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Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Throughout the week:

Wasn't really able to go out all week which was killing me due to a shitload of schoolwork that I had to bang out at night, shit got a lot harder than expected.

I was pretty ON IT approaching to and from work. Wow. Contraction for the win. I didn't even realize I was probably burnt out from the grind of going out so much and trying to accomplish shit in my life. I had a couple of awesome sets and even had a minor breakthrough where before I wasn't able to really approach girls with charisma when I wore my glasses (which I never wear). Now I'm going to wear my glasses more often. it probably fits in more with my nerdy side, and my soft voice. Lol congruence. Looks like my black ass needs to be a lot louder when I don't wear glasses to be congruent.

Saturday 10/20/2012

Day Time:

On my way to class I was ON IT. LIKE FULL ON IT. like full motivated to have sex. It probably was out of frustration of not being able to go out at night all week, just limited to daytime shit. i approached shitloads of chicks. the best one was the one at the end when I was coming back from class.. i first approached this girl on the subway platform, ran a shitload of push-pull on the broad. She gets off. Then i see this other chick in the same car. previous sticking point of mine. I usually cap myself at one approach in the same subway car. I go up to her, and I'm hesitant because currently thats when i get that feeling in my chest. "OMG approaching another girl in the same subway car". Feel the anxiety in my chest. Go up to her and I'm so buzzed off my awesomeness - I'm just spitting pure fuckin gold.. she won't give me her number but the highlight was that she was so confused that after she left that as she walked off, she walked the wrong way then turned around after 10 seconds after realizing she was about to walk off the subway platform into the tracks…Lol very positive reference experience.

I've become more obnoxious during the day time as the belief grows. just opening girls saying "darling darling darling" in a faux British accent. before i used to say a million things as in "excuse me, i'd kick myself if i didn't talk to you".

Yo OMG I can't wait till i push subway shit on some shit like "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? WHO THE FUCK IS YOUR MOM?" like in the subway car on the way to work. I have to admit when i push my comfort zone to that level i'm going to start jerking off to EYES WIDE OPEN JUST LOOKING AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR FULL PSYCHO MODE..

hehe I'm not there yet but 6 months from now I think I'll be there. The subway is a beauty - social pressure GALORE. you can approach here and keep your cool here you can do it anywhere.

Night Time:

cute Peruvian girl from work hits me up . Finally a day 2 - it took me 4 months to get one. Fucking hell OMG. talk about the most vexing slump in life. I pulled a couple of chicks during this slump as well but was NOT able to get a Day 2. time to re-evalute my game. i was running on 4 hours of sleep from the most vexing coding problem EVER. wtf - i was missing a { and it threw my whole shit off. newbie coding errors. i was full tired. i went for a run right before i went out and didn't get time to eat because I was running a little bit late.

I get there, theres a massive line of at least a 1,000 people in line trying to get into this cramped ass swanky hotel lounge. i talk my way into vip and get her in as my guest. I kept telling her what to do, say and act, and she was a little scared about lying but i was like ADVENTURE and she got all excited.

We get in and she's full excited and has this look of WTF I can't believe I'm in VIP sipping liquor and mingling w/Myspace execs. Her buying temperature and state is super high. I should have kissed her early in the night to cement that i was there to get laid - anime eyes but i was a fuckin pussy not jumping in through this window. Needless to say i did escalate. It's funny i think its harder to escalate on a day 2 then it is when you're out a night because you're more invested. i'm not worried though my day 2 game is solid, its IGHT THO the nigga was a little rusty NAHMEAN (rubs thumb with nose). I'm not going to beat myself up - i was on 4 hours of sleep and fuckin hungry. i meant to take a nap but if i took a nap i would have overslept. I've done that before for a day 2 and TRUST me you aint recovering and waking up when you're so tired and amped on adrenaline.

Needless to say she won't let me escalate on her, as i start to become more emboldened throughout the night and stick to the agenda. I'm bouncing her around the club doing all sorts of shit to change the vibe, rhythm, pace of the interaction but its not going to happen. i dance around, have fun, its all good nah I'm saying. she's also pretty stifled from what i can see. While i kept escalating she had her firm rule "yo I'm not flirting with you, i'm not going to kiss you", i'm not doing this, I'm not doing that, i don't know you"

2 hours later we run into donald glover. she sort of loses her shit. i stay icy and even take a picture of them but i'm thinking to myself "wtf is wrong with this bitch". its ok she's a basic bitch. theres 2 types of bitches. basic bitch and bad bitch. you do the math next time you're out with a chick. i've done a lot of work on myself so i have very little time for basic bitches.

I got kinda pissed at this whole donald glover nonsense - i mean i know i an't compete but I just ditched her and start hitting on other girls although i was running on low fumes. I wish i hit on girls earlier in the night to be more of an asshole but the past is the past. Eventually party clears out - we got a bunch of free shit from the party it was cool. she was like a kid on christmas. i walk her to my chariot. i should have just driven her to brooklyn on some asshole shit. next time these bitches don't get a choice they just get roll with the kid when they just sit on the roller coaster and they can jump off the ride and PLUMMET to their death or just sit on the ride with their seatbelt on and get off when the ride ends.

So we head crosstown. I call up buddah, my phones low on battery. I tell my girl I'm hungry she's like not but she'll watch me eat. while we're walking there, i self-amusingly get these 3 group of australian girls to follow us a couple of blocks to sort of fuck w/her and join us at the diner. . Get some grub, I'm loud, obnoxious, and pure asshole and I tell her to write down all her questions and everything that she wants to know while i'm waiting for my food. she just sits there and looks at me all dumbfounded. i do a lot of push-pull here (give her the finger, but then call her baby), she replies don't call me baby, i tell her i call her all my friends baby. the whole time while i'm eating "i'm like yea so what do you want to know" and she's just sitting there all stifled. yo wtf is wrong w/you girl.

ok so i met this girl at 10 - its 2:30 and i'm done w/my food. i tell her i want to leave and I'm gonna hang w/my buddies, but she begged me several times to meet buddahgames. she was clearly intrigued w/me. So we walk a couple of blocks, meet up with buddah and his homeboy.

Buddah and his homeboy are having trouble getting into the club so we find these 2 meh sort of girls (like a 6 and a 7) and she vouches for me while i approach them so that they can help get buddah and his girls into the club.

Thing to note - really really subtle but crucial point. buddah and natural buddy were sort of flirting w/my girl but i honestly didn't give one iota because i was already trying to get her off my hands, knew she was already VERY invested in me and find another chick - but i honestly loved how buddah's homeboy was like "yo can you go up to a guy and get a cigarette for me". 5 mins later, buddah's buddy seemed all jittery because he really needed a cig, and my girl was like yo i want to get him a cigarette badly. i was like wow thats some next level shit. maybe I'm reading too into it but i was thinking to myself today like fuck thats " some fuckin bullshit considering she was complaining about people smoking earlier".. game respects game. can't hate.

I couldn't figure her out. like she's putting me into friend zone but won't let me go. I'm like "yo bitch wtf is your problem - fuckin go home dude."

buddah, the 2 girls I grabbed and his buddy can't get into our spot so i just head up with the girl. get in, i lie on a couch and want to fuckin sleep. i was up since 8am so i was BEYOND TIRED. this girl was so basic, she didn't want to check her bag into coat check because she was like "yo they're going to steal my headphones". I'm like fuckin relax you can have mine if you want.


I think ill text her spontaneously because i feel like i can train her up, she has that slightly nerdy vibe, she's cute, latina, slightly ambitious. long-term project but I'm deleting her off my Team Katalyst spreadsheet (yes i keep a spreadsheet). i think a player needs 5 girls that seem pretty down for the cause. well thats my goal anyway to always have 5 girls that look like solid day 2 options and converting them with good text game.

But you know as i sit here all unable to sleep i'm like this is a NICE NICE subtle shift to where my game is going. Probably going to be less needy at this point. we shall see. like i'm really coming across as the prize. it's about time. Like i won't lie to you - i was tripping balls over this chick and she just fuckin disappointed me like a motherfucker. O my god. its like my chode brain builds these girls i crush on to be these awesome things and then i meet them and I'm like sheer disappointment. sheer fuckin disappointment. i don't know what my chode part of the brain was thinking but its like I'm looking for these girls to fulfill me. wtf is this girl going to do for me.

LIKE REALLY. LIKE REALLY. WTF CAN THIS CHICK DO FOR ME. HOW CAN SHE ENHANCE MY LIFE. SHE CANT. IT WOULD BE COOL BUT SHE FUCKIN CAN'T. SHE CAN'T. i'm too busy, got way too much for her to enhance my life like crazy.

I wasn't even disappointed like "bad night disappointed". i was just sort of like happy disappointed like thank god i didn't sweat her or get her.

like tyler says "build state from within, look to yourself for happiness".

and in my previous post i talk about how i've been looking to make chicks make me feel happy. its really a mind fuck for me because I've been striving like crazy for this to happy but i don't know what its going to take to realize that the GOLD lies within. manwhore since day 1 of training was like your ability to game FAR FAR exceeds the ability to get laid. so its going to take some inner game for me to really push it and accept this fuckin truth.

"I've been disappointed I've been disappointed by every bitch i ever had, either she was dick crazy or cheddar mad" - pusha t
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Wednesday 10/24/2012

So I met this girl sometime last week on the subway. 9am, headed to work, quiet ass train, underslept from banging out a shit load of work the night before, had my glasses on - which make me look so professorial:).

She's just standing there so I open her up, execute the program. Talk for 3-4 minutes. quick # close. Didn't even remember her name until I called her.

Roll up after class, run home and wolf down a sandwich and head out.

Definitely a poor Day 2 btw.

Meet her. Really cute, she's got curly locks, heels, dressed up. definitely invested in the Day 2. Try to kiss her on the lips, ridiculously unsmooth. she's like WTF. LIke unsmooth. I'm like uhhh ha ha ha to laugh off the weirdness.. Just start talking, it's so chode for so long. We're seated at a roundtable, i'm seated 90 degrees from her. We talk for 45 mins - minimal physical contact. this is going bad.

Decide to take her to another bar around the corner. Same thing - bar is full, we sit down at a table, i make more of an effort to sit face to face w/her. We keep talking about stupid chode shit. Have to admit, I'm damn tired - i should have slept well the night before would have been way more functional - BUT i had shit to do mann!! Just a poor poor Day 2. She says she has to leave - we chilled for like 2 hours.

When we get outside, I try to kiss her. I call her a bad kisser - she says that's a lame way to get a kiss. i for some reason, agree instead of keeping my frame. She tells me she won't kiss me because she's not that type of girl. She's like "i met you on the train isn't that weird". Idk what I said but my pimp frame was damn weak.

She walks home in the other direction, I have my dry dick in my hand. Get home, meditate, visualize a better Day 2, and immediately fall asleep.

Obviously in hindsight, I should have thought this one out a little bit more. There was a party that this DJ I know throws every Wednesday nearby. I should have gone to a more dynamic environment and just have been self-amusing and pumped my state if i was feeling less than ON IT. Always come up with a plan B if shit's going kinda stale. Next time I'll think my shit through if I'm tired. I should have gone for the extraction to my house by seeding pictures at my house (which was a block away from the 2nd bar) and not have been reactive for a kiss at the end. Fuckin desperate ass Katalyst :(

God. I also wish I read this post that dude Cat put up which is pretty amazing when it comes to setting up Day 2s. Sometimes game conditioning has you thinking: CLOSE THAT BITCH IMMEDIATELY. And sometimes it's ok to do a day 3.

Whatever. there are way more Day 2's to come - but this has definitely raised my belief regarding all this subway bs i've been putting myself through.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
You need to assume pussy. I get laid by accident. By accident. Always assume it's there just waiting to be uncovered. If you're with a girl on a date, assume you've got physical escalation down, and be looking past that to the next step. Don't try to kiss girls. That's for faggots. Stop trying to put those barnacle lips all over girls you pussy. Go for physical escalation, then go for extraction. I pull girls without kissing them.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 05/27/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Do you self amuse during day 2's? Not like in a forced way, but the same way you would act with your best friend except it's sexual and touchy.

i sing random songs, have rants and make funny faces - a lot of fun, just need to get workin on the 'gettin laid' part lol
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

"but she begged me several times to meet buddahgames"- Girl hadn't even met me yet and already wanted on my dick

Also- just to clarify: Me and my buddy had already gotten into the club with 3 chicks but we came out to meet katalyst and there was a cover charge that we def. were NOT paying...

Also- I can't speak for my buddy, but I was definitely NOT consciously flirting with your girl lmao- I mean, some of it just can't be helped becuase we both know how awesome I am but I would never run in on your shit like that.

Also- The natural you met is a fucking BEAST... fucking awesome guy. He's not that great looking but is just AMAZING with people in general. He's one of those dudes that if you are EVER feeling shitty... he just can sense it and will be like, "Yo man, you alright?" and I'm like, "Wtf dude... how'd you even know"

But yeah- he doesn't actually smoke cigarretes thats just you being weird. You have a weird thing with substances dude... you think anyone who smokes or drinks is like addicted to smoking or drinking lmfao. That guy is just a fidgety dude in general... he's always pacing and always on the move, it's kinda funny.

ANd yeah- this girl is so far below your ass. Legit dude you're just better than her... also- I bet you didn't qualify her at all.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

And yeah- you'll be hanging around these two guys more often, but the guy you met that night, he has an UNCANNY ability to get girls invested... it's really crazy.

Like it's a great 1-2 punch with him and me because I have a fuckton of value (and so does he) but he's also incredibly good at getting investment from girls, like to the point where it's almost an "auto-pull" if he's around.

Like he'll randomly just be like, "Oh dude, that chick from the other night texted me" and I'm like, "huh?"- lmfao some random girls we had met were texting pictures of me... it was hilarious. I'm like, "damn dude.. I didn't even know you # closed taht shit"

By the way- we haven't gone hard together in a while, that needs to change.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Manwhore;884.9588;5 wrote:
You need to assume pussy. I get laid by accident. By accident. Always assume it's there just waiting to be uncovered. If you're with a girl on a date, assume you've got physical escalation down, and be looking past that to the next step. Don't try to kiss girls. That's for faggots. Stop trying to put those barnacle lips all over girls you pussy. Go for physical escalation, then go for extraction. I pull girls without kissing them.

yea - agreed for reals. That's actually a sticking point of mine - way too reliant on the kiss in a lot of my interactions for sure. It's some weird game conditioning - where I look at shit in levels a little bit too much.

It's like isolate -> makeout -> fratstar gropage -> pulling for me.

Somethings you can grope without the make out and the same thing goes for pulling.

Gogo;884.9589;130 wrote:

Do you self amuse during day 2's? Not like in a forced way, but the same way you would act with your best friend except it's sexual and touchy.

i sing random songs, have rants and make funny faces - a lot of fun, just need to get workin on the 'gettin laid' part lol

@ Gogo - I was too tired to be 100% self-amusing. I was just loud and charismatic but it was all forced. It was a woefully poor day 2 and I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I was happy that I got the day 2 to begin with after not being able to seal the deal for so long. I'm over that now so going forward I'll be better.

buddhagames;884.9590;8 wrote:

"but she begged me several times to meet buddahgames"- Girl hadn't even met me yet and already wanted on my dick

Also- just to clarify: Me and my buddy had already gotten into the club with 3 chicks but we came out to meet katalyst and there was a cover charge that we def. were NOT paying...

Also- I can't speak for my buddy, but I was definitely NOT consciously flirting with your girl lmao- I mean, some of it just can't be helped becuase we both know how awesome I am but I would never run in on your shit like that.

Also- The natural you met is a fucking BEAST... fucking awesome guy. He's not that great looking but is just AMAZING with people in general. He's one of those dudes that if you are EVER feeling shitty... he just can sense it and will be like, "Yo man, you alright?" and I'm like, "Wtf dude... how'd you even know"

But yeah- he doesn't actually smoke cigarretes thats just you being weird. You have a weird thing with substances dude... you think anyone who smokes or drinks is like addicted to smoking or drinking lmfao. That guy is just a fidgety dude in general... he's always pacing and always on the move, it's kinda funny.

ANd yeah- this girl is so far below your ass. Legit dude you're just better than her... also- I bet you didn't qualify her at all.

@ buddahgames - lol RELAX. i was talking your ass up like a motherfucker so of course she'd be intrigued to know who you are.

