?" her friends kind of hover for a bit to make sure Im not weird and then leave us. I start chatting and ask her where she works. She says "24/7," I'm like "Is that a gas station" totally straight faced and she starts cracking up.
At this point I vaguely remember saying "I'm playing" which is once again weaksauce. I want to "stack" more pushes on this next time like maybe "oh, idk if we can do this anymore, the last time I brought a gas attendant home my mom flipped. Maybe u can help me convince her, but only if it's premium babe"
I dont know I'm spitballing but I think more little pushes here would have been gangster since that was definitely the peak of our interaction. I also was touching her watch and told her "sorry I dont mean to be all up in your face" which I think was well-calibrated cause I said it confidently and conveyed empathy for her situation (me taking her from her friends)
She was like "noo its fineee" but then her friend summoned her (word she used) and yeah I want to be the man and stay in set and endure the tests and the friends and everyone trying to cockblock and pull the 9 from the bar to my car or the beach and fuck her but hey
I got out of my house tonight and pushed myself, it's a step in the right direction
Sure some pushes would have been fine. You ever just got high on your own shit? Lots of the other dudes use the drills to just get some verbal fire going beforehand and by the time they walk up to chicks they're rolling hard
Also you got any boys you're heading out with? The best time I have is when I'm with one or two of my boys and we're killing it. Rape City. Unstoppable
Yeah I've been doing a "Vocal Journal" before I go out where I talk about what's going on while being expressive. But I should definitely start doing specific drills too
I know some guys who go out, and I also have friends/social circle who aren't into game which is cool
Feb 8
Got this cute Swedish blonde's facebook today, she's staying in a hostel and said she couldn't use her phone. Accidentally hit send on a weak fb msg. Also I seeded the hangout too far in the future, want to start using the icecream # close again instead.
Took me a bit to get warmed up this evening but once I got it I was in the zone. Opened more sets than I have been on given nights recently. Asked a girl in a schoolgirl outfit if she was a bad school girl and has been missing class. She was totally digging it but I was still just warming up. Told her I'm going to be subbing soon and she's going to be in trouble.
Made conversation with waitresses, bartenders, a gay guy and his female friend who were meeting some guy on tinder, a couple, (So key to getting outside my head) and some random guys that ended up getting me into the club inside Roosevelt on the guestlist. Inside I macked this superfine girl from Denmark, telling her her ponytail was super sexy and I can be her little pony. She told me I'm crazy but obviously was digging it. Said she had to go talk to her friends. I came back to her later while she was dancing next to a guy who she said was her bf, although I didn't get that vibe from him. (He didn't try to do anything while I was all up on her against the wall) I told her we're going to Amsterdam (she said she was born there when I talk about my Amsterdam sweatshirt. I tell her since we're not going we can elope on a yacht on the ocean. She says "what are you a rapper?" Im like "How'd you know, maybe u can even be in my next video." I # close her telling her we can just be "friends" with her "boyfriend" right next to me.
Sent her: "Good ur practicing ur moves for our music video already ; )"
Told her to see if she got it she said her phone was in the car... Didn't run any push on her looking back. Gawdammit It seems I forget how important this is while I'm in it.
I go back into the lobby and run some game on this Indian chick. I roleplay to this other guy shes talking to that she's my ex and I dumped her and moving on to bigger and better things. I also tell her she's boring so I got some good push. She later "tries to be insteresting". Take her from this guy who it turns out is also "pimping" and get his # for potential winging. I # close her and tell her she's my fiancee. She was kind of resistant to give her # saying "I dont even know you're name!" neither of us would tell each other our names
I go outside and tell this tall blonde who's leaving that she's the cutest girl I've seen all night. Walk with her down the street a bit and tell her before she leaves we have to be in touch. Didn't seed this date properly either and was trying to craft a text but didn't come up with anything cool
Her name is India so I was going to make some joke about her not getting an arranged marriage w/out my consent but didn't send it since I didn't think it was cool. Sometimes trying to think of good texts is exhausting
Would have kept walking with her to get more facetime but she protested to me walking farther with them (her friend was there)
Amused myself some more and opened more girls then left. All in all a good night once I got out of my head
You're doing good have fun and interacting with people.. but you got to start ramping up the leading, and the sexual escalation.
So I was at this lounge just now with my wing for Fonzworth Bentley's birthday party. Opened these 2 black chicks and some older guy grabbed my girl and started dancing with her and she came back to me to tell me how she hates when old guys creep on her. I told her I could tell she liked the way he did it though and I told her I needed to have a few drinks before I dance. She pushes me toward the bar and I spin it around telling her friend she's trying to get me drunk. I started dancing with her for a bit, then somehow the topic of marriage came up, so I pulled out the Husband Frame from Infinity's thread (Thanks bro) and that definitely got the ball rolling with more physicality and roleplay. We had been waiting forever for Fonzworth and eventually they left. We had some good physical rapport going on she would come up to me and lean on me and stuff. I kiss her bye on the cheek and tell her we're getting icecream sunday. She says she prefers food anyway
Fonzworth arrives right after they leave and I text her a picture of me and him, she just texted me back a picture of her and him (they must have gone back). I want to keep this going in a fun way- and definitely want to get her out Sunday for food I guess. Any tips on what to text her from here?
Why weren't you escalating at the bar? Geezez christ. That's the hotbed of sexual buying temperature (to quote nerdspeak) and you're not trying to bone her there? Or pull her outside for a blowjob? C'mon dude.
P.S. I got that backwards on purpose. 'Cuz you never fucking know
At one point she divorced me cuz I forgot her name, so she kept turning her back to me and rejecting my conversation/physicality. Yeah I should have taken her outside, that was dumb.
Lol you let her take over the frame? Dude you got to up your projection. That's fucking hilarious. She turned the game back on you. I bet she was trying to stick it in your butt. You got lucky
It wasn't really like that, but yeah I could have been projecting more