I didn't care about the flirting one bit. Real talk. If i was butt-hurt you would have seen me pull her away from you or something TRUST ME. If i liked her I wouldn't have brought HER TO THE CLUB. no fuckin way. I do think we need to actively steal chicks from each other when we're in field. Train ourselves to be outcome independent. Me and Montaigne do it to each other every so once in awhile and we need to do it more. If a girl likes you, she likes you.

Nah I could care less about substances. Tons of girls we meet or make out with do drugs mann -thats reality and if I'm one on one with a chick I'll drink w/her. At the end of the day it's their problem. I just don't like doing that shit - in my eyes it's a waste of time.

I just thought it was phony of her to be all like "let's get his friend a cigarette he's all walking around like a madman" when she was bitching in the previous club about people smoking up in VIP.

For sure I'm going out regularly now so while I can so we should meet up.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Nah dude it wasn't cause you were talkin me up- she could SMELL ME from all the way cross' town... You'll get there ; b

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Thursday 10/26/2012

Day Time :

Wake up ridiculously refreshed. Whoa. Idk why i disrespect sleep. but mann this shit was fuckin great. I think 6.5 hours of sleep is my sweet spot. Felt massively alive today.

See a girl sitting down on the subway as soon as I get on the subway, hesitated for about 4-5 seconds, talk to her. I'm actually pretty LOUD too. Vibe w/her the whole train ride. Solid # close.

Night Time :

Mann tonight was a really fun and cool experience.

My co-worker is having her bday tonight at some bar. I decide to invite the Peruvian girl out.

I consciously decided to invite her out because my co-worker has some hot friends and I knew shit could pan out for the better with another girl there.

So she has her bday at this karaoke bar. I get there a little bit late from approaching girls while I'm walking towards the bar, and my homegirl from work is like "Katalyst so glad you're here - help me start up the party". Thing is her boyfriend's friends are kinda meh and party killers - the room is half full of like Israeli dudes who are playing it too cool for school. I crack a couple of jokes about my friend pestering me to do karaoke because I'm the only black dude and for the most party just really bring the party.

Eventually the Latina co-worker chick shows up around 10:30 , a couple of minutes later I start busting out songs - everybody starts to get more into the party vibe. I absolutely steal the show and do about 5 songs - pretty much to the point where one of the Israeli dudes eventually gets all jealous and "mistakenly" cuts off the karaoke system when I'm singing Prince - Kiss (which is my last song). Fuckin hater asswipe - but i'm not about to start some drama. It's not that serious.

While I was there, I looked around and mann I was by far the coolest motherfuckin guy there. Came there - everybody wanted to start singing after I sang - it was that kind of ordeal. It was pretty good. It just felt good to let go and release some positive energy.

Chill with the Latina girl and just manhandle her the whole time for my self-amusement while she keeps acting like a prude. Lift her up slam her on the couch during the party in front of everybody, hold her down, spank her playfully, sit on her. I also tell her to shut the fuck up a lot playfully and we play-fight a lot. A part of me wasn't joking. While I'm at the party a bunch of the girls there (i've hit on 1 or 2 of them before) want to know about the chick that I brought to the party and keep asking me if we're bf and gf. fuck no.

After the party we all head outside and she wants to join my co-workers friends and I. I'm like "yo take your ass home - don't you have a docs appt EARLY tomorrow morning." she's like yea i can stay for a little bit. I object and tell her i'll walk her to the train station, but she's insistent she rolls so I just roll with it. I try to playfully put her into trash cans and dumpsters and the like while we walk to the next bar.

We get to the next bar and I immediately approach this French chick standing in front of this table full of guys. Do some pretty aggressive PUSH on her and she ends up hitting me in the chest but she absolutely fucking loves it at the same time - it's awesome.

Roll back to my co-worker and her friends. She's like "i thought you weren't going to come - so glad you made it". She keeps talking me up to all her friends and shit. Little Latina chick just keeps following me as I pretty much ignore her. I start dancing a bit out of boredom, a way to self-amuse, she follows me and dances as well. I do all types of silly stuff, I'm giving the French girl the middle finger from across the bar as well while dancing with the Latina girl.

Eventually i chill out and relax. I can see things going down between me and one of my co-workers friends or the French girl so I decide to over-escalate on the Peruvian girl to get rid of her. I talk to her for a bit and ask her to get to know me. She's still fuckin stifled. I'm like ok. I start groping her and she smacks me and nearly punches me square in the nose as well as screaming at me. I kinda laugh it off on some psycho shit. She goes "god you're so touchy-feely, you're kind of desperate". This kinda hits me HARD internally because damn she's right - I am desperate - but I stay ICY. I go "look i'm so so so so sorry, thing is I'm on E pills at the moment". She seems kind of disgusted by this and goes "yo i thought you said you don't do drugs". I'm like "I lied to you - it's just that sometimes I need the upper - i'm so depressed right now, life is so hard". She leaves 5 mins after this.

YES!. Got rid of her. O god - it's going to be an uphill climb to repair things w/her. Any other chick I wouldn't care but I work w/her.. Whatever deal w/the awkwardness, deal with the drama.

The French girl is chilling with 3 dudes outside. I go right in and start twirling her around and flirting w/her. She loves it. I meet her friends and play friend and cool. Start escalating on the French chick - bring her inside and introduce her to my co-worker. My co-worker is laughing in disbelief.

I meet my co-worker's roommate. A hot fuckin brunette. At least a 7.5, brunette, long hair, busty titties. Swedish n polish. fashion entrepreneur. lovelyyyyy. Some really nerdy guy is hitting on her so I'm like "oooo thats your type". Run a quick 1-2 push pull combo on her. Eventually my co-worker leaves and it's just me and two chicks from the party (my co-worker's roommate and a girl I used to sort of like and text beforehand) chilling at the bar. Chill back w/them - am silly, loud, sing songs, just general stupidity. Not bad for my first night out in a bar in 20 or so nights. This is great - all the validation in the world. French girl I was giving the middle finger to keeps coming near me from time to time. It's great I AM THE PRIZE.

I talk up this venue a couple of blocks away. The girl i used to text has this guy meet up w/us at the bar. now i'm paired off w/my co-worker's roommate. I lead the charge to the other bar, No physical escalation on busty brunette while we walk over to the other bar. Get there, stand in line, doorman lets us wait, the girl fuckin flips out and is ready to get into a cab. Just flips the fuck out. She gets mad at the venue, mad at me and accuses me of being sceney. I want to shut her up so we argue for like 4 blocks about this dumb old shit. I try to pick her up to change the mood while we're walking there she's still mouthing off in a rage about pretentious people. Finally we get to this bar that's across the street from this bar I used to DJ at. Get in, slam her against the wall and start making out w/her.

Calm her ass down, we keep talking, she wants to buy us shots and i tell her its so unnecessary for this to happen. In retrospect, if the girl wants to Invest let her do so, she wants to do so because you are the prize. She buys us shots, we keep drinking, I use the bathroom, she does. She says she has to go home repeatedly. I tell her that I have to get to my car which by stroke of good fortune is actually really close to where she lives. Get out the cab, she insists on paying, I'm slightly tipsy from all the booze I've been drinking (1 shot, 2 beers) but I tell her I want to show her pics on my phone and that we'll be back in 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes and I'll drop her back. I live 15 mins away. Get into my car head over to my place. Park, get inside. Chill on the couch and show her pics of when I went to Africa. Show her some DJ stuff. It's like 4:30 at this point.

Idk if this was the right move. I should have gotten her to invest and show me stuff. Make her invest. For real for real.

like 15 minutes later, i start making out w/her and carry her over to my bed. Clothes start to come off as we make out, I get her down to her panties. False time constraint the shit out of the interaction because she keeps bringing it up. I rip her panties off. I'm strip butt-naked. Get her on top of me, she won't let me put it in so I start sucking her tits. Damn these shits are BIG. hmmm. fuck. I start fingering her - she says it's a bit sensitive down there. I put a condom on and I almost slip it in but she won't let me in :( Push -pull. push-pull. So much resistance.

I think i should have said something like "yes nothing is going to happen, nothing is going to happen beb". Eventually she keeps bitching about how much she wants to go back. I like a furious psycho start beating off to try and come so I can just fuckin nut on her. She tries to help me come for like 15 minutes I can't. I do this because I know she'll be validated once I do so. I can't.

LMR sucks dick.

In hindsight, I should have turned The Weeknd - House Of Balloons on. I need to re-read Sex God Method god damn it.

So being the nice guy, I am - I drive her back home as i promised to do so. I should have kicked her out. She said it herself in the car ride back home. She was like "You're so nice, I would have kicked you out". Lol wtf.

I got back home, slightly pleased at the effort, but at the same time a bit peeved that I didn't kick her out. If i had kicked her out she would have called me by now.

Gotta kick them out. Full range of emotions.

I should have made her meditate with me before I dropped her home. I shouldn't have objected when she wanted to pay for drinks and the cab ride home. I should have made her show me some cool shit before I wanted to show her pics of me. I over-invested. Quality bird GAWN.

O well. no complaints. a solid effort on my part - more shit like this is bound to happen now that I'm out of the GREAT SLUMP OF 2012.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

damn kendrick lamar is the truth….

Friday 10/26/2012

I wake up around 12:30am after getting 3 hours of sleep the night before from my LMR battle.

Roll out solo in Brooklyn. I feel crazy anxious. Wow haven't felt this feeling in months. Takes me awhile to build some steam. I usually have to do some "bold" shit to get into state. Get blown out a couple of times - then call this tall blond chick who looks like Uma Thurman a slut. She enjoys it - i feel less stifled.

I do more sets, but don't quite build steam. It's like i hit hard, then i stop, hit hard, then stop. Night is start-stop for the most part. I open up a couple of mixed sets to really jump-start my night because I'm stifled. Something to just sort of break out my funk and bring the fun if you get what I'm saying.

I go right in and open this British girl who's standing with these 2 guys and her friends. Start rolling with the push-pull. She loves it, i'm about to isolate her when i see this familiar looking Indian girl looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I'm like hmmm.. I know this one. I fucked her before. We eye each other for like 5 minutes. Not the greatest, but a nigga kinda wants to have sex right now. I walk up to her and smoothly ask her how her vagina is doing with a fuckin stupid smirk on my face and I tell her I miss it. 5 minutes later, we're in my car. 20 minutes later we're fucking. 30 minutes later I call car service and kick her out.

YAYY!!!! PUSSYYYYYY! It wasn't new pussy but it was good to have sex and de-stress again.

That's a new thing though no more nice guy shit for awhile.

Sat 10/27/2012

Head out downtown in Brooklyn. Roll into the venue, start building momentum. I'm a lot calmer and relaxed than usual. Run into these 2 girls on the dance floor early in the night (like 1am - it's kinda mellow at the moment). Give my girl shit for not wearing a costume. Run my usual bs - isolate her to the bar to get water. Some chode is gaming her friend. He's pretty loud - i'm impressed. After I get water and the chode gets the girls drinks I bounce the girl back onto the dance floor. She's like on laughing gas - I feel like I'm recording HotSeat or some shit. This girl is fuckin cute mann. Nerd, we studied the same degree. I love nerdy chicks xoxo.

I start making out w/her. Her friend has not given me a chance from the gate. Eventually the friend (who is hot and the leader of the two) is trying to get my girl to hook up w/some guy she likes friend. Mann if Buddah or Turok were with me we would have fucked them both btw. Run around, try not to stay all hooked on the bitch like crack cocaine. Open up a couple of sets. Run into the girl again, bounce her over to another part of the bar. We start making out w/me and she starts dry humping me and she's SUPER on it kissing on me and shit.. Hmm time to pull the trigger. i kinda hesitate.

I should have run some fratstar gropage on this one. She was pretty cool.

Run around some more - need to cement the outcome independence. Not having the greatest night, so every 30 or so minutes i steal the girl from the guy a couple of times but her friend has an iron grip on my chick. I run into her at random upstairs and she grabs me out the blue. THIS WAS MY CHANCE. i should have gone full gangster on the chick and just made her HOT and then ripped her out the venue but I didn't. I gave up - in my mind it was too much bullshit to deal with. Got to talk to Manwhore about these showdown sets where the friend is trying to get laid, so she hooks up her more submissive friend with the guy who is trying to get laid with's friend. I've lost a definite 4 to 5 showdown sets in the past couple of months. Got to talk to him about - all to the motherfuckin gooood.

I'm still disappointed that I gave up. Tonight I was a lot funner and ON it than the other dude. I keep "losing" the girl to inferior guys. Idk what it's going to take for me to overcome this but it's frustrating.

I roll around and rip a girl seated against the wall with her 4 friends Am playful and she's like why are you dancing with me - i'm like because you're fuckin lovely". Bounce her over to the dance floor, start macking it up a bit. figure out her friends are from back home, and her other 2 friends are from work. Pump their state up, bounce her - just had a cool 20 min convo w/her - should day 2 her if i'm focused. key word is focused. I can do anything……..when i'm focused.

Eventually leave because I'm i want fresh pastures. Go to another spot, hit it up. I'm having a tough time because I want validation.

Call it a night at 4am. I'm walking back and laughing to myself "guess i can't wear the same 'lucky' shirt I've been wearing the past 3 nights".

One lasttt set before I trail off into the night. Hit up some Latina chick dressed like an Indian. Shit hooks instantly. I don't even remember what she said. She said she wants a hot dog and shit-tests to see if i'm drunk and horny. I tell her i'm chocolate perfection - I don't drink. I wait for her to get a hot dog and then start to chastise her as she starts to order, I suggest a place me and Montaigne go to a lot nearby so I walk her over there.

We get food, this drunk bitch spills food on the floor and starts apologizing in Spanish to the people in the deli. We get food and sit on a bench nearby. Before we eat, I kiss her and she's like "oooo..i wasn't expecting that". I'm eating fruit and eggs - this girl got every fatty thing on the menu and ate it all like a pig in front of me. LIKE A PIG. we finish our food, she asks me to walk her to the train, i tell her i'll take her home.

Get into my car - try to kiss - no go. So i'm asking her about logistics, at first she says she lives w/her roommate who's a DJ at a high-end club. Then 10 minutes later I ask her again and she's like "i live by myself". Ok cool. i'm asking this because i'm trying to figure out whether it's worth it to take her to my house or hers. I should have taken her to mine.

We get to Queens. She asks to pulls over and starts to throw up. I would have killed her if she threw up in my ride. Uhh I'm disgusted w/her at this point but being the opportunistic fuck I am I decide that I'll probably sleep over and get something done in the morning.

Wishful thinking. We get to her spot and she's like yo I can't let you in - i live with my ex-boyfriend. She's from nicaragua and I don't fuck w/those ms-13 boys so I'M GOOODDD.

But fuck. I got fuckin Georgia'd. Bitch georgia'd me and treated me like a fuckin sucker.

Time to bring out that PIMP FRAME.

It's 5:30 am and i'm slightly furious but the situation was kinda funny so I'm not pissed. I take the fury out on the girls at the local grocery store by my house. I hesitate a little bit and obviously hesitation is DEATH so I get blown out. A little earlier and I probably would have pulled.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
No faggot you weren't listening. Stop trying to kiss girls, it's a pussy move. Just pull them. Light manhandling, moving around, more manhandling/slight gropage, then pull. No kissies. That's for faggots.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Manwhore;884.9630;5 wrote:
No faggot you weren't listening. Stop trying to kiss girls, it's a pussy move. Just pull them. Light manhandling, moving around, more manhandling/slight gropage, then pull. No kissies. That's for faggots.

what are you referring to???

I agree with the stop trying to kiss girls but I do think going for the kiss ONCE in the interaction is a good move to gauge where the girl is at. Obviously you want to see if she's compliant or not by isolating her first and moving her around but I definitely want your thoughts on this.

And my FRs are after you first told me to STOP.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Tuesday 10/30/2012

I was left inspired after watching one of the greatest comebacks I'll ever see in my life. Team i love (Arsenal) were down 4-0 and came back to win 7-5. It was crazy stuff to watch and I start thinking about our sport (pimping) and how if you've dedicated yourself to going out for a night - you should hit hit hit until the end. Why not? You went out most likely to get laid - why not fight to the death? All does is take one more girl to change your night around.

After that and couple of hours of coding, I head out around 12:30 to my neighborhood bar. Get inside, a little packed, I'm a little stifled. I haven't taken a shower or really talked to anyone face to face in 2 days which for me is an eternity for either activity. Fuckin Sandy.

I was so stifled at first. Hit up some girl extra hard - get blown out extra hard. Chode for a bit more. They're playing R&B music so I get myself moving just to unstifle. That doesn't really work. Talk to a few dudes just to get social. Some dude starts talking to me about "hunting girls". For some reason this gets me in the mood. Start hitting shit up. Each set getting progressively funner and more sexual. I remember I'm Katalyst again.

Run into this 2 set. Get up in the cute girl's face. She seems super turned on by this. Try to kiss her within 2 minutes, doesn't reciprocate but I'm still having a shit ton of fun. 20 minutes later we're seated on bar stools by the bar. The dude who was talking to me about "hunting girls" was talking to her friend. Eventually the friend joins us at the bar. I'm extra relaxed, sipping a beer singing along to Waka Flocka Flame. I know she wants me. Slightly lean into her but none of this touchy-feely bs I'm usually on. She's cute and has a fucked up sense of humor. Tan with frizzy hair, originally from Iraq via London. I keep calling her a "female suicide bomber" and busting on her about stupid shit - she keeps calling me cute. I talk to her friend and her for like 20 or so minutes just being cool and what not. Eventually the friend leaves the bar to go to her boyfriend's house. Just leaving the two of us there.

More talking, I can see she needs a switch of environments as she puts her coat on so I suggest we go somewhere else. I walk her straight to my house "ADVENTURE" she mentions we should hit up another bar , I just overcome her objections with "my bar". Get inside my apartment. Chill out on the couch, flip to some channel with Alfred Hitchcock. The whole time I'm having fun and being pretty self-amusing. I'm also slightly buzzed ( 2 beers, 1 kombucha). from drinking with her. I just chill out, playing it cool.

Get bored, get her on the bed and slam her on the bed. Foreplay on the bed. Turn on the Weeknd. Keep making jokes and stay self-amused.

Eventually clothes off - we start banging :). New pussy!!! This girl's pretty good in bed. We fuck for like over 2 hours with slight rapport. She makes me come like 3 times.

She keeps talking about how she can't come. I finger her clit and talk dirty in her ear until she comes and she sort of passes out.

Ok the work isn't over. I have to summon the willpower to kick her out. I start breathing. Like the Julien video said - 30 minutes then you have to kick them out if you want to see them again. Breathe in again - think to myself - god "do i really have to do this shit if I want to bang her again? This girl is fuckin cool as hell". Ok luckily - Haze sends me a text around 5am. i pretend like it's an email from work. Yay lifeline. Call up a cab service and kick her out :) Tell her to text me when she gets back home. I ignore that text but pick up when she calls the next morning. Is all this bs really necessary?

Well i lost hot brunette from last week because there was no full range of emotions - so yes.

Seductionnn. On a roll at the moment - 4 pulls last 4 nights I've been out.

P.S. This girl was kinda weird. She didn't tell me her name until I kicked her out. I actually did some more drama shit unintentionally but it's too fucked up to mention.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Wednesday 10/31/2012

Head to my friend's party in Brooklyn. Awesome time. Literally danced for 2 hours in my construction worker costume. She and her homeboy spun a good choice of music. I dance but it's not just for sake of dancing to unstifle but tonight was just pure enjoyment. I'm a bit of a music snob and pretty much loathe the top 40 bs I usually I hear out (which I need to work on enjoying) and just let go - tonight they played that tropical shit I love.

Obviously I'm not there to just dance by myself the whole time:) Start rolling around - run into some cute short girl w/bangs dancing w/her 5 friends. She ends up being my main girl for the night. Isolate her a couple of times, I'm really the prize of the party - having the most fun, clapping, dancing, screaming random shit in Spanish for self-amusement, it's great. I really wish that there were more girls at the party.

I'm not too keen on the main girl because she's 18. Idk in retrospect, I should have probably stuck it out w/her but it's always that player's dilemma - to stick w/the one girl that gives you a boner with poor logistics or to run around and try to find something better. End up bouncing around, coming back from time to time, making out with her. Chiling back, eventually i decide to # close and go to another venue nearby.

Go to the other venue, idk y i'm stifled. Weird new sticking point. Eventually get rid of it, approach every set in the building, am way more charismatic at the end of the night, but nothing of real substance comes in. Think I was expecting to just say hi and have some girl be all over me instead of offering value and being as FUN as I possibly could be.

I think a good goal to set for the month of November is just to have as much FUN as possible every night I'm out and being as LOUD as possible. That's it. Those are two goals just to focus on. LOUD AND FUN.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Fuck me! Yes

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Thursday 11/01/2012

New month. new swag.

My only goal for the month is to ALWAYS BE LOUD and to be having fun. Mix these two together and everything else syncs up together.

I really wasn't even trying to go out because I still have shitloads of coding to do and I slept ALL DAY and did NOTHING productive but I was talking to my homie Adi and he's like good luck tonight. I'm like damn it might as well.

I head out to my neighborhood bar. Get there and chill outside with the bouncer I usually talk to. See 2 girls and 1 guy chilling a couple of yards away having a cigarette chilling. A little bit stifled. I go in and open the girls with "yea we match". Get the look of death, plow through, 5 minutes later they're fuckin laughing their asses off. 15 minutes later - "omg you're the coolest dude ever - let us buy you a drink". Go inside, something tells me that I'd be limiting myself staying at my neighborhood watering hole so i leave. For some reason, talking to them made me feel really good and set the tone for the night. Just felt good to offer value and really not want anything in return. Complete buyer frame.

Roll out to a second bar in my neighborhood. Karaoke night. It's dead. Approach one girl but she quickly runs off to some other dude. Ok.

Head to next bar which is 15 minutes away. head in. Talk to some girls. They're not even giving me a chance but I just run some push-pull shit on them and slowly win them over. They're like 6s - but whatever practice makes perfect. Talk to ALL the girls. Be the buyer. If she sucks, just move on to the next set. Run into some cool dude from RSD. I'm usually not interested in making friends and am self-admitedly can be a snob from time to time but dude is cool and puts in mad work so I chop it up with him. We wing each other from time to time.

Roll up on these 2 artsy girls. I love one of them but she's immature and all on some "i have to dance w/my friend" bs. She seemed really cool too. why you the acting up ya bish.

Head to the bar for some water. I don't feel like waiting for one by myself so I extend my hand out to this chick with her hair dyed blond out of this 3 mixed set yelling "YOLO". They all chuckle and cheer the girl on after she initially resists me.

I get my drink, chill out with her, the usual 1-2. 20 minutes later she kisses me. Find out that she's actually originally from Mexico CIty and studies in London but couldn't tell at first because she's isn't the usual tan Mexican and is visiting her sister and BF. Put up a lot of false barriers to fuck w/her as well as self-amuse. I'm trying to bounce her to another bar because I want to get her comfortable with her following me around. She's also pretty emotional from what i can tell but it's because she's high and drunk.

She goes over to tell her sister and her sister's BF we're going to another bar. This ends up taking over an hour. While this is going on, her sister's BF and his friend start asking me shit load of questions but I'm sly just having fun and dancing being stupid. Eventually I realize nothing's going to happen unless I meet all the friends. Talk, make them laugh a bit and they're like "damn dude you're money".

Everyone likes me but the girl's amazingly cute sister. Which makes sense since the girl is from Mexico and doesn't have an American phone so some random dude in the bar is going to get scrutinized but I do a good job of oversell the bar down the street and they're like what bar and I didn't even know what bar but I just told them that i was tired of the bar we were at. Just chill out with cool dude from RSD for a bit again, talk shop, dance, am stupid. Girl comes back to me, we share a beer. I introduce her to the other girl i was talking to as "mi esposa" fuck w/her, am playful. Eventually 3:30 we leave with her sister and her sis's BF.

Her sis and BF get into a cab, I walk down the street pretending to go to another bar until they leave. Walk to my car, drive us home.

Tease her for a bit on my couch. I make these gals wait. This girl wanted it and was super real about everything. Still tease her. Eventually get into my bed. Turn on the Weeknd. Clothes come off.

End up doing it for like 4 hours. Plenty of condoms used. She complains that i fuck too much.

Yeah yeah :)

i'm unable to sleep at night from sleeping all day. brain is in full short-term mating mode at the moment. Wake up. I make her meditate with me - which she says she does for 25 mins every day - and i'm like damn impressed with her. Absolute wonderful girl. true class act. I ain't all infatuated with her but she's so fuckin delightful to be around.

Still running slight playful push-pull on her even after we bang (tell her my roomie is my baby momma) just to keep her in check. We get breakfast as I check and write work e-mails. Drop her off at her sis BF's house around 2pm. Finally pass out.

5 pulls last 6 nights I've been out.

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Friday 11/02/2012

I keep rolling forward as I'm in absolute scintillating form at the moment. Another interesting night.

Wake up around 7:30. Bullshit for a little bit, then code for a couple of hours. Got to stay productive. A big part of my identity at the moment is based around how much action I take and how much I I push myself outside my comfort zone. Only difference is now I've come to realize I work on myself more than 99% of people out there that I know so I stopped beating myself up for missing out on certain tasks. I'm only human, not some perfect robotic machine and shit comes up from time to time.

Roll out to another bar in my neighborhood around 1. Love this bar. Walk in hipster central, really really good music is playing. good vibes. Head out to the back room. First girl I walk up to vibe with her, she loves me. Then realize she's a 5 and I will NOT fuck the warmup. Bounce and roll around.

Run into these 2 girls. One's tall, one's shorter with bangs. Taller one is a 7.5, shorter one with bangs is a definite 7. Take a look go for the shorter one. I ask myself why i do this. But I end up thanking myself for going with the shorter one. Totally even though they both love me eventually - i think intuitively i knew the taller one would be way more retarded.

Start dancing with the shorter one with bangs. I love bangs and hipster shit btw. It's fuckin funny to me. Tall girl starts cockblocking - I'm tempted to be flashy and tell her to fuck off but the shorter girl loves me so no need to be all stupid and shit. Short girl gives tall girl the look and she just buzzes off. Flirt with the short girl - some 1-2 push pull so she knows i'm not some fuckin fag. Start making out with her when the friend's not around. Lead her around, and run into her friend who is accompanied by some creep. She's complaining that the creep approached her by straight up rubbing her love handles. creepy guys with aspergers *facepalm* I put my arm around them and lead them to the bar as my head hurts a little bit. I get a drink and they just wait for me and I talk nonsense.. I'm trying to find some respectable dude to wing me but fuck I'm in hipsterville. Any sort of normal wing would have dealt with the other girl with ease.

Eventually the tall girl just sort of runs off and leaves me and my girl alone. We know the same kind of people thru our day jobs. Find out that we live on the same street. The warmup girl shoves me and my girl out of contempt. Get loss ho - you're like a fuckin 5.5. Take my girl to the other room, we start dancing again, I'm having a ball as they're playing good music. Having an absolute blast. Make out w/her slightly for a bit. Say "let's get out of here". She says "ok". As i get my coat I run into her friend (who i find out is her roomie) and the fuckin creep. I tell the creep "to fuck off because that's my homeboy's girlfriend". My girl is rolling her eyes.

Eventually tall girl is following us so I just decide to bounce them to another bar - hopefully another dude will step up to the plate at the bar near my house. Tall girl is drunk and crying outside in the cold about not being able to meet a normal guy. Feel some slight empathy for her. Decide to change emotional state and roll over to the other bar. Get a drink, and i find out that tall girl is ridiculously awkward and pretty annoying. My girl runs over to the atm to get cash. I get a drink although i should have gotten my girl to pay for it (she offered). I'm at the bar and there's another girl that I pulled a few months ago a couple of bar stools away. This shit could get awkward. Talk to my girl's roomie for a bit. Eventually we leave.

Walk them home, get inside their crib. Me and my girl tuck her roomie in. We're chilling in her living room and the roomie is in her room just screaming shit about being unemployed, her cat, and being awkward 3rd wheel like a baby to us. This has started to turn beyond comical. tall bitch is fuckin retarded OMG. Eventually my girl is like I really have to talk my roomie to sleep and give her boat loads of water. I start to kiss my girl thinking her mind might be changed. She gives me her # as her roommate continues to be silly and begs me to call her. Uhh groan.

As I'm walking down the stairs, I hear my girl sigh in frustration.

I probably should have been more aggressive here and groped the shit out of her and started to finger her on her couch. really be more aggressive and make sure it happens. I actually just thought now that I should have went for the threesome. For sure. Idk why I didn't but both of these girls just wanted to get laid. I could and should have made this happen but it was a bit outside my reality. I think the thought crept up into my head but I kinda dismissed it. Next time. I'm meditating and visualizing over this principle.

It's 3am - i decide to head back to the first bar to clean up shop. Anyone who knows me I will play to win to my fuckin death. Just the warrior spirit in me. Roll back in and I run into this girl I met as I was getting off the subway about 2 weeks ago on the way to go get my haircut. I see her and we sort of recognize each other and I just start fuckin insulting her like no other for not replying to my texts or calls. 2 minutes later, we start to make out and then i just am a bigger ASSHOLE to her. Bounce her to another part of the bar, she introduces me to her guy friend. It gets a bit weird and she goes to the bathroom. I go back to the room in the back with music. Flirt with other chicks.

Start over gaming this one girl that likes me a little hard, so I tone it down. Then I merge with the girl that I met previously from the subway. They're both weirded out by this and I keep talking to the one I was over gaming. Still flirt with the other girl for 20 minutes, we walk outside as she's leaving and the girl from the subway is outside as well. I see her watching me as I flirt with the other girl. Other girl leaves.

I walk around, find another girl. It's like 3:45 at this point. She says she lives w/her BF in DC, introduces me to her chode friend standing w/her and I just out of self-amusement tell her "it's all good, I've just slept and fucked my whole week away". She's like "o interesting, lets go dance". lol wtf. And chode friend dude just follows us. I'm back on the dance floor. I see girl that I met two weeks ago on the subway chilling with her two dude friends. Fuck. this showdown bs. I'm dancing with this cute girl from DC and after 5 minutes I say fuck it and I introduce her to the girl from the subway.

Girl from the subway is weirded out again by the merging but this time instead of going with the other girl, I just ditch the girl w/the BF and start grinding w/the girl from the subway. We dance for like 20 minutes, i'm spitting gold, self-barriers, stupid shit, the two dude friends eventually poof. She makes note of this "you made those guys i was talking to leave" and afterwards I start making out with her. I wait it out until the venue is closing and dance some more to the point where the DJ is only playing records off one turntable (i used to do this as I would pack my shit up as well to save time). I just say "let's get out of here" and she says OK.

Walk out, drive to my place and she laughs at me for being a lazy fucker but is w/o a doubt intrigued by me.

Get inside. No sexuality, no kissing, we just wait on my couch, talk and I ask her if she wants to play Mario Kart 64 and she gets excited that I have it. Take a while to set up - I notice she's sitting really close to me so this is a mindfuck. Proceed to dominate her 50cc style and get all 36 points in the mushroom cup. Lol. Make her watch that lame trophy shit at the end.

Start making out with her as I take off all her hipster layers. Foreplay for awhile, then slip it in.

Hmm :)

After round 1, i really interrogate her about why she didn't' respond to my texts. She said she didn't know but she really really liked the voicemail I left (I left her one last Friday). I'm trying to get to the end of why my # close to date ratio is so spectacularly low IMO. Something I have to pester Manwhore about more frequently for sure. More rapport talk and we recall the first time we met. I actually liked something about this girl.

Continue to bang her and she's like god you have too much energy. Common complaint. But mann it's a great nice shift in reality that I can just fuck for hours.

She falls asleep shortly after and I for some reason feel like being nice to her while all motherfuckin signals probably point for me kicking this girl out for me to keep her around. Ahhh i get lazy sometimes.

I'm only able to fall asleep for an hour or two for some reason and she sleeps till like 2 while i'm outside coding and talking to my roomie who I can tell seems pretty fascinated with all my recent sexual activity as she's asking me dumb ass questions and trying to stroke up random convo. I'd fuck her cute ass but she has absolutely no emotional control and watches too much TV.

Eventually girl from the subway leaves although I want to bang again. I tell her I hate her and won't call her.

I should have kicked her out and told her I had school 30 mins after we finished fucking but I really thought we were going to fuck again in the morning.

Not going to beat myself up.

I've pulled 7 girls the last 7 nights I've been out. I've only been out 7 nights in the past month after taking an unexpected 3 week break from gaming at night.

fuck me.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Sat 11/03/2012

Head out with hipster aspirations to continue this ridiculous romp I'm on.

Pretty glad I've been able to remain even-keeled with getting work done and what not the past couple of days. Really important I keep my "taking action" identity up and not have this shit get to my head. it's just chicks. it's cool but doesn't mean my life has changed. still got to put food on the table for my 10 kids, still have to pay rent on time, still have to punch the clock to make sure i learn all the necessary skills to live the dream lifestyle 3-5 years from now.

Head out in Brooklyn, Mexican girl from Thursday wants to meet up. I'm open to it but still want to see if i can continue this run I'm on until I meet up with her.

Go out. Roll around the bar. Hit up some chicks, run into some non-rsd sort of natural yet goofy dude that I previously used to pimp with it from time to time before I met turok. Catch up with him.

Run into some sophisticated black girl - she's kind of elegant. Start calling her Michelle Obama, and chill out with her for about an hour, and # close.. She's with 3 other roommates so logistics seem kinda unfriendly for the pull but I enjoy talking to her so I chill out with her.

Flirt with more girls, Not everything is hooking like my brain wants it to but I'm having a blast and completely on my own dick. LOUD AND FUN is the only goal. Keep texting back and forth with Mexican girl. I'm still running around the club and I haven't told her where I am and I see her. I'm wtf as I didn't tell her where I was. Damn she's cute - she's here with her little sis and the sis' BF. They keep calling me YOLO from my opener on Thursday and laughing. chill out with Mexican chick for an hour. While I'm chilling with Mexican chick, some girl opens me and asks me for shit. Sort of flirt with her but doing ultra discreetly. Her sis and her sis BF ask if i want to smoke weed - I'm uninterested.

Ok chilling with girls on a "date" at a bar is retarded. Eventually we leave.

Get back home, more bang-town usa time, more rapport.

Wake up in the morning, she's begging for us to bang again, i'm tired and hungry and my dick is sore but I'm a sex addict for sure and eventually we have another marathon session. We wash each other in the shower. She helps me clean my messy room and buys me food at the deli. Investment for the win! She leaves for Mexico City in a couple of days, and then I think she restarts grad school in London in a bit. She wants to hang out again and kept mentioning that she's scared I'm going to get a GF when she comes to visit her sister in the coming months. Fine girl and really really sweet.

Limiting beliefs destroyed:

1. Yes you can get laid off cold approach and not need some social circle bs to get good at game.

2. You can get good at game with a day job.

3. Chicks will fuck you for hours in a messy ass room.

Thanks very much lets have a coffee.
Joined: 06/05/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
This is a really good thread and worth reading through and watching your progress. Looks like the biggest change I noticed is that you're going for the pull to your place now instead of focusing on that venue makeout or a bathroom pull. It's actually a limited belief and a mistake trying to get that makeout in early like Jon has said. I also like how you refer to your place as my bar as well as not telling girls where you're going but that you just put them in the car and go. It's what they want. Now pull your co-worker the same style next time you're out with her. Good thread keep it up.

Also Jon's point about assuming pussy is money and puts that whole small-minded going for kisses bs to shame. Pulling is the goal. I think it's safe to say if a girl comes back to your place with very little resistance, LMR shouldn't be an issue. And bring flirty, teasing, and not making out with her only builds the sexual tension more.

The girl with the annoying roommate - shit happens. I think you're right that being more aggressive would have had a different outcome. Maybe just heading into her room without her permission and seeing if she tries to 'stop' you which you can then shut the door and proceed to pound town. But hey unexpected shit happens and it's where you learn. You banged 3 girls right after that event lol so good shit. Keep up the thread.

"Why do faggots always got to kiss the girl?"

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Yeah I think the biggest shift in my game has been to always still go for the make-out but it's more an IOI kind of thing so she understands the kind of guy I am ("the bold move") RATHER than just to make out just for make out sake. I've made it a practice to end it early and then re-incorporate it into the interaction like 20 minutes later just to get her wet again. Yeah I'm making the bathroom pull more of the exception than trying to make it the norm. It's a lot of pressure and that shit will drive you crazy if that's your sole aim. It's crazy - these girls are like sopping wet by the time I'm stripping them to their panties. Strong emotions for the win.

I'm over my co-worker. That bitch is retarded and there are way hotter girls at my job than her and I'm really going to be ruthless now that I'm SO SO confident that these girls I'm going to pull are going to fuck me and absolutely LOVE IT. That belief is HUGE. A belief I didn't have before this run but now I'm like - yea these bitches are going to fuckin love me.

Ya pulling was always the goal but I was going about it wrong - thinking that i needed to isolate then make-out then pull. A lot of these girls I've been pulling they're ready to get pulled within 20 minutes so there's no need for me to lead them around if they're already cooked. LMR? The Weeknd - House Of Balloons is the biggest LMR buster ever. A girl's going to fuck me if i play that shit. Mind you I'm cracking jokes the whole time when they're giving me token resistance while escalating so that helps as I stopped taking myself so fuckin seriously.

Yeah I could have definitely definitely banged that girl w/the annoying roommate - I should have just picked her up, carried her and put her on her bed - gonna visualize that shit. I really could have had a threesome actually if i played my cards right. No regrets because the girl I ended up pulling afterwards is a lot more awesome and less annoying.

Agreed with assuming the pussy is yours is money. Just something very powerful about that and forces your shit to auto-correct.

Appreciate the feedback homie. When I initially read your success story a couple of months ago, I was so fuckin jealous - which instead of making me butthurt, motivated me even more to make my shit tighter so I appreciate the initial inspiration.

Jeff;884.9722;147 wrote:
This is a really good thread and worth reading through and watching your progress. Looks like the biggest change I noticed is that you're going for the pull to your place now instead of focusing on that venue makeout or a bathroom pull. It's actually a limited belief and a mistake trying to get that makeout in early like Jon has said. I also like how you refer to your place as my bar as well as not telling girls where you're going but that you just put them in the car and go. It's what they want. Now pull your co-worker the same style next time you're out with her. Good thread keep it up.

Also Jon's point about assuming pussy is money and puts that whole small-minded going for kisses bs to shame. Pulling is the goal. I think it's safe to say if a girl comes back to your place with very little resistance, LMR shouldn't be an issue. And bring flirty, teasing, and not making out with her only builds the sexual tension more.

The girl with the annoying roommate - shit happens. I think you're right that being more aggressive would have had a different outcome. Maybe just heading into her room without her permission and seeing if she tries to 'stop' you which you can then shut the door and proceed to pound town. But hey unexpected shit happens and it's where you learn. You banged 3 girls right after that event lol so good shit. Keep up the thread.
Joined: 06/05/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Ha, dont be jealous man. We are all on that journey and it isn't easy for anyone. I've spent money like you and I've done a lot of dumb shit, I make mistakes all the time, my emotions owned me until Jon set me straight. Funny how it took me years to figure that out, but not surprised. It's the biggest issue guys have in my opinion. And now I am at a point where I am just beyond wanting pussy. I still do get laid, but it's never from anything epic like you're doing. I rarely have the desire to go out and pull bunnies. I did fine this summer when Jon helped me change the way I think. Ive evolved a lot. My priorities now are way more about building my income, my lifestyle, social circles, getting my shit together, etc. and it consumes my thoughts 24/7. I'm not nearly as good as you or most guys here are with pick up. But I still manage to slam at least a few times per month. Some are hot, some I would rather forget about. I like the direction that my life is headed and that's what matters to me. I call it Tony Stark level and anyone elses opinions on my style mean nothing. They can kiss my ass. Do your thing for you only and be a boss daddy. But I also enjoy offering advice here and there because I've been such a chode in the past and Jon really is one of the only legit guys out there that can walk the talk. Plus I am gay for him and anything I can do to get closer to his meat stack.

"Why do faggots always got to kiss the girl?"

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Yah I'm actually going to get really focused on getting my social circle shit tight. I have the belief now to do so. Probably something I should start to understand the dynamics of a bit better.

Jeff;884.9768;147 wrote:
Ha, dont be jealous man. We are all on that journey and it isn't easy for anyone. I've spent money like you and I've done a lot of dumb shit, I make mistakes all the time, my emotions owned me until Jon set me straight. Funny how it took me years to figure that out, but not surprised. It's the biggest issue guys have in my opinion. And now I am at a point where I am just beyond wanting pussy. I still do get laid, but it's never from anything epic like you're doing. I rarely have the desire to go out and pull bunnies. I did fine this summer when Jon helped me change the way I think. Ive evolved a lot. My priorities now are way more about building my income, my lifestyle, social circles, getting my shit together, etc. and it consumes my thoughts 24/7. I'm not nearly as good as you or most guys here are with pick up. But I still manage to slam at least a few times per month. Some are hot, some I would rather forget about. I like the direction that my life is headed and that's what matters to me. I call it Tony Stark level and anyone elses opinions on my style mean nothing. They can kiss my ass. Do your thing for you only and be a boss daddy. But I also enjoy offering advice here and there because I've been such a chode in the past and Jon really is one of the only legit guys out there that can walk the talk. Plus I am gay for him and anything I can do to get closer to his meat stack.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Some Thoughts:

Thankfully I haven't rested on my laurels now that I've broken through and started to achieve some kind of abundance in my life (which was my goal for the year) now that I'm "advanced" as I've continued to "hit the gym at 6am the night after winning the PGA Championship" ala Tiger Woods.

Fuck levels anyways - thats all bullshit - only difference between Katalyst in intermediate purgatory and now is that I believe so firmly that I'm the best option for the chick so there's no need to rush shit.. Like I'm top 1% of her options. And me being the analytical and logical type that I am I really looked around for awhile and really and truly I found no one who does it like me. Who pushes themselves outside their comfort zone in different areas of their life pretty much every day like me. I could give 20 more reasons but to keep it short - Who does it like me? Who do I really know besides my buddies/wings and instructors that remotely can do it like me?

Who? No one.

Also I stopped trying to close girls so fast it's too much pressure to always be going for the bathroom pull. I don't really enjoy hanging out just for hanging out sake unless it's my buds or family - that's just my personality but yea i've just slowed things down. I'll still be able to hit up the bathroom pull if the situation calls for it but for now I'll enjoy these chicks I'm meeting.

So when I get shit from these chicks, it's like look girl - I'm just the best option for you, plain and simple. There's a chance you might not understand this when i first come up to you, but I got so much going for me. Funny, driven, intelligent, slightly unpredictable, and then after work I'm spending at least 3 -5 hours being productive or improving myself to get to that vision of Katalyst I'm going to attain realistically by the time I'm 28-30. That's what I've got going for me internally. Externally for your friends you can brag that I got a demanding but very "cool" day job that I sweated to get to hold me up and pay my bills in the short run.

Mann just really coming to understand that I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH, and that all the investment into self-improvement stuff is me wanting to be a WORLD CLASS and AWESOME motherfucker.

Also I refuse to beat myself up anymore about not hitting all my daily goals or completing tasks. it's like damn you don't need to be perfect..sometimes shit happens. you miss a day of coding/meditation/lumosity/30 mins of reading you can just do it tomorrow. shit happens. not a big deal

Rant continued…

God just the fact that you're willing to take action or have sought out something like RSD already puts you in the elite part of society. Then as you get better you start making little 1% increments and then soon you realize fuck I could still be A LOT BETTER but I'm still WAY BETTER THAN YOU FUCKIN CHODES. Most people simply aren't willing to do what we players do or even make serious lifestyle changes or improve. Even all these fuckin cool kids I run into out here in hipsterville. All they have is how "cool" they are. Take that away and they're fuckin nothing. You could take away my social savvy and I still would have a lot to offer. And it's not even about game skill level because that helps but it's all bs.

95% of these chicks - they have a job (even if they have a job) come home, do nothing - eat like shit, don't even go to the gym, and just waste their time watching TV or doing some other bs. Same thing with 95% of chodes out here.

Like old me used to look up to these bitches expecting them to fulfill me. Wtf was I thinking. OMG. Point blank - my roomie is a cutie, this bitch is sweet but just a sore loser. Complains about her current employment situation A LOT, yet won't get off her fuckin ass to better herself and instead decides to spend 5 hours a day watching TV shows and a movie EVERY day while wasting her time smoking weed. It's sad to see but I can't help her. Fuck that white knight shit, it's not possible I'm black. lol jk jk jk.

Point is if you're reading this and you're not in 100% agreement with my thoughts - I would suggest to you to really take time to get to know these girls you're sweating. Do what you can to do so. Will massively cut your learning curve.

Ok i'm done ranting but Jeffy, Haze, my homeboy Adi, Alex, Manwhore - these guys would tell me I was enough but i simply refused to accept it. Really appreciate these guys for helping me finally realize this.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Monday - Sat Day Game

Hitting the gym 6am after the championship is so crucial. I'm pimping for the next 5 years. Maybe I'll get a girl 2-3 years from now just to try it out while I build my business so I'm not running around like a sex-crazed maniac but yea this skill is so worth it. I'm too deep in the game. Realized I have more to gain to pimp than to not pimp.

Hit up a bunch of sets throughout the week - probably averaging 3 to 4 approaches a day as I go about my day.

I had a cool epiphany one of the days, I got blown out spectacularly hard by some fine ass hood rat and some 40-something lady next to me was kinda like "Damn that was bold - Do you ever see success from doing it". I honestly told her I was in it just for the adrenaline rush, getting over that feeling in my chest, and staying sharp and on my toes. But then she was really intrigued about how i was able to do it and i gave her a Tyler-esque speech about how I believe in my product and she was like damn i really want to be like you and went on to tell me how she has this non-profit that is going to help young kids in the hood with math and science but she was scared of dealing with rejection from youth basketball coaches. And for 30 minutes i reassured her that she was giving value so if people are too stupid to see that fuck them and move on. Long story short - I was really glad that I was able to inspire her with me approaching. Like sometimes the conservative part of my brain is like "do you always have to approach cute girls on the train? Really? it's kind of weird? What if your co-workers see you?". But talking to that lady made me realize like damn even normal everyday people silently revere the mere act of the approach so keep providing value by approaching.

I got one really solid number after a 2 min convo, rest of the week was decent, could be a lot better.. My vocal projection is still weak most of the time so I have some day to day work to do at home regarding my voice. I went to a happy hour people were having trouble hearing me. Once I'm ALWAYS LOUD - i'll be UNSTOPPABLE. Only thing holding me back at the moment. just letting go and practically speaking as loud as possible.

It was fun hitting stuff up w/Adi before & after we went to some happy hour on Friday. I was running hardcore push/pull during the day and it's cool to have him push me and me push him.

I only went out Saturday night - Wed was snowed in and Fri I passed out after eating...

Thursday Night (10/08/2012)

I chill with the 2nd girl that I pulled and eventually banged last Friday. Cool lil hipster girl that's hot enough that I'd want to bang again and again. Not gf material but she's fuckin funny, slightly nerdy and amusing to hang around with.

She comes over and we drink disgusting champagne that i never opened back from my bday in July. I spit mine out she drinks a little bit.

I just keep talking shit about how I'm gonna kick her ass in Mario Kart 64. I barely beat her in the first round, she beats me in the 2nd round. Ok decide to dominate her on my bed.

After we bang, she shows me her website. I start fuckin dying in laughter at some of her art. It's fuckin weird bizarre shit of like dead people in mann. This chick is a true fuckin weirdo yo. I kinda like this of course. Keep talking, I show her some of my pictures and what not. I bang her again, I want to do so again, but she's like "yo you need to chill with that fuckin energetic freak shit you're on".

Still I'd like to improve I'm just pretty much using my stamina levels but I want to be like a true sex god. No worries - after i finish talent code, i'm reading sex god method.

She heads home and can't find her socks in my messy room.. Probably chill with her again. She left her belt too - probably on purpose.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Ha. Yea sweating chicks is a silly thing for a man to do.

Manwhore;884.9850;5 wrote:
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Katalyst;884.9862;33 wrote:


Whashu want fool. You testin' me???

But ya my hosting fixed it.. was some kind of mod issue. Gayness. Why it would pop up randomly now? No one knows!!

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Saturday Night (10/10/2012)

Head out downtown. Roll inside the venue, feeling a bit entitled, rolling up on chicks obnoxiously, pimping and tricking and shit. it's really packed tonight. Buddahgames hits me up - he can't get in. Roll outside - whoa- Buddahgames has stepped up his pimp swag with some fine ass player threads - he looks like an asshole that I want to punch in the fuckin face - which is a good thing. He finds some trendy hottie on the street corner - which is requisite to get into these hot venues of course. Vouch for him to security - they get in.

Roll in for a bit, start choding for a bit on my phone and I hear Buddah yelling my name while he's chilling with some chick. Go back into hunting mode. Roll up hard on chicks. I'm picking them up, spinning them around, moving them around physically.

Roll up on some tall hottie kinda hard. Buddah comes in and fucks w/her while he's chilling with some tall blond chick he eventually banged. Run into her again, she runs off again, start macking her friends unknowingly, she comes in and starts laughing, back to macking her. Tall hottie was cool but I just couldn't find her while i was doing my thing tonight but i didn't care enough about her to find her.

Keep rolling around the venue, lots of flirting here and there. Buddah and I took over the venue tonight, random dudes coming up to me asking me about tall hottie and shit, buddah hitting on other girls in front of his girl. Great vibes we had whenever we would run into each other.

Realize I'm not running enough push-pull on certain girls. Decide to chill out at the bar while i'm getting water and I notice some cute short girl keeps looking at me. Eventually I find her at her table sitting amongst friends. Hand of god, she climbs over the table, and 5 minutes later we're outside as I chill w/her while she smokes her cig and I'm getting fresh air. Buddah already changed venues w/his girl but came back for some reason. We chill and he self-amusingly tells my girl to BARK LIKE A DOG which she actually fuckin does. At first I was like buddah wtf are you doing - you're nuts, and then she actually did it like a little chihuahua and we start fuckin rolling at this absurdity.

Fuckin fun times - definitely youTube material.

Get back on the dance floor with the girl - on the other side of the venue away from her friends and we chill out, with some light light making out here and there, but relatively chill for the most part w/me singing out loud and dancing. I feel 0% attachment to the outcome it's amazing. I like my girl - cute, she's got this confident yet slightly shy Italian swagger to her and she's pretty fuckin smart. She's 23 and she's here with like 7 other friends from Boston that are staying at a hotel a couple of blocks away from the venue. Ok tricky tricky fuckin logistics. Buddah's at another bar with his girl nearby so I decide I'll swing by there w/my girl.

We walk over near her friends, my girl is reluctant to go near them (as I told her to tell her friends we were going to another bar), and while I notice them watching me out of the corner of my eye, I act like I'm having the time of my life and playfully push her and hug her to show them I'm a fun guy. we walk back to get my coat and then sneak out w/o her friends seeing.

Walk towards the bar but really I'm interested in taking this girl straight home, luckily the bar is a mile away from where the other bar is, the weather is nice. I walk straight to my car, she refuses to get in. I also should note my vibe was less fun and more serious which is BAD BAD BAD. It's always got to be fun. She's like "take me back to the bar NOW" in her Italian accent. I find this funny so I pump up good emotions and start picking her up and doing playful shit w/her. We walk down a random side street and she's like what if i screamed "rape" - I told her I would love her forever if she did so but then said chill - I'm not trying to get shot.

We get to the bar, she smokes again ugh and I just start talking shit to the door girl and doorman as they makes us wait for this little snooty bar. Get in, my girl is all complaining and demanding a drink - I'm like fuck it - she wants to blame it on the alcohol. Get her a drink, we vibe out for a bit. I try to grope her - she's not really having it so I lay back. She starts complimenting me "you are so self-confident, you have attitude". starts kissing me, licking me with ice in her mouth. Ok she's cooked. I say let's get out of here - ADVENTURA.

Say we're going to another bar, on the walk back to my car she's on the phone w/her friend in Italian, they want to speak w/me and I start singing we no speak americano just to fuck around. Get back to brooklyn, it's past 4am. act like i'm going to another bar - it's closed of course. Bring her back into my place. she smokes a cigarette outside my apt, "I'm not going inside your apartment". Shit test after shit test this girl throws me all night. I playfully tell her I'm going to have her walk back to her hotel in manhattan from my place in Brooklyn. She finally walks up the stairs with me.

Get inside, pour us some rum & coke. I fill hers with mainly rum and coke, I do so with mine, but then pour it out when she's not looking and fill mine with just coke. I actually get kind of carried away, and start drinking her shit after finishing just my coke - eventually getting tipsy and knocking shit over in my apartment. Talk on my couch for like 30 minutes about absolute nonsense while the TV is on while we were drinking - just sharing commonalities.

Get her on my bed, I tell her I'm on my period and throw up a gazillion other false barriers which I'm really starting to fuckin enjoy using while I get "LMR". I always get some sort of resistance. Who cares - just ride it out with the girl and keep having fun. This girl won't take her shirt off for awhile. Oops i forgot to throw on the tried and tested "Weeknd playlist" and start being silly with stripping and shit. best sex music fuckin EVER. WHOA!!!! Eventually get her shirt off. She throws me another shit test "yo you are so manipulative - you knew you were going to bring me here the whole time - you knew we weren't going to another bar". I keep my cool and probably agree w/her or whatever. Can't remember what I said in response.

Ok now she's self conscious about her small tits. Start sucking on them - all of sudden confident Italian girl is shy and slightly insecure. Demands I turn my night light off. Wtf you're cute I want to fuck you and look you in the eye like a psycho. Fineee. Turn off the lamp. I finally strip to my jeans. Take her shit off as I finger her. Make her rub my dick. Asks if i have condoms. yes ma'am.

Bang her. come kinda quickly.

She's tired and almost came. Talk for a bit, just reassure her and I just want to fuck her again and again of course. 20 minutes later, round two. She comes and like shuts off says she's too tired to keep having sex.. "take me home". I give her shit and tell her I'm not taking her home. She starts going fuckin haywire and shit and getting extra mad so I take her home. She offers to pay for my gas and take a 20 from her, and then drive her back to Manhattan, drop her off and ride into the Manhattan sunrise.


Holy fuck this shit is not luck. buddah says 8 pulls in 8 nights out.

yea - 8 pulls in 8 nights ;)
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Damn son. It's Rapist McGee over here. You bad bad man

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Haven't had much free time of late. hosting my cousin who decides to come at the busiest time of the year for me. resulting in me only being able to go out 2 times in 2 weeks. If i was more focused, I could probably go out more but I have my faults.

Mon - Sat day game: (11/12 - 11/17)

I'd like to say it's been a shit week of day game, but it's actually getting better and better. i think last week I got 1 solid number - this week i got 2 or 3. I don't do conventional day game - i just approach people as I go about my day on my to and from work. I'm usually way better in the afternoon than i am dead set in the morning. LIke sheer willpower to do stuff in the morning, I don't eat till i get to work and I'm usually still tired from the night before. So even when I approach - I'm not as loud as I could be and I'm certainly not fun most of the time. Definitely more of an incentive to get 6 to 6.5 hours of sleep. Definitely.

To circumvent this issue, I'm just going to refer to random one-liners and funny dumb shit the in the morning to be fun. I should probably be writing up FRs every day so I can diagnose my problems instead of just putting it away and dismissing it. That way I can auto-correct shit that I'm doing bad. Approaching all these girls is great - I'm really becoming more and more indifferent to shit. Couple that with my increased sense of belief and confidence that the girl will love experiencing me - nothing is out of the question. I'm way more arrogant when I approach girls because I know them being around me will be like this awesome drug that they get a sniff of. Now I have to make some corrections.

Sat night (11/17/2012)

Head out with Buddah, Todd's assistant, and my cousin. Roll into the venue start hitting it up. Start off real strong and have a really fuckin good vibe and finding everything easy as I'm entitled and what not. Hooking everything left and right.

I bounce these 2 girls to the bar with Todd's assistant who wants to isolate his girl. I really like the guy - he has a really good vibe to him. He ditches his girl. I get water and for some dumb reason buy my girl a drink. Lamest shit ever. To add insult to injury my girl who is like tops a 7 - ditches me - never to be seen in the night again. Idk why i got her a drink but i won't lie this kinda got me in my head.

I proceed to go through a good strong half hour blowout period, where nothing works. Even buddah comes up to me is like "yo you having a rough nite right". I'm like yeahhh. Funny enough as soon as he says this - I find some tall brunette hottie. She was the hottest i personally ran into the venue. I'm making tall hotties my thing from now on - never banged one and I can imagine that they'd be good in bed. I run up in her grill and make a snide remark about her tits. She liked me beforehand, but after that she sort of was confused. Looking back it was un-necessary but at the time I was all non-relaxed and jittery and shit. Funny enough saying what I said was what got me out of my head to begin with. I usually need to some edgy shit or get blown out extra hard at night to become ultra-present. When I'm not present, everything stifles with me and it's so bad that my memory is practically impaired

I get blown out a couple more times and decide to just start bugging out. I dance myself for about 30 minutes, acting silly, like no objective, nothing, just being a fuckin idiot dancing around. Ok I came here to have sex. I go back and try to get tall hottie back. She and her friend are telling me I'm a dick and a half and telling me to go away but they have a smile on their face. It's like I have this "i love to hate this asshole" vibe. Throughout the night I see her being genuinely disinterested as various chodes hit her and friend up but she and I know the chodes talking to her are NO MATCH for my swagger. I roll around, flirting with other girls and doing some 1-2 push-pull shit. # closed a few girls, kept introducing random girls that liked me to each other, just building a bunch of love triangles in the night or whatever.

I have a strong ending to the night. # close this little cutie who tries to act "hood" from time to time. Btw I love this shit. Suburban girls that ACT hood. That's like my quirky sweet spot.

Get outside, all of us are there and I'm being a fool just singing because I'm just feeling it. Hitting that indifference threshold after going through a rough patch in the night is like NIMBUS. Always the best fuckin feeling ever mann. I keep hitting up tall hottie and she keeps backing me off and telling me to fuck off but deep down inside she enjoys the fact that I was such a dick to her. Looking back I should have been really nice to her, and then have been even a bigger asshole to her. Continued push-pull. Instead I was trying to recover from a hardcore PUSH by continually telling her i was just kidding.

Whatever - i realize tall hottie isn't too keen so I grab some married chick from her group of guy and girl friends, pick her up and just run down the street with her arms around my legs. She enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. Lol worst thing was that her best friend was running after me as I was carrying her and her husband came up to me afterwards and was like "yo i thought i lost my wife for a quick second there". Yo the glimmer in that chicks eyes - I should have made out with her just to be a dickhead but that would have been un-necessary.

I love tall hipster hottie, so I go back to her once again on the street corner and then give her a pretend blow job while pretending to marry her. Todd's assistant is trying to pull the friend. Apparently Buddah relays word that i"m fuckin up his swag so I back off.

This was probably the night I enjoyed most - even with all the pulls I've had in the past month because I love the power of BOUNCEBACKABILITY. I had a seriously rough patch, but I made on the fly adjustments - started to have fun and then ended up having a shit load of fun at the end of the night. Love shit like this.

So yeah - the streak of 8 pulls in 8 nights ended. But I'm loving it. I hadn't been out all week and still was able to go out and KILL it.

Mon night (11/19/2012)

Eh. Buddah sends me a text while I'm at work - "yo you want an easy fuck". say whattt. of course. I love sluts and I can't deny the alley-oop from my nigga. Love that guy. About to ask him to be my boyfriend on Facebook for shits and giggles. I decide to wing him even though I have MADDD scholwork to do ( I still have MAD work to do). The girl is cute and extremely nerdy and we're not exactly compatible. After 10 mins, I realize she's just written me off and hasn't given me a chance and the whole time Im thinking about just hitting up other girls. I should have done this way earlier but I was under the assumption I just had to show up, be cool and get laid. I shouldn't have assumed a lay-up. I should have made an on the fly adjustment and realized I need to "spark" some attraction with her. Create some love triangles or hit her up with a quick 1-2.

Girl leaves - no biggie - i go outside and hit on some older chick in front of her friends. Her friends leave us outside together, she goes back in after she's done smoking or something and buddah and his girl leave off into the night. Buddah wants me to join him but I ask him to stay focused - but what I love about Buddah is that he never rushes it. Me on the other hand - I just want to have sex and then fuck around later. I go back and hit on my girl. It's sort of a dead end so I head over to another bar. There's a bunch of stunners in here.

Hit up a bunch of chicks. Being all obnoxious and entitled and shit. Get up in some Israeli chick's face. I thought she was Latina but she's Israeli. Some 6'4 black dude tries to grab her off me but I shrug him off and then proceed to make fun of him for being James Bond in front of him and the girl. Man to all you dudes talking about Amoging by athletes, most of these athlete type/ hood rapper wannabe dudes don't approach. It's bs what they do. They like grab the girl but it's bs. The girl will LOVE the way we approach because we put ourselves out there. Fuck that too cool for school shit they pull..

I was having a less than mediocre night - as I was rushing shit but I was still killing it to a degree. I leave the bar at 1am because I have to be up and alert the next day.

Get back into the Israeli chick's face after flirting with other girls and outwitting her dude friends. I toned it down after being all antsy and grabby after i first met her and start being more fun. She #closes me. yeah yeah - I AM THE PRIZE.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Next time you "get word" that you're messing with Buddha's vibe (whatever the fuck that means), you stick cheetos in his butt. And tell him if he wants to be cheesy he better be real about it.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

lmao, I made a judgment call. but yeah, I should have just let Katalyst do his thing, my bad.

And it actually wasn't MY vibe he was fuckin with- it was the other guy's vibe... lmfao- MY vibe can't be fucked with... so that's NEVER an issue.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Damn I'm behind on FRs but I'll be updating them. During Thanksgiving I managed to go out like 5 or 6 times during that week.

Tuesday 11/20/2012

Definitely want Manwhore and Buddah's advice on this one. Text and Day 2 game needs massive improvement almost to the point where I need to make that a CORE focus for a month or so. Been saying this forever but I have to be honest - with me being busy ALL the time - the thought of me spending time to read loads of material and review my Manwhore text academy notes isn't as appealing to me as just going out and pimping and getting some one-night stand glory or even groan - doing school work or working on my long-term purpose. For real. But because I'm always pimping in my spare time (i.e. subway commute to and from work) I'm running into situations where I have all these solid numbers but I haven't met up with like 80% of these bitches because my text shit. And pickup ain't all about appeal. Sometimes you have to do "grunt work" to improve.

So the obvious solution is to SPEND TIME AND GET THIS TEXT/DAY 2 SHIT HANDLED. Once I get the Day 2 and text shit handled and my vocal tonality to ALWAYS be loud - shit I will be forever out of hand if i keeping going out like 4 times a week and am always hitting shit up. Add always getting 6 hours of sleep EVERY night to the checklist and yea i'll be an efficient pulley ;)

Quick unexpected Day 2 with Isreali chick from the night before. Completely unexpected. I'm in school at the moment so after work it's like damn go code for 3 hours but when you got a chick kinda keen to meet up and shooting you all types of signals - you're just like - Y NOT?

I get home around 7 after work. Start chatting with manwhore and Haze, then my cousin hits me up on Skype and then the Israeli chick from the night before is hitting me up - i was like completely overwhelmed. I don't know how you niggas do it but I can not multi-task. I mention this because it's probably because I've been slacking with the meditation of late so I wasn't spiritually centered.

Text exchange:

Anyways I get the girl out, this is a cool new reality - chicks are kinda chasing me. I was late as fuck getting to her place - she called me like 4 times "where are you, where are you". I stand outside her place for awhile and get distracted talking to my cousin. Finally realize I need to get off the phone and get to business.

I start running massive mounts of push-pull on her just to keep her walking around on eggshells with me. She's super confident and on that entertainment/i'm in the scene sort of bs. The kinda bitch that has like 7 people texting her the whole time type shit. I'm thinking to myself "damn bitch relax". I'm definitely not a fan of getting dinner with a chick but she was hungry and I was STARVING - so I'm like fuck it. I also was very gay looking back in retrospect.

When we meet up girl is like "yo we can go back to your hood if you'll drop me off in Manhattan afterwards (i live in brooklyn)". I'm like hmm time isn't really on my side so I said no - as we only would have had an hour in my neighborhood. Why I didn't take her back to my neighborhood? I don't fuckin know or understand. Basically I didn't play to win, I essentially played for a draw and was ultra-conservative…I've been burned plenty of times being all aggressive on a Day 2 (my previous philosophy was GET LAID OR DIE) but I need to use my brain and make the decision whether the girl seems like Day 3 material or not. If she's Day 3 material no need to go all beast mode - if you can't stand her like i said i couldn't then yea go for the kill.

So I decide to play it cool and we roll up to a spot in her neighborhood which is quiet and I sit next to her. My fingers were cold as fuck, I was cold as fuck. I probably have poor circulation like most people tell me but then I tell them it all flows down to my dick.

So i sit there w/her and i'm like out of it - very little charisma and charm displayed. Minimal faggot type shit. I'm not exactly stifled but I'm not present and alive. I was probably tired from the night before. Very little kino the whole date while we talk - i put my cold ass fingers under her butt for awhile (pretty much all i did) but she claims they're frozen and asks me to remove them after awhile. This girl is cute but kinda fuckin annoys me - she's too into the scene - as in talking about going to the Nicki Minaj release party and yadda yadda. The whole time i'm like thinking STFU. Some standard rapport shit

Funny exchange btw me and her was when she was criticizing me for my "wallet" - basically i have all my cards in a rubber band. She was giving me a lot of shit for it but I think she was crazy intrigued when she realized I just didn't give a fuck about what she was saying. After the whole "you need to get a wallet and stop carrying so many cards on you" discussion she was saying "you just want to get in my pants don't you". And I'm like "well no shit sherlock". congruence test passed.

Dinner's 30 for the two of us. I put in 20 she puts in the rest - whatever. She heads to the bathroom and I start talking to the hot female bartender, asking for feedback (she was watching us the whole time) as I was trying to get a 3rd person view of how the date was going. My girl comes out the bathroom and is a bit thrown off and getting defensive about me flirting with the bartender. Bitch relax. Unintentional drama.

Drop her off at her boss's house (she probably got fucked then chucked) because I didn't step up but I was kinda unconcerned I was going to my fuck buddy's apt after the day 2 so we can call that date a draw.

Point blank - i was a pussy. Probably all feeling residual butt-hurtness from my last pair of Day 2s where girls were refusing to kiss me and shit.... . Day 2s are something that I need to make my bread and butter in the coming months with school being all intense and shit so really really expect me to be talking about this a lot more. Like I didn't even go for the k-close this time (residual butt-hurtness). Manwhore always goes why you always trying to kiss these bitches which I agree with but you go to go for the k-close at least once in the interaction so the girl knows you have a penis.

I head over to my fuck buddy's place afterwards. She's cool and cute, true fuckin artist type shit and she's weird as fuck. Half of the time I'm laughing at her fuckin dumb hipster shit she's on. We established tonight we have absolutely nothing in common besides both being slightly eccentric but we enjoy each other's company and I enjoy fucking her. Fuck me I can't wait till I'm done with school - I'll be spending way more time with harem management and the like.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Wed night (11/21/2012)

On the way to work I approach this girl on the subway. Was mad hesitant to do so - idk why i always have so much internal resistance doing shit on the subway. Am i still scared of social pressure? I must be - but shit given the responses I shouldn't be fearing it but for some reason I still do. I always talk about the subway because it's the best for the myelin that get activated for pimping. Absolutely love it and w/o a doubt I'm convinced it's made my night game almost feel like a fuckin joke. I for some reason really like this girl although I can tell she's fuckin someone. You always get that sixth sense for shit like this and I need to figure out how some of you other top dudes are gaming chicks with boyfriends. Are you more of a dick? Are your feeding her a wider range of positive and negative emotions so she can remember you. Are you using boyfriend destroyers? Very curious.

I head home with my cuz from Brooklyn. I head down to the local bar down in my hometown. annual college reunion shit. I get there - it's all 21 year old chicks who don't know their vagina from their asshole. True dilemma. I run around and there are retarded chicks everywhere. It reminded me of why I suck at college bars. Idk y i do but I just do. I think some work on my voice and dominance would do the trick - I'm not able to get by on just charisma at these places.. I didn't exactly suck but there weren't any make outs or viable pull options which is not a big deal. I approach a bunch of chicks, hook some of em but these chicks aren't about it. I used to really beat myself about this kind of shit - you can't anymore. You come to realize a lot of chicks are retarded. I did a shit ton of push-pull and it was cool to fuck with the same social circle over and over.

Thu night (11/22/2012)

Strip clubs are weird. Even weirder when you're on some game shit. Idk how guys really enjoy this shit.

Head over to the strip club with a bunch of my uncles, cousins and lil bro. On thanksgiving night lol. Best way to give thanks. Got a quirky family for sure.

Not much to highlight, just seeing my lil bro walking out from getting a lap dance was one of the best things I've ever seen in my life. the smile on his face was amazing.

I hate strip clubs.

Fri (11/23/2012)

Head out with my cousin and some girl he's staying with from London. Head out to downtown club, start the night off well, getting bitches on my dick left and right. I think my subcomm is fuckin dialed right now. I run into a brazilian chick from before and I can't remember who she is but she goes "Katalyst? Why are you talking to my friend? I met you before". I remember her and then start giving her the finger and a ton of shit for flaking on me. To be honest, I should have pulled her that night but I was having an incredibly OFF night and was all chode-fied and lacking entitlement and shit.

Eventually 5 dudes I know from home are waiting for me in the area so I have to leave the club I'm at with my cousin and roll over and get them. I get them into another club by bouncing 2 different groups of hotties off the street with them so they can get into the club. I need to start getting paid for being a pro-bono promoter. Whatever I got my buddies from back home into the club.

I was happy that I did very little showboating when I was out with my buddies from high school. Like in the past, while I was learning game (I still am;) - I would always force the issue and try to show off my new pimping skills but this time around I didn't really give a fuck. I'm no longer virgin Katalyst - this is my new reality. I am a pimp. Chicks love me. Funny as I write this - I actually got blown out a fair amount but it was good. Most chicks in the venue would instantly tell me they were taking - sub-comms are fucking dialed.

My cousin who isn't a natural - just a cool dude asks me to approach this girl so he can be my wingman. She's cute. I go into set, some orbiter chode she's with is all up in my grill after I'm hanging with her for awhile so I throw her back onto orbiter chode and keep pimping. I come back like 15 minutes later and just grab her back and we start building commonalities, lots of dancing and vibing - I like her she's cute and intelligent.

I bounce her to the bar, get some water and I start figuring out her logistics. She's from Pittsburgh and is crashing on her homegirl's couch. I play it really cool and near the exit of the club - I start talking to her homegirl who's trying to leave the club with some guy she's hooking up with so she can fuck. Her homegirl tells me this. I seed that we should go to another bar as my girl keeps telling me that she can't roll with me anymore. She was down but I think I was lacking that cutting edge.

I decide to run to the first venue of the night with my cuz. I get in and start dancing like a fuckin idiot. I got my self-amusement shit down. Very little attachment to outcome shit too. Awesomee!

I run into this short Asian girl while i'm doing my bullshit. It must be like 3:30 or something at this point. I act stupid and dance stupid - you could almost say I'm a dancing monkey but not really because I was literally being stupid for ME. I can't describe that shit but you just know when you're doing it and when you're not. This girl is like a 7. She studies and plays Korean music for a living. Being the dick that I am I start laughing to myself about this. I wave my cousin over to come meet her friend that I met earlier and he starts winging me. I figure out logistics it sounds really good and at this point the girl didn't kiss me but I knew I had her (more like assumed).

They head over to the bathroom and because logistics are fucked for my cousin (he has to give his keys to the girl that's staying with him - i have him run all the way to the other club to go give the keys to the girl. I give him precise instructions to sprint there and on the way back - jog back and then walk very calmly to meet us again).

I'm standing in between the bathroom and the exit to the club so there's no chance they won't run into me. I hug my girl and her friend asks where my cousin is - I go "he's already outside".

We head to coat check - they get their stuff and I talk about random bullshit. My cousin like a pro is out of breath but walks back instead of running. Smooooth. I'm also slightly "jealous" because his girl is a 8, mine is a 7. w

The girls say they're going to get a cab but I convince them to just come with us and get a ride home. They resist but we persist and they walk for a few blocks to my whip. Get em in we listen to Kendrick Lamar.

We get outside their place and I pass it intentionally to park. We walk them back to their place. I wasn't concerned because my girl said she lived on the first floor and her friend lived on the second floor. We get to their place and it looks like a hostel or some shit. There's multiple huge signs at the entrance that say "ABSOLUTELY NO VISITORS AFTER 10PM WTF. Mind you I have to take a fuckin piss so badly that I can't really think straight. It's also cold and I'm just wearing a sweatshirt. I still persist and push it to the bitter end but it's not gonna happen. Sometimes it just isn't mann.

Looking back - I failed the last shit test. I could have been more witty about this shit and gone you know what "there's another bar around the corner" and drove them to my cousin's rented apt in Harlem. It would have been VERY VERY tricky logistically but it could have happened. I was also ridiculously proud of my cousin for being an awesome wingman.

Sat night (11/24/2012)

I'm ridiculously exhausted from interval runs (I do 3 mile interval runs to keep the cardio levels but lately I've been lazy and haven't done one in 2 weeks).

I head out around 2:30 in Brooklyn for a quick night out after studying all day.

I hit up some sets. The first girl - her friend throws me shit tests - I absolutely fly by them. Approach another girl - some Italian girl and I'm pretty arrogant. She's putting up a million barriers but I win over after 10 minutes of obnoxious banter.

Third girl - is some puerto rican and columbian hottie who asks me a lot of questions. good sub-comms. We make out for a bit, Im feelin shitty so i leave the bar around 3:30. Her logistics sucked anyway . We end up texting quite a bit and set up an 'eventual' day 2 - as i write this i actually haven't texted her in awhile. need to send a strong re-engagement text and get back on that ting. Definite hottie.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
I should make these shorter - i be feeling chatty though. lol

Thu 11/29/2012

Have the much vaunted company party today - craziness. I have to admit I put MASSIVE pressure on myself to get a result tonight. My thoughts were "Tonight is my super bowl". Tonight.

I get in there 2 hours later than my co-workers who start pre-gaming around 5:30 because I'm not about getting drunk and shit. My game sucks shit when I'm drunk and a night like tonight required focused. I'm more fun sober than drunk anyways. Drinking stifles the shit out of me.

I proceed to have the time of my life when I get there - literally act a fool the whole time. Dancing on tables, acting like a fuckin idiot. I was having so much fun that I didn't really approach girls seriously for the first 2 hours. I don't know how I managed to stay sober either as co-workers kept getting me beers, but I'd get the beers and either knock it over or just put back on the bar.

I had a bunch of girls come up to me and either eye-fuck me or I had girls tell me that their friend thought I was cute. Ughh frustrating times. My goal is definitely to fuck my co-workers (my "social circle") but I'm finding it tough to do because I'm so used to my high-octane attraction bullshit that I'm used to running. Long story short I didn't take anyone home tonight which in my opinion was disappointing.

While I was dancing and screaming I end up talking to this girl and start macking on her. I spent 45 minutes with her and dragged her around the venue and all that sort of stuff multiple times. I should have at least tried to kiss her and after 45 minutes where she seemed incredibly hooked she refused to give me her #. I was probably really antsy and shit from putting so much pressure on myself to get a fuckin result.

Afterwards, I head over to another bar with co-workers where I realize another 2 girls who I didn't run into are really into me. Whoa! New reality. If i play my cards right I'll be able to bang at least 5 girls from my job which would be fuckin cool. Banging my co-workers - definitely something I'm going to discuss with Manwhore on how I should make it happen.

Nothing of substance comes to fruition so I end up walking a couple of blocks to go to a high-end club. Get in. It's like 1:30 not much to work with. Start macking on this one girl dancing by a table with 2 dudes sitting in. Start dancing, eventually move her to the middle of the dance floor. Move her around a lot and then I start making out with her but she's a no go for fratstar gropage. Eckh. Keep chilling - figuring out logistics and her two guy friends come in and join us and I play it cool figuring I'll see her again. I don't.

Bounce around, hit up a lot of girls - get blown out a lot. Damn club game is off - making me kinda desperate to be able to pimp 5-7 nights a week again. Then again, at the very least I should be working on my vocal projection which is waned in previous weeks. Plenty of Manwhore drills to re-visit.

Take subway home around 5:30 - hit up a hot blonde. I'm of such low entitlement that while I ask her for her # it isn't done with certainty. Like lil fag boy shit. Wtf.


Funny foreshadowing. Buddah hits me up and when we shoot the shit and he talks about how he gets pissed if he pulls but doesn't fuck. When I pull or push it to the limit/burn the set to the ground I'm always happy with how I do. ALWAYS. Hmm today was the first case of me getting kinda pissed off.

Roll out around 2:30 after staying home catching up on work. I'm SOOO behind in school it's not even funny. I'm not too worried I'm taking 2 weeks off from work to catch up. Shit needs to get done.

My goal in 2013 is to travel to London for a week and hit up 2-4 other cities in America as well as starting to work for myself at the tail end of 2013. Definitely do-able, definitely do-able but I have to be so focused. If i'm able to find time to pimp 4 nights a week I'll be one happy motherfucker.

Ahh anyways - i roll out hit up 4 chicks. First chick I'm in her grill and steal her right off some chode she's hanging with. Bounce her to another part of the bar but shit's not really sticking. It's that little bit of that feeling "I have to do something, ihavetodosomething, i havetodosomething" kind of vibe that I used to have creeped in - probably from residue butt-hurtness. Talk to 1 or 2 more chicks - not too many chicks in the venue. I go near the DJ Booth and start macking on this one girl who's talking to some other chode. Her friend who's like a 6/6.5 is on my case. Both the girls are from Wales. She likes me. I dip off come back to the girl who was talking to the other chode. Appratnetly she has a crush on the DJ and doesn't really give me a chance. I kinda entertain the other girl a bit. 15 minutes later she gives me a boner. Ok that means i'll bang. I pretend to drink her drink with her as she's encouraging me to drink w/her. 20 minutes later we go to another bar.

At the other bar we chill out for a bit and I'm playing it wayyy too cool for school. A part of me is like yo you're a 6.5 at best - I don't need to be all up in your girl and shit. She's talking to the bartender and gives her number to him. I don't really care because I've already set my mind that I'm gonna pull her. Do whatever you want miss. I should probably watch some of Alex's videos because I hate these detention sets but it's something I should embrace. On the other hand I could just do some fratstar gropage on her ass. I decide to play it cool.

Bar closes at 4am. We walk over to my car. I bring her back to my house with my usual bullshit "we're going to another bar" aka my apartment. On the way over I try to kiss her to cement that I have a cock but she rejects my advances. I park and she puts up some resistance to walking into my apartment building and she finally walks in.

She doesn't take her shoes off and I don't really care. I just seat her on my couch - pour us some drinks and turn the TV on. I just want to fuck at this moment - fuck your bullshit. I try to kiss her again and she goes "yo i thought you were gay - now you're telling me you're straight - does this work for you". Bitch WTF. She said this because I joked at the bar that I was gay. Gawd this bitch was dumb or rationalizing something retarded - you buy me a drink - i put your hand on my stiff cock in the bar - and do minimal sexual shit on you - go fuck yourself ho..

I've cracked this joke before plenty of times with chicks I've pulled but apparently she didn't get the joke.15 minutes later she's on the phone with her friend referring to me as her gay friend. This bitch. She lives like a 1.5 miles away and has the nerve to ask me for a ride. I tell her to grab a cab and she said she doesn't carry cash on her because she has no impulse control. She ends up leaving and walking her ass home.

I'm kinda pissed because although she was thick (i refuse to fuck fat chicks after not enjoying my first fattie) and cuter than i gave her credit for. Still a 6.5 but yea this was the gayest fuckin night ever. Fuckin gayness - fuck my rusty pussy.

I think I should have just whipped my cock out and start stroking it in front of her. It was a bizarre situation.

Sunday 12/02/2012

I manage to Day 2 some girl that I met like weeks ago when I went to the Jane with my cousin and Buddahgames.

I meet her in her neighborhood downtown. I thought I was good at Day 2s but I'm not. The girl's cute. I knew she was cute back then but she made an effort. Skin-tight pants, her hair is long, the bird is a good-looking Mexican. Cutie for sure. A little nerdy but I like that.

It's raining cats and dogs. She meets me downstairs - I take her upstairs and she sits next to me while I get drinks for us on the couch. We vibe for 30 minutes slight sexual talking but it's funny and very minimal. There's some absolutely horrible country/bluegrass bs music playing. After 30 minutes of this I want to leave. I didn't attempt to kiss her just some light touching here and there.

We walk down the street and hop into another bar. I sit next to her, she gets us drinks. More vibing about bs, nothing crazy with the escalation (my arms around her lower back - thats about it). She says she has to be asleep by 10 for work or some bs like that. Ok next venue - karaoke. Figure she'll love it once I show off how awesome my karaoke skills are!!!!

Lol faggotry. She hops in the whip and we hit up some karaoke spot in Brooklyn. Ok small stepping it closer and closer to my house. She's very apprehensive and resisting coming out to Brooklyn but I just false time constraint it and pump her state.

Mind you my vibe is very low-energy. Idk why I have such low-energy during dates - i might be even boring as fuck. Need to bring over that woo but I think i take myself too seriously times and that might be killing me at the moment.

Get to karaoke - nice place to be silly. I end up doing a song and so does she. She says i have a horrible voice but i'm a great performer. she just sucks all-around. chill with her for a bit, start nibbling on her ear, try to kiss her and she goes "I thought I told you I was dating someone else - it's bad karma for me to kiss you". I tell her I don't care - deep down I'm kind of indifferent but let's be real I gave a fuck about that shit. We each end up doing one more song. My only regret is that I didn't move her around more during the Day 2.

End up dropping her home and I THINK a get a kiss on the cheek.

Yo my Day 2 game need a serious overhaul. Just my whole follow-up game shit period. From the text to getting them out to meeting them out. It all needs a serious overhaul.

This is my fourth straight Day 2 where I don't even manage to kiss the girl. My homies say it's not a big deal - I think that's absolutely fuckin pathetic.

Mon 12/03/2012

Yo I was so horny I looked at my computer screen for an hour while I waited for my fuckbuddy to come over. The only thing I was glad about was that I didn't jerk off while I waited - I wanted to rub boner on that ass sooo badly. She comes over. I adore her. I kinda glow when I see her so does she. She looks fuckin good. i was bullshitting with her on getting ice cream or playing mario kart. She knew we just wanted to bang. we have sex for awhile. She laughs because she's like yo I destroyed you.

I rely stricly on stamina and shit at the moment to please girls - I don't have the "technical/emotional" shit down yet. Stamina for the win though. I have started to experiment - i make her do uncalibrated weird shit like smack me and stuff. I think i want to be a more productive hank moody in real life. I don't like it but i pretend to. I'm working out the whole sex shit. I do like it when chicks smack me though. I must be a fag.

Wed 12/05/2012

I head out with my cousin to 4 separate high-end clubs. I only manage to get us both into one. It's dead as fuck. Welcome to club life in the winter NYC. My cousin manages to get into a venue and I don't and I only don't manage to get in because I'm a little too arrogant at the door. The doorman wants to let me in but it's like a clash of egos or some shit going on. Fuck my door game is off. I want to go to another venue but my cousin's like it's not that serious - I don't really care about my last night in NYC for awhile. I'm like ok cool - take him to chinese. i fuck around and tell stupid stories and am pretty self-amusing. Only if i acted like a fool on day 2s….
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Your doorgame has always been really solid.

But what I've been doing lately that's really been working is just being super super humble at the door and giving the doorman the impression that I"m just "being real with him"

"Look man, my gf's inside, I'm not tryna cause a scene, I'm obviously not on the 'list'... I just want to get inside and meet up with my girl"....

I don't like trying to play up the "boss daddy" thing at the door because there's still that disconnect of, "Well, if you're such a badass, why aren't you buying a bottle"

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Fri 12/07/2012

I head out a little bit after 2 to my local neighborhood bar. btw i love hipsters.
Meet this short little chick with a pixie cut. cutie - i love her. isolate her from a guy and girl she's hanging with. Bounce her to the bar then back to the dancefloor. She says she has to go check on her friend. I chill out for a little bit but she comes right back. Ok looking good. We dance around for a bit she's very touchy feely. She tells me she is playing wing woman for her friend which means this shit is looking bag as she's trying to have her friend hook up with her other friend. Heavily looks like I'm going to pull again. So i play it really cool and the like. ShShe rolls back to her friend. They talk for awhile and I just chill out and they grab their coats and start to leave. I manage to catch up to them outside. I start talking to my girl while the other two dick around for awhile. I walk her home - her place is 2 blocks away and hang outside her place for 10 mins and win over the other two (my girl's friend had her stuff at my girl's place) girls.

Looking back I wish I had applied some fratstar gropage and put in more physical escalation with her for sure. I was too aloof and probably cocky. Should have stay focused.

I don't force my way in even though the other two were like "damn this dude is cool". She doesn't live too far from me so it's not a big deal. Although, fuck i should have been more forceful and shit though. Grab her # and roll back to the bar for seconds of course. Go back in, dance for a bit and hit up a pair of cuties. Nah no go - end up burning the bar down. Find some room with these 4 chicks. 3 cuties and one fatty. I first hit on the 2 girls but one of the girls immediately hates me and cockblocks me with the 2 chicks HARD. I end up focusing on the most adventurous girl of the group. The 1st of the 2 was slightly more conservative and seem stifled.

I hit on the girl and I start pimping her. At first some random chode comes up to us and says really weakly "nice to meet you" and he walks off and i laugh him off as a chode which she finds amusing. I'm pretty physical with her and she tells me she has a boyfriend. Whatever broad. I keep talking - she's digging it. I bring her to some girl i know (she owns another bar near my house) and I get them to talk to each other for 10 minutes. I bring her back to her friends and self-amusingly drag the fatty around and start bumping her into random guys. I'm nice to fatty because it's her bday. it's like 3:30 so i stop fucking around and go back to my girl. I talk some more and she's kind of giving me shit about something stupid. I drag some chode in to talk to her and I walk around the bar looking to see if there's anything else viable. Nope. I watch the chode for a bit - he's a little opportunistic so I lift my girl up off the ground and bounce her to another part of the bar. She loves this and I see her really start to dig me. She keeps mentioning her boyfriend but says we should hang out and even really oversells the date to me (actually take me out - don't just invite me back to your place). I end up making out with her and grab her #.

Obviously she was tipsy and talking reckless (she ended up flaking) but with her logistics fucked I should have gone mission impossible on her and brought her into a bathroom. O wells.

I'm about to study the old-school pimp shit. Study the greats. I love this shit yo.

Sat 12/08/2012

I meet up with Buddahgames. I end up having a pretty rough night for the most part.

Lots of blowouts. Lacking the self-trust and entitlement. I isolate a few girls but I'm not really on point today. I manage to bounce this one really cute tall chick to another part of the bar but I'm too reaction -seeking. She really liked me but I was so reactive and so far stuck in my head which ended up blowing me out. It was weird - even girls who really liked me I just wasn't there (present) for. I'm like this for 2 hours.

I roll out to another club a couple of blocks away. It's 3:30 and I can't get in. I grab 2 cuties off the street and manage to be witty and cool for a change. I take them to another club but we don't get in so they leave instead of waiting outside the club like DOGS.

I end up using the bathroom at this restaurant nearby and some chode in a suit like slams the bathroom door on me in a ridiculously rude manner. I finish using the bathroom and get up in his grill. I end up getting in his grill for like 5 minutes staring him down - lol you would have thought we were going to make out - in retrospect it was very gay and an absolute waste of time but sometimes in life you just want to deck the nigga. I was literally dying to use my boxing skills on him and praying he provoked me. Most guys think they can fight but the one thing boxing teaches you is how to take a hit or two, which most guys can't do. OMG to this day I still wish I fought him even though it would have had long-term repercussions. A couple of girls are like "yo dude relax he's just an idiot, he's just a douche". Whatever.

I decide to head home, but I do a couple of street sets. Roll up on this French cutie eye-fucking me. Drag her out of her group of friends and flirt with her for a bit. I'm finally present as a result of wanting to fight the other dude. Lots of silly flirting, end up getting her #. Do a bunch more sets and the night doesn't feel like a complete waste.

Wed 12/19/2012

Been holed up of late and been doing some subway game here and there. Nothing to note. I'll be writing a bit more in my journal hopefully so there are some things I should highlight about what I'd like to improve on.

Roll out to my neighborhood bar around 12:30. Get up in this girl's grill. She asks me to buy her a drink. I give her shit for asking me to do such a thing - I'm like fuck is your problem. She asks me to keep it moving. 10 minutes later as she's leaving the bar with her friends I stop her and start to question and lecture her on what she was looking to accomplish by asking me to get her a drink while flirting with her. She seems to enjoy this a bit but she's a little too entitled so I walk her over to the door and ask her to leave the bar. She doesn't want to leave even though her friends are waiting outside for her and keep asking her if she is ok. I keep talking to her and know she would be a viable pull option but Idk what I'm missing to keep her in the bar so she eventually leaves.

Roll out to another bar run into the same girl but she's now with some hipster dude. I run into these 4 girls and hit on 3 of them but their reactions are sort of weird and I come to realize that they are lesbians. I end up befriending them and what not. Wasting time socializing when I should be going to sleep. I got 3 hours of sleep the night before (I've been having massive trouble sleeping of late - weirdness). I do a couple of mixed sets but something is missing.

Thu 12/20/2012

I couldn't let go tonight and just have fun. Was really sad and pathetic. Today was one of those few damn "the status quo - I want better for myself in life" kind of days. Not the darkest of the dark days I've had but I'm like yea we can do better.

I roll out to Manhattan around 1:30. Hit up the club. Take awhile to approach. Finally do and immediately isolate my girl and drag her to another part of the bar. 5 minutes later she wants to go back to her friends I'm like cool so I follow her. I'm not able to say anything besides ask her what her name is and what she does.

I hit up a lot of chicks. They're into me but something is off. I give too much of a fuck. It's like the sub-comm, physicality is there but the verbals, the vibe is strained. I'm holding back, not having fun, no self-amusement. Taking myself wayyyy too seriously. Wtf.

Go to another club. Wait outside like a dog in the rain for 20 minutes. The doorman didn't let me in last time but this is a good venue and it's winter time so I pay my dues. Eventually he lets me in. I used to come here a lot now as well - i"ve stopped coming as much of late. Wish I wasn't so busy w/school I'd hit up the same places like 8 times in a 2 week period or something and then eventually be a regular.

Get in, approach a couple of girls. Same scenario. Sub-comm on, vibe off. One girl is super into me - I'm just extra gay and shit and stifled. It's a mind fuck because there are a pair of chicks with no bra on walking around. Some random tells me their trannies - I find that crazy hard to believe but I'm so stifled. So attached to my ego.

Need to be internally validated. I have a lot going for me in life. Why do i give a fuck?

I just read this article from Brad Branson - really spoke to me at the moment

Wish my game wasn't so dependent on momentum sometimes. Well whatever I'm going to build up the momentum again.

This article also made me wonder like damn - do I need to keep writing Field Reports. My game is very good but I obviously can still can it showing off or is it for pure documentation purposes..

Anyways looking forward to meeting up with Buddah tonight and having fun while groping some birds...
beargrizz's picture
Joined: 09/30/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Brad's article is money in the bank. Shorty's are going to want a drank when you can internalize that shit. Brad's inner game stuff is pretty sick and especially how he always boils it down to, "I Am Awesome." I thought this comment on his blog was pretty hilarious

"Bradson man, I’ve been going through this now and I’m aware of it.
I just honestly see the night club as a environment of pure fun and I have the anti-pick-up mindset before I go out. I turn up some Zeppelin and yell really loud in the car, then I get in and say hi to any girl who looks at me, then I dance like Gaga on coke and then I say to myself that I’m the man 547 times in the club. I also am sure and have the thinking that no matter what kind of approach a girl has had she is going to enjoy mine more than any other guy because I’m a newer version of Clint Eastwood. That’s right. Old Clint.
I’m not great on this yet, to be honest. It doesn’t always work but it has had surprising results in the last nights.
All of that because I remember that you throw your hands in the air and yell as loud as you can to get you into state. I metaphorized the idea and it has helped me a lot."

“Cleverness devoid of wisdom is extremely dangerous and destructive.
Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life.  Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God"
- Tollester

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Yooo katalyst, tonights gonna be interesting.

I'm gonna be drunkkkk with the boys

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
Tonight was fun.

buddhagames;884.10572;8 wrote:

Yooo katalyst, tonights gonna be interesting.

I'm gonna be drunkkkk with the boys
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Friday 12/21/2012

Yeah more going out! Head out around 1 and hit up downtown Manhattan.

I start the night off real shitty. Real shitty. I'm like OMG loud club - stifled. mind you months ago this was the norm. No worries. Glad I ran into some other player dudes - they were having a fuckin blast! I was being all serious and shit. Eventually I start to be silly.

Shit was looking sloppy. gone is the belief. Only thing going for me is sub-comm. Roll around, I run into some black girl who happens to be a mixture of where my parents are from and some other country in Africa. She's decent - i bounce her around the club. Find out she's there by herself.

I try to mouth-rape in the club - it's a no go so I play it off. We run into some dude who works at the club who's trying to bang her - he's whispering shit in her ear for awhile. Lol i've been to this club far too many times - getting some dirty looks from some of the staff. Girl comes back to me, and 10 minutes later she's like "yea i heard all about you and the way you go about". Bitch stfu.

I've been acting like a boring fuck of late around girls so I just have the girl and I talk to other couples while i talk to random dudes about boxing and soccer and bs while she talks to the girls about shit lol. Some dude showed me 10 mins of vimeo shit. I was just trying to kill time :(

I excuse myself and take a dump and then i start hitting on this cute older chick. I'm more witty but still all wish-washy faggy. She likes me but I'm not relaxed and present.. Weird weird times.

Eventually I drag the girl from before out the club and pretend to go to another bar allll the way in Brooklyn. Of course I'm lying to her about going to another bar - we left the club like at 4. I love getting there and pretending to actually wanting to get a drink to have the bar back come to the door and go we're closed.

Take her to Club Awesomeness AKA my apartment. Get her in, pour us some drinks, sit on my couch and talk about bs. We play Mario Kart. I push it to the bitter end. I try to pin her several times down and kiss her up and down her bod. I actually should have done more of this instead of worrying about the lips. I know rookie mistakes. Wtf. One of her tits eventually pops out. No go still. I have been slacking on the hardcore rapist physical escalation - could have carried her to my bed and eventually turn on my anti-LMR playlist..

She calls me a "bullshit artist" - I start laughing. The rum makes me sleepy. I think she took a shit then left. I pissed after she left and smelt what she dealt. bitches be leaving floaters.

Funny experience - I woke up the next morning laughing at myself how ridiculous this shit is. Even on my fuckin super shitty nights I managed to bring a girl back home. Although I didn't get do anything crazy sexually - really the only prominent physical escalation was some gropage in the club. this pimp shit is silly - bringing girls back to my place.

Saturday 12/22/2012

Usual day game shit as I head to class.. Approach to note was after I went to office hours for my class and finished holiday shopping, I hit up some cutie in the subway. Had a pretty good vibe to me and really burnt that shit down to the ground. Felt fuckin lovely. Like asking for her number 3 times. She had a BF but for a change I finally started to push it. It was like high-value chasing mixed in with a lot of push pull and non-neediness. Don't know how to describe the vibe but it was finally like "yes I really want your pussy sort of mentality instead of I just have to talk to every girl that I usually see". I got her # on the 3rd try. Need to be more persistent.

I was determined not to be a fag tonight. None of this stifled bs I've been on of late. It's like I slip in and out of it. Very weird sort of shit going on. Is it the extended logical work I'm doing all day? What is it?

Roll out to this one bar downtown . Start kind of sharp. Finally some fuckin life and passion added to my game for a change but it's dead so I roll out.

On the streets, I approach these 2 cute birds on the street and start spitting gold. finally some wit. they wanna check out some club that i'm kinda tired of but fuck it i walk them right in and let them do their tourist thing (they're from D.C). Eventually I get tired of the bullshit and tell them we're going to another club.

Walk them a couple of blocks and we head upstairs. Nice little pimp convention going on - Distant Light, Buddahgames and his natural buddy as well as Solomon are in the house. The boys are looking good.

Lots of fun dumb shit w/fellow pimps. I love that Trinidad James song btw. LOVE IT.

Game-wise not much to mention, still not much that's improved from this little lack of belief "funk" I'm in. Vibing a little bit better but I'm only slightly bitching because I loveee pimping as some sort of silly art thing and really see it as a vehicle for self-development and I'd always like to get better. Really a non-issue it's more like rust.

End of the night I bounced these 2 hotties from the club to another club but doorman wasn't around at the moment and they got all impatient. On any other day I probably could have pulled them both for sure. I'm like extra minimal and indifferent these days its really quirky.

A string of "bad" shooting nights, time to revisit some pimp fundamentals I learned this year from Manwhore….

I'll get out of it just need to go back to the drawing board. Pretty apparent I'm forgetting some essential shit.

But back to work.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Sunday 12/23/2012

I felt the burn of not taking the right action tonight.

I was texting this sexy Russian girl all day that I was hanging out with the other night. She and her cute Persian friend were staying in Times Square and they were from out of town.

I was supposed to meet them at the "IT" club around 12:30. Me being Katalyst and running on black people time when it comes to play-time I show up there at 1. There was no reason for me to leave my house late either - must be out of habit. I don't end up getting in.

Mann I was dying when the girl came out to vouch to the doorman for me in her mink coat. We chat for like 5 minutes outside and she asks the doorman again but it didn't happen. Sometimes, you meet a girl and then you kind of forget she's hot - you tell herself she's just decent - then you see her again and you go DAMN bitch is fineeee. Seeing the glimmer of disappointment in her eye for me not being able to hang with her in the club was kinda killing me.

I felt the burn for a little bit - trust me - a girl on her last night in town, dressed up and into you - that screams of great logistics. It was dead around town. Head back to my neighborhood bar - there are like 3 to 4 cuties. Hit on two of em - nothing worth mentioning.

I love shit like this because I love feeling the disappointment of not taking the right action and how you rightfully get punished EVERY time.

Come think of it - a part of me is like why do I still write FRs? Is it to provide value? Is it for myself? Is it out of habit?. I still have a lot to learn as as far as pimping is concerned but a lot of it might be show-boaty. That brad article i reference got me thinking about shit.

Maybe I'll write FRs more from a deliberate practice standpoint.

Whatever, first world trying to be king of the world problems, the joy is just being able to play the game in a city like NYC.

Anyways, taking a mandatory 2 to 3 day break from thinking about pimping. Once I come back I should be refreshed and I'll start re-doing Manwhore drills and re-learning some quintessential fundamentals as my shit hasn't been crisp of late.
Joined: 12/03/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Lol I have the same problem bro especially in winter. I always end up being 20-30 minutes late getting downtown.

I've decided the solution is to give myself 30 extra minutes more than I need to get ready, cause I"m like a chick with the amount of time I take to get ready.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player
tolle;884.10595;516 wrote:

Lol I have the same problem bro especially in winter. I always end up being 20-30 minutes late getting downtown.

I've decided the solution is to give myself 30 extra minutes more than I need to get ready, cause I"m like a chick with the amount of time I take to get ready.

yea but in this case I was just choding that night. No other excuses really. Btw I really enjoyed beating myself up over it. I needed some degree of "burn" to plow through all the work I did this past week. And i used all sort of dumb nonsensical rationale to motivate myself as well as to why I didn't get the girl. It was great.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Saturday 12/29/2012

Went out tonight. Re-united with Montaigne.

Felt really good for my first real night out in like a week - wayyy better than how I was doing last week. Once again, sharp, talkative, full of belief. Surprisingly illogical after what was the most logical week of the year. It was really to the point where I was like "yo I don't want to go out for awhile - I just want to stay focused and code for the next 5 weeks". For me pimping is important, although it is a fuckin distraction. I think in January I'll have like 2 nights out a week with an optional day for Day 2s or if i have a rotation - keeping the bird(s) happy. Then in February increase it to like 4-5 nights a week if possible. Build some door equity while I'm at it.

Lots of isolation, wish I went for makeouts. It's like I'm in two minds, whether to be making out with girls or not. I only get 2 numbers, and that's something I really need to work on as - getting the number earlier on in set instead of these running these long ass sets. I could always use some more text game practice anyway...

I really wanted this one Australian brunette. Really wanted her. Haven't really wanted to bang a girl this badly in like forever. To be honest I'm usually going through the motions when I'm out but fuck this one was like an 8 in my book. Really wanted it. Barely knew her and gamed way hotter girls but I was even thinking to myself like "damn why do I want you soo bad". It was fucked. Even as I write this, and talking to like 20-30 girls in a night, I'm like damn this girl could get it. Probably wanted it too badly.

She knew I wanted it so badly, as I re-approached her like a good 4 to 5 times and brought her into a lot of my sets to fuck with her. I ran a ton of PUSH on her. Texted her a bit today but it was a bit weak. I'll cement it with a charismatic voicemail and a "story" about my day to pique her interest.

Ran up to a bunch of girls and just fucked with them, knocked them off their perch. Was regularly hooking the 8s and moving them around but it was probably a lack of belief that didn't lead to me pulling and playing at a slower tempo. Didn't really get blown out a lot today but something was lacking which didn't lead me to pulling - which I believe was relaxation. Like i was so focused on being illogical that I probably had too much of a shtick (an old sticking point of mine) - when I should have just been more focused on authenticity and just been a bit more chilled out.. It's a lot to think about in field if you're not in peak form/shape.

All in all, a good night back - ended the night smacking every girl's ass with a glowstick some girl gave me for self-amusement...Anyways just need to be more relaxed the next time I'm out.

Sunday 12/30/2012

Head out extra late. Run into Montaigne, Buddahgames downtown. Head upstairs, start macking on girls.

Main girl of the night was this cutie - kinda reminded me of this girl I used to date in 2011 that lived on my street. same sort of look, just this girl's derriere was lovellyyy. Re-approach, spend a fair amount of time with her after dealing with her orbiters - it was kind of annoying. Once again, I was lacking something. Maybe too grabby, maybe too much pull and not enough push. Something was lacking. Yeah it was probably not enough push. that's usually the issue for me if my shit ain't

It's like chicks are interested but it's like haha..thanks but no thanks.

It's probably too much pull to be honest. I got to start to fix little things like even the way I stand with chicks. Instead of full on face to face - more standing at a 45 degree angle to talk to them. Little quirky shit like that can make a HUGE difference in terms of the who's reacting to who dynamic. Stuff to play with and really the goal for 2013 is to have 4 out of every 5 nights be like deliberate practice with 1 out of 5 being just to have fun and be a dick.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Going From Unfocused Chode To Ruthless Player

Monday 12/31/2012

250th night of the year last night according to all my FRs written up....

Haha i was definitely trying to seal the deal so i could say for egotistial reasons that I had a one-night stand every night of the week in 2012.

Fuckin Mondays.

Head out around 11:30, am honestly happy, reflecting on the past year. In terms of pimping and defining my purpose, just a breakthrough year.

Get there 15 minutes before countdown.

Look for a cutie I can tongue down at midnight. Run into this cute little chick dancing around like a retard. Tell her she's going to be my countdown chick. Midnight, chug down the chode champagne and kiss her. She has horrible breath. Omg "a lady with bad breath is not lady at all" - Julien. Agreed. She continues to make out with me, I'm repulsed. I was joking with a buddy that tonight anything flies, and that tonight i was down to fuck a 2 just so i could brag to my ego. Nah I'm good - I ain't trying to fuck something i'm not into. not my thing. I should have brought some gum.

Ditch "HB" bad breath and find another one. 3-4 minutes later she grabs me when some other dude comes to game the friend and goes "yo you're not going home". She's drunk and slightly uncoordinated but blood in the water is…blood in the water.

Chill some more and pretty much play the waiting game with this girl. Thing is set eventually fizzI don't think any of my escalation had any purpose to it. Once i figured out logistics I was like "o you're with you're roommate - I'm pretty much going to pull to your place". I'm chilling back with her and 2 other chodes are gaming up - guess they met her before. Stay unreactive for the most part.

I think I was playing it too cool for school, she comes back a couple of times, and 20-30 minutes later she left. gayness

Montaigne and his roomie roll by for a bit, leave shortly afterwards. I end up leaving the bar at 1:15. Get to a bar in my neighborhood.

Continue to get blown out - eventually roll up on this sexy Indian hipster chick. The asshole within arises to the surface. Although she had a BF - my brain is like yes I'm awesome.

Roll around, and run into this cute Ethiopian girl and pretty much hook with her strong eye contact. Start talking mad shit. She's from Denmark and her English is so-so. Her sister who seems to immediately sort of dismiss me introduces my girl to another dude. I just stick around because I know she's hooked. I stand in the same place, bored just chewing on my gum waiting for the chaos to disintegrate. Eventually I meet the sister. Take my girl to the bar, her sister follows. Bounce her into another part of the bar, my girl's sister goes and runs off to her BF. Just simple common logistical stuff. I'm finally relaxed and pop a boner! A little bit more comfort, figuring out logistics. I'm kissing on her ear and neck as we're sitting next to each other in this other room and she ain't objecting to it.

The logistics are messy - she's with her sister, her sister's BF's friend and her sis BF's friends at the bar. She's staying with her older sis who lives with her BF. I figure the best angle is to first yank her out. She objects. "My sister my sister". Second option - I tell her to tell her sister that we're going to another bar down the street. No go. While she does - her sis and her sis's BF drop the coats by my girl and ask her to watch them. I oversell the other bar and the fag of a BF goes "dude it's like 3:15 - all the bars close at 4". I wasn't quick enough here - i should have just lied and been like "yo its NYE, bars stay open till like 6am around here tonight, i know the owners its all good". Instead I'm just passive.

My girl wants to leave, I of course want to so she ends up giving the sis&bf their coats back. Her sis drags her away from me when she does this and chode BF dude follows.

I run off and hit up some other girls and am pretty witty and asshole-ish. It's like 3:45 and three other girls to me seem like their 5 minutes from being pulled by me. I decide to stick with the Ethiopian girl because despite her fucked up logistics I spent over an hour with her - so it seems most solid.

I go for the pull again by just straight trying to yank her out the club but she's like "my sister is going to threaten me". I'm like "we're just going to another bar". She objects. I should have just straight up yanked her out on some borderline rape shit.

Long story short, bar closes down - I'm outside still trying to pull - i grab my girl's . Her sis and the bf get in a heated argument, sis drags my girl away in anger.

And FUCK I don't pull.

Nights like this are why I play the game. I love these nights as much as the ones where you pull because the glory of being blown out by everyone and then everyone loving you again, that's some awesome awesome emotional shit. Just love that feeling of remembering you're awesome.

I'll most likely take the month off pimping to focus solely on school work and get closer to my main goal for 2013.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Back In This Bitch
Back In This Bitch

Feels good to be back in this bitch. I had to take a month off to focus solely on my purpose but it's without argument the best decision I've made. Spent a lot of time honing my craft and really impressed (the web app i built was considered the best out of 12) in my 5 month class which should lead to me securing a dev job by the end of the month. I'm going to be WAY more purpose-oriented this year - like David Deida says "a woman's role is to distract a man from his purpose". So true. Which is good because i will have way less bitch dependency ( I have what it takes to really make a lot of money, which I only want so I can do things like fuck bitches in other cities, do cooler shit, have cooler player threads and live a BOSS lifestyle.

My longest lay-off from the game had me reading about half of my FRs from last year and it's crazy how many wild nights I had last year and how I remember where I went and who the girls were (i went out 250 nights last year). For my other players who go out a lot, we never realize how much we go out and I recommend going thru your journal in your downtime or whenever.

Last year for me was insane and I'm gonna keep the chains moving.

Despite me being more focused on purpose this year, I think I'm going to fuck twice as many broads this year. Universe has a funny way of acting. If i bang 20 girls this year, I'll be a happy camper. I think it should happen easily as I'm really going to finesse this shit instead of going out and taking action. For me finesse means re-starting Manwhore's drills, reading up on some theory, working on my voice, furthering my understanding of text game (which is still poor), and last but not least starting to really pay attention to frame setting - and making sure I always have a strong ass pimp frame when dealing with these chicks... I wouldn't be like this without reading a bunch of some top pimp threads on RSD - looks like a lot of the top guys work on their game when they aren't in field. Just finding the time to do such things will be a luxury but what you get out of something is usually what you've put into it. And for the love of god, I need to keep a fuckin spreadsheet that helps me manage all the chicks I'm hitting up. I LOSE SO MANYYYY GIRLS when it comes to Day 2s. I probably pulled 20 girls last year, but only went on 4 dates which is woeful. Like really good sets and girls I like, I just literally forget to text/call them at an appropriate time.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Friday 02/01/13I decide to
Friday 02/01/13

I decide to stay in my neighborhood. Hit up a bunch of hipster bars solo around 1. First two bars, I'm coming off too edgy, too intense. No need to be forceful and force shit. Hit up a bunch of chicks. I end up beasting on a 5 and pop a boner, I'm sweating WOO!. I'm being retarded, cracking jokes about being a pedophile to random people. just silly shit. I still have slight AA, and I am visibly rusty. While I'm walking around I'm like fuckkkk I shouldn't have taken the month off! Fuckkkkk.

I hit up a tall cute chick w/bangs. We start dancing and being stupid and shit. Cute girl, we're having fun but I'm lacking that belief to take things sexual. Sets go like this for about 3:30.

Run into a 6, start flirting with her. She's intelligent, smart. Lots of witty banter, get her #. Starting to remember I'm cool. Decide to call it a night around 3:45.

Head outside and there's a cutie smoking a cig with a friend. At first she's ultra-dismissive. I plow and win her over - and her friend She ends up really loving me and gaming me. She makes mention of "I'm not going home with you but we can hang out later" and comes to # close me. I fall her into frame HARD instead of pushing it. I was getting "destroyed" for 2 hours so my ego at the time was happy that she was so into me and giving me validation. Looking back I wish I pushed it hard because her friend asked her TWICE if she was coming with her or not. Ahhh a golden opportunity lost. I should have really managed the situation and extended the fun times. At least by seeding to get something to eat or after party or something.

Saturday 02/02/13

Meet up with my homeboy Adi downtown. We've made it a goal this year to be serious with purpose and pimping. I roll in and I'm hitting up tons of chicks up tonight. Lots of birds. I can hold attention, but I'm losing chicks after 5 minutes. I guess lack of belief or authenticity. I'm kind of self-amusing for awhile as I'm hitting chicks up on some stupid shit, channeling this web series I really like on youTube of these 2 black dudes in LA by picking chicks up and shit. Need to hit the gym up btw and start doing curls and shit instead of cardio.

Shit's going meh for awhile for both of us. I dance and act stupid for like 20 minutes, just clowning around and shit. Eventually start hitting up chicks. It's going meh still. Finally run into this Danish blond, and I'm in my head. Instead of walking away, I start telling her i'm in my head and am authentic as fuck to the point where 10 minutes later I tell her "yes now I feel like I'm enough". Vibe out with her in a man to woman manner and after that shit starts hooking.

Run into this girl and her friends. Get up in her grill and she tells me I'm blatantly confident because I feel the need to be loved or something like that. Which i agree with and i love her for. She's really blunt and we have instant chemistry. I isolate and make out with her within minutes. Her friends come over and meet me. One of them is super sneaky and tells me that I'm the hottest guy around. Let the set breathe for a bit and have her and her friends eye fuck me as she tries to get guys to buy her drinks because I initially refuse to. Some of these young chicks are really savvy mann.

We end up grabbing a drink downstairs and I roll around the club w/her. An hour goes by - it's 3:30, I've realized we've stuck on each other like glue so this is the one I'm going to pull. She rolls around the venue to find her friends. Her friends have left. Okie dokes. Head up to grab her coat and she's busy texting her other friends so I dance around and flirt w/other girls and watch Adi and his hipster chick. I want to cut the shit and get down to fuck so i'm obviously not enjoying this period of time. I roll over to another couch and just sit back and tell her to join me. We sit down for a bit and she goes to the bathroom and I head to the bathroom and take a quick dump.

I grab my coat from coat check, she waits for me in the hotel lobby. We head over to the corner store and grab some grub. On the way there she talks about how she feels like she's known me forever and how much chemistry we have. In the store, she flirts w/other guys but I just play it cool and she eventually tells other guys how she likes me because I told her "I don't buy bitches drinks" even though I got her a drink.

Head into my car, I'm adamant about taking her back to my place. she says hell no to brooklyn several times. I drop her off to her place in the East Village. On the way there, I start driving extra fast. She's not amused by this at all but I just did it to spike emotions as well as create an unnecessary argument. I tell her I was driving fast because I had to pee which is how I can baby step it into her apartment. Get in and use the bathroom, she pours me some water. I roll into her messy room - which I don't care about. I regret not slamming her on her bed and making out w/her . Instead I sort of dilly-dally around in her room. Head out back on the couch. Make out here for a bit. She's visibly tired and slightly tipsy. She keeps saying "I need to go to bed, I need to get up early tomorrow morning". I end up grabbing her # on my way out.

Damn I should have tapped that. I didn't push it to the bitter end. It's ok no complaints. I will make the necessary mental adjustments. A pull is a win and it's not bad for my second night out after a month off.

Sunday (02/03/2013)

Head out to my homegirl's birthday brunch. Absolutely love this girl, easy-going fun chill lipstick lesbian that is always willing to hit it up with me when we go out.

As usual, I get there maddd fuckin late. Miss out on pretty much all the free food. I'm also starving btw. I'm too hungry to approach. Eventually something in my head references the Tyler video where he goes I hit it up hard even on an empty stomach. We're all cut from the same cloth so I know I can do that shit too.. Roll up on a bunch of chicks eventually and nothing of substance hits. But that's a win in my book - I took ACTION.

Mann I love being back